本文主要是介绍智能网联汽车Connected-Automated Vehicle(CAV)领域缩略语表,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
你可以搜索 CAV 相关的缩略语by CAVLab(https://zolty.gitee.io/cavlab/).
AVW | Abnormal Vehicle Warning | 异常车辆预警 |
BSW-LCW | Blind Spot Warning-Lane Change Warning | 盲区预警-变道辅助 |
C-ITS | cooperative intelligent transportation system | 合作式智能运输系统 |
C-V2X | Cellular-V2X | 蜂窝车联网 |
CACC | Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control | 协作式自适应巡航 |
CAV | Connected-Automated Vehicle | 智能网联汽车 |
CLW | Control Loss Warning | 车辆失控预警 |
DNPW | Do Not Pass Warning | 逆向超车预警 |
EBW | Emergency Brake Warning | 紧急制动预警 |
EVW | Emergency Vehicle Warning | 紧急车辆提醒 |
FCW | Forward Collision Warning | 前向碰撞预警 |
FCW | Forward Collision Warning | 前向碰撞预警 |
GLOSA | Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory | 绿波车速引导 |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System | 全球导航卫星系统 |
HLW | Hazardous Location Warning | 道路危险状况提示 |
HSM | Hardware Security Module | 硬件安全模块 |
ICW | Intersection Collision Warning | 交叉路口碰撞预警 |
ICW | Intersection Collision Warning | 交叉路口碰撞预警 |
ITS | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 智能运通系统 |
IVS | In-Vehicle Signage | 车内标牌 |
LTA | Left Turn Assist | 左转辅助 |
OBU | On board unit | 车载单元 |
OMC | Operation and Maintenance Center | 操作维护中心 |
RLVW | Red Light Violation Warning | 闯红灯预警 |
RTK | Real-Time Kinematic | 实时动态 |
SLW | Speed Limit Warning | 限速预警 |
TJW | Traffic Jam Warning | 前方拥堵提醒 |
V2X | vehicle to everything | 车联网 |
VNFP | Vehicle Near-Field Payment | 汽车近场支付 |
VRUCW | Vulnerable Road User Collision Warning | 弱势交通参与者碰撞预警 |
这篇关于智能网联汽车Connected-Automated Vehicle(CAV)领域缩略语表的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!