高斯金字塔 拉普拉斯金字塔_金字塔制造者

2023-10-28 16:20

本文主要是介绍高斯金字塔 拉普拉斯金字塔_金字塔制造者,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

高斯金字塔 拉普拉斯金字塔

Recursion is beautiful, and when applied in combination it is truly a form of art. In this story, we are going to implement an interesting algorithm to create pyramids with recursion.

递归是美丽的,结合使用它确实是一种艺术形式。 在这个故事中,我们将实现一个有趣的算法来创建具有递归的金字塔。

Ancient civilizations around the world have built giant pyramids for worship and other holy purposes. The most famous, perhaps, are the pyramids built by the Egyptians. These huge structures are built with white, limestone surfaces so that they appear to be shining when seen from a distance. They are so magnificent, in fact, that many people today still believe that they were built by the aliens. So, today we are going to build them in code with recursion. It is very fitting.

世界各地的古代文明都建造了巨型金字塔,以供崇拜和其他神圣用途。 也许最著名的是埃及人建造的金字塔。 这些巨大的建筑物是用白色石灰石表面建造的,因此从远处看时它们看起来像是在发光。 实际上,它们是如此的宏伟,以至于当今许多人仍然相信它们是由外星人建造的。 因此,今天我们将使用递归代码构建它们。 非常合适。

问题: (Problem:)

Suppose I am given a base like this:


[a, b, c ]


and that the following triangles are allowed:


[aab, bdc, bad]


what kind of pyramids can I create?


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Base = abc, Allows = [abb, bdc, bad]
基本= abc,允许= [abb,bdc,坏]

Shown above is a valid pyramid that can be built with the specifications given. The base is [a, b, c], and there are 3 triangles in this pyramid:

上面显示的是可以使用给定规格构建的有效金字塔。 底数为[a,b,c],此金字塔中有3个三角形:

from bottom to top: [abb, bdc, bad]


They are all in the allowed triangles.


What if I add one more allowed triangle: acb?


Well, if you did that you could get into this situation:


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Unfinished Pyramid

But there’s no way for you to complete the pyramid, because there is no allowed triangle that satisfies: c*d.

但是您无法完成金字塔,因为没有允许的三角形满足:c * d。

But if you add yet one more allowed triangle: cad


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Base = abc, Allows = [abb, bdc, bad, acb, cad]
基本= abc,允许= [abb,bdc,坏,acb,cad]

Then you can complete a new pyramid!


解决: (Solve:)

行制造商: (Row Maker:)

How do we go about creating all of the possible pyramids from a base, [a, b, c], and a set of allowed triangles, [abb, bdc, bad, acb, cad]?


I think it’s clear that you’ll have to loop through each pair of base nodes, [ab, bc], and create the next rows of the pyramids (that would be [b, d] and [c, d]). So let’s do that.

我认为很明显,您必须遍历每对基本节点[ab,bc],并创建金字塔的下一行(即[b,d]和[c,d])。 因此,让我们这样做。

Starting with ab, we check what are the allowed triangles with base ab. That would be: [abb, acb], at this point it’s clear that there are at least two possible combinations of next row, so how do you proceed to find all of them? Well, what we could do is recursively find the next row for the remaining base: [b, c], and then append the solutions to that to each of the possible first triangle. In this case the solutions to [b, c] is simple, there is only one: [bdc], so we append this solution to the two possible solutions to the first triangle ([abb, acb]), and contruct the two possible next row: ([b, d], [c, d])

从ab开始,我们检查以ab为基础的三角形是什么。 那应该是:[abb,acb],这时很显然下一行至少有两种可能的组合,那么如何继续查找所有这些呢? 好吧,我们可以做的是递归地找到剩余基数的下一行:[b,c],然后将解决方案附加到每个可能的第一个三角形上。 在这种情况下,[b,c]的解很简单,只有一个:[bdc],因此我们将此解附加到第一个三角形的两个可能解中([abb,acb]),并构造两个可能的解下一行:([b,d],[c,d])

def row_maker(bottom, allows):

if len(bottom) <= 1:
return [bottom]

def get_allowed(pair):

allowed = []
for allow in allows:
if allow[0] == pair[0] and allow[-1] == pair[-1]:

return allowed

allowed = get_allowed(bottom[:2])
if len(bottom) == 2:
return allowed

substrings = row_maker(bottom[1:], allows)
res = []
for allow in allowed:
for substring in substrings:
res.append(allow + substring)

return resbase = 'abc'
allows = ['abb', 'bdc', 'bad', 'acb', 'cad']

row_maker(base, allows)
# ['bd', 'cd']

Now that we have the next row maker function, we still need to construct the pyramid.


金字塔制作器: (Pyramid Maker:)

In order to do that, again we start with the base [a, b, c], find the next rows: [b,d], [c, d], then for each of the next rows we again recursively find their respective next rows: [a], [a], and combine them into the final solutions:


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Solutions for Base = abc, Allows = [abb, bdc, bad, acb, cad]
Base = abc,Allows = [abb,bdc,bad,acb,cad]的解决方案
def pyramid_maker(bottom, allows):

if len(bottom) <= 1:
return [[bottom]]

rows = row_maker(bottom, allows)

res = []
for row in rows:
res = res + pyramid_maker(row, allows)

res = [[bottom] + s for s in res]

return resbase = 'abc'
allows = ['abb', 'bdc', 'bad', 'acb', 'cad']

res = pyramid_maker(base, allows)
# [['abc', 'bd', 'a'], ['abc', 'cd', 'a']]

Isn’t it wonderful?


复杂: (Complexity:)

Before we go for dinner, what is the complexity of this algorithm?


Let’s start with row_maker, in order to make the next row you are looping through every character of the current row, so that’s O(n) where n is the length of base.


Moving onto the pyramid_maker. In it, you first call row_maker to get all of the possible rows, if allows is size m, the maximum number of possible rows returned are m^(n-1) and for each of those rows you call pyramid_maker again, until the returned rows are length 1. so the total number of operations are m^(n-1) * m^(n-2) * … * m¹ = m^(n(n-1)/2)

移动到pyramid_maker。 在其中,您首先调用row_maker以获取所有可能的行,如果允许的大小为m,则返回的最大可能行数为m ^(n-1),对于这些行中的每一行,您再次调用pyramid_maker,直到返回行的长度为1。因此操作总数为m ^(n-1)* m ^(n-2)*…*m¹= m ^(n(n-1)/ 2)

The maximum complexity is actually:



O(m ^(n²))

That’s a pretty large number… but it’s really only for special cases where all the characters in the pyramid and allows are identical, so don’t worry too much about it!


艺术时间! (Art Time!)

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Base = faye, Allows = [fya, afy, fay, ayf, yfa, yaf, yae, yea, eay, eya, aye, aey]
基数= faye,允许= [fya,afy,fay,ayf,yfa,yaf,yae,是,eay,eya,aye,aey]

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/pyramid-maker-1d5b13ab9b67

高斯金字塔 拉普拉斯金字塔



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