NUS MBA orientation day one 31 July 18

2023-11-04 05:18
文章标签 18 31 day one mba nus orientation july

本文主要是介绍NUS MBA orientation day one 31 July 18,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


  • Summary
  • Day 1
  • Day 2,3,4,5


The 2018 NUS MBA orientation was from 31 July (Tuesday) to 04 Aug (Saturday) 2018. I am a part time student, it was only required to attend the first day, the rest four days were not compulsory but strongly encourages to participate. As I need to take leave to join the orientation activity, I was there only on day 1.

Basically the orientation day is the first day of MBA journey, and it was a introduction to NUS MBA experience.

Day 1

The registration was at MRB (Mochtar Riady Building), breakfast and lunch were provided,

NUS orientation

After registration, one bag pack was provided, a lot of stuff included inside the bag,

Bag pack provided

Name tag of the bag pack,
Name tag

Mobile phone partner,
Mobile phone partner

Name tag

name tag

Old and new friends


Welcome from the Dean Professor Bernard Yeung.


Back pack

Student cards, name tent,
Student card

Part time MBA industries distribution,

Q&A session,

Guided tour,
Guided tour

Q&A session, Professor Nitin Pangarkar, Lillian, etc.


Group photo,
Group photo

Day 2,3,4,5

I didn’t go to Day 2,3,4,5.
Day 2, GSS (Graduate Studies Society), MBA students Council & Clubs. Complimentary City Tour of Singapore, MBA Network Dinner.
Day 3, Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library & Centre for Asset Management Research & Investments (CAMRI) Tour. Students Pass Processing for international students.
Day 4, 5: 2 Day Team building and Adventure Programme.

这篇关于NUS MBA orientation day one 31 July 18的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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