因此,通过增加LSTM层来改进DQN架构,以更好地理解先前信息。在DQN架构中,用LSTM RNN替代第一个后卷积全连接层。通过这种方式,还可以解决部分可观测问题,因为现在的智能体具有记忆过去状态的能力,从而可以改进策略。
与DQN非常类似,只是用LSTM RNN替代了第一个后卷积全连接层
这时,将游戏画面作为卷积层的输入。卷积层对图像进行卷积运算,并产生特征图。然后,所得到的特征图传递到LSTM层。LSTM层具有保存信息的记忆功能。在LSTM层保留有关先前游戏状态的重要信息,并根据需要随时间更新其记忆。经过一个全连接层后输出Q值。因此,与DQN不同,无需直接估计 Q ( s t , a t ) Q(s_t,a_t) Q(st,at),而是估计 Q ( h t , a t ) Q(h_t,a_t) Q(ht,at),其中, h t h_t ht是由网络在上一时间步返回的输入,即 h t = L S T M ( h t − 1 , a t ) h_t=LSTM(h_{t-1},a_t) ht=LSTM(ht−1,at)。由于是使用RNN,因此是通过基于时间的反向传播来训练网络的。
from vizdoom import *
import random
import time
game = DoomGame()
shoot = [0, 0, 1]
left = [1, 0, 0]
right = [0, 1, 0]
actions = [shoot, left, right]
no_of_episodes = 10for i in range(no_of_episodes): # for each episode start the gamegame.new_episode()# loop until the episode is overwhile not game.is_episode_finished():# get the game statestate = game.get_state()img = state.screen_buffer# get the game variablesmisc = state.game_variables# perform some action randomly and receuve reward 执行某一随机的行为并且获得奖励reward = game.make_action(random.choice(actions)) print(reward)# we will set some time before starting the next epiosdetime.sleep(2)
First let us import all necessary libraries
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import math
from vizdoom import *
import timeit
import math
import os
import sys
接下来,定义function get_input_shape 函数来计算经卷积层卷积运算后输入图像的最终形式:
def get_input_shape(Image,Filter,Stride):layer1 = math.ceil(((Image - Filter + 1) / Stride)) o1 = math.ceil((layer1 / Stride)) layer2 = math.ceil(((o1 - Filter + 1) / Stride)) o2 = math.ceil((layer2 / Stride)) layer3 = math.ceil(((o2 - Filter + 1) / Stride)) o3 = math.ceil((layer3 / Stride))return int(o3)
class DRQN():def __init__(self, input_shape, num_actions, inital_learning_rate):# first, we initialize all the hyperparameters(超参数)self.tfcast_type = tf.float32# shape of our input which would be (length, width, channels)(长度、宽度、通道)self.input_shape = input_shape# number of actions in the environmentself.num_actions = num_actions# learning rate for the neural networkself.learning_rate = inital_learning_rate# now we will define the hyperparameters of the convolutional neural network# filter size 滤波器的大小self.filter_size = 5# number of filters 滤波器的个数self.num_filters = [16, 32, 64]# stride size 步幅大小self.stride = 2# pool size 池化层大小self.poolsize = 2# shape of our convolutional layer 卷积层形状self.convolution_shape = get_input_shape(input_shape[0], self.filter_size, self.stride) * get_input_shape(input_shape[1], self.filter_size, self.stride) * self.num_filters[2]# now we define the hyperparameters of our recurrent neural network and the final feed forward layer 定义RNN和最后前馈层的超参数# number of neuronsself.cell_size = 100# number of hidden layersself.hidden_layer = 50# drop out probabilityself.dropout_probability = [0.3, 0.2]# hyperparameters for optimization 优化超参数self.loss_decay_rate = 0.96self.loss_decay_steps = 180# initialize all the variables for the CNN 初始化CNN所有变量# we initialize the placeholder for input whose shape would be (length, width, channel) 初始化形式为(长度、宽度、通道)的输入占位符self.input = tf.placeholder(shape=(self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]), dtype=self.tfcast_type)# we will also initialize the shape of the target vector whose shape is equal to the number of actions 初始化目标向量的形式,其形式与行为个数相同 self.target_vector = tf.placeholder(shape=(self.num_actions, 1), dtype=self.tfcast_type)# initialize feature maps for our corresponding 3 filters 初始化3个滤波器对应的特征图self.features1 = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.random.rand(self.filter_size, self.filter_size, input_shape[2], self.num_filters[0]),dtype = self.tfcast_type)self.features2 = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.random.rand(self.filter_size, self.filter_size, self.num_filters[0], self.num_filters[1]),dtype = self.tfcast_type)self.features3 = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.random.rand(self.filter_size, self.filter_size, self.num_filters[1], self.num_filters[2]),dtype = self.tfcast_type)# initialize variables for RNN# recall how RNN works from chapter 7self.h = tf.Variable(initial_value=np.zeros((1, self.cell_size)), dtype = self.tfcast_type)# hidden to hidden weight matrix 隐层到隐层的权重矩阵self.rW = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.random.uniform(low = -np.sqrt(6. / (self.convolution_shape + self.cell_size)),high = np.sqrt(6. / (self.convolution_shape + self.cell_size)),size = (self.convolution_shape, self.cell_size)),dtype = self.tfcast_type)# input to hidden weight matrix 输入层到隐层的权重矩阵self.rU = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.random.uniform(low = -np.sqrt(6. / (2 * self.cell_size)),high = np.sqrt(6. / (2 * self.cell_size)),size = (self.cell_size, self.cell_size)),dtype = self.tfcast_type)# hiddent to output weight matrix 隐层到输出层的权重矩阵self.rV = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.random.uniform(low = -np.sqrt(6. / (2 * self.cell_size)),high = np.sqrt(6. / (2 * self.cell_size)),size = (self.cell_size, self.cell_size)),dtype = self.tfcast_type)# bias self.rb = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.zeros(self.cell_size), dtype = self.tfcast_type)self.rc = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.zeros(self.cell_size), dtype = self.tfcast_type)# initialize weights and bias of feed forward network 初始化前馈网络的权重和偏置# weightsself.fW = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.random.uniform(low = -np.sqrt(6. / (self.cell_size + self.num_actions)),high = np.sqrt(6. / (self.cell_size + self.num_actions)),size = (self.cell_size, self.num_actions)),dtype = self.tfcast_type)# biasself.fb = tf.Variable(initial_value = np.zeros(self.num_actions), dtype = self.tfcast_type)# learning rateself.step_count = tf.Variable(initial_value = 0, dtype = self.tfcast_type)self.learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(self.learning_rate,self.step_count,self.loss_decay_steps,self.loss_decay_steps,staircase = False)# now let us build the network# first convolutional layerself.conv1 = tf.nn.conv2d(input = tf.reshape(self.input, shape = (1, self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2])), filter = self.features1, strides = [1, self.stride, self.stride, 1], padding = "VALID")self.relu1 = tf.nn.relu(self.conv1)self.pool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(self.relu1, ksize = [1, self.poolsize, self.poolsize, 1], strides = [1, self.stride, self.stride, 1], padding = "SAME")# second convolutional layerself.conv2 = tf.nn.conv2d(input = self.pool1, filter = self.features2, strides = [1, self.stride, self.stride, 1], padding = "VALID")self.relu2 = tf.nn.relu(self.conv2)self.pool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(self.relu2, ksize = [1, self.poolsize, self.poolsize, 1], strides = [1, self.stride, self.stride, 1], padding = "SAME")# third convolutional layerself.conv3 = tf.nn.conv2d(input = self.pool2, filter = self.features3, strides = [1, self.stride, self.stride, 1], padding = "VALID")self.relu3 = tf.nn.relu(self.conv3)self.pool3 = tf.nn.max_pool(self.relu3, ksize = [1, self.poolsize, self.poolsize, 1], strides = [1, self.stride, self.stride, 1], padding = "SAME")# add dropout and reshape the input 添加dropout并重新整理输入self.drop1 = tf.nn.dropout(self.pool3, self.dropout_probability[0])self.reshaped_input = tf.reshape(self.drop1, shape = [1, -1])# now we build recurrent neural network which takes the input from the last layer of convolutional network 构建RNN,输入来自于卷积网络的最后一层self.h = tf.tanh(tf.matmul(self.reshaped_input, self.rW) + tf.matmul(self.h, self.rU) + self.rb)self.o = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(self.h, self.rV) + self.rc)# add drop out to RNN 对RNN添加退出self.drop2 = tf.nn.dropout(self.o, self.dropout_probability[1])# we feed the result of RNN to the feed forward layer 将RNN的结果馈入前馈层self.output = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(self.drop2, self.fW) + self.fb, shape = [-1, 1])self.prediction = tf.argmax(self.output)# compute loss 计算损失self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.target_vector - self.output))# we use Adam optimizer for minimizing the errorself.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate)# compute gradients of the loss and update the gradientsself.gradients = self.optimizer.compute_gradients(self.loss)self.update = self.optimizer.apply_gradients(self.gradients)self.parameters = (self.features1, self.features2, self.features3,self.rW, self.rU, self.rV, self.rb, self.rc,self.fW, self.fb)
class ExperienceReplay():def __init__(self, buffer_size):# buffer for holding the transistion 保存转移信息的缓存self.buffer = [] # size of the buffer 缓存大小self.buffer_size = buffer_size# we remove the old transistion if buffer size has reached it's limit. Think off the buffer as a queue when new# one comes, old one goes off 若缓存达到最大容量,将删除旧的缓存信息。将缓存看成一个队列,先进先出def appendToBuffer(self, memory_tuplet):if len(self.buffer) > self.buffer_size: for i in range(len(self.buffer) - self.buffer_size):self.buffer.remove(self.buffer[0]) self.buffer.append(memory_tuplet) # define a function called sample for sampling some random n number of transistions 定义一个sample函数来随机采样n个转移信息def sample(self, n):memories = []for i in range(n):memory_index = np.random.randint(0, len(self.buffer)) memories.append(self.buffer[memory_index])return memories
定义train函数来训练网络 :
def train(num_episodes, episode_length, learning_rate, scenario="deathmatch.cfg", map_path='map02', render=False):# discount parameter for Q-value computation Q值计算的折扣参数discount_factor = .99# frequency for updating the experience in the buffer 缓存中经验信息的更新频率update_frequency = 5store_frequency = 50# for printing the output 打印输出print_frequency = 1000# initialize variables for storing total rewards and total loss 初始化保存总奖励和总损失的变量total_reward = 0total_loss = 0old_q_value = 0# initialize lists for storing the episodic rewards and losses 初始化保存情景奖励和损失的列表rewards = []losses = []# okay, now let us get to the action!# first, we initialize our doomgame environmentgame = DoomGame()# specify the path where our scenario file is located 指定场景文件的存放路径game.set_doom_scenario_path(scenario)# specify the path of map file 指定地图文件的路径game.set_doom_map(map_path)# then we set screen resolution and screen format 设置屏幕分辨率和屏幕的格式game.set_screen_resolution(ScreenResolution.RES_256X160)game.set_screen_format(ScreenFormat.RGB24)# we can add particles and effetcs we needed by simply setting them to true or false 通过简单的设置True或者False来添加所需的粒子和效果game.set_render_hud(False)game.set_render_minimal_hud(False)game.set_render_crosshair(False)game.set_render_weapon(True)game.set_render_decals(False)game.set_render_particles(False)game.set_render_effects_sprites(False)game.set_render_messages(False)game.set_render_corpses(False)game.set_render_screen_flashes(True)# now we will specify buttons that should be available to the agent 设置智能体可用的按钮game.add_available_button(Button.MOVE_LEFT)game.add_available_button(Button.MOVE_RIGHT)game.add_available_button(Button.TURN_LEFT)game.add_available_button(Button.TURN_RIGHT)game.add_available_button(Button.MOVE_FORWARD)game.add_available_button(Button.MOVE_BACKWARD)game.add_available_button(Button.ATTACK)# 在此再添加一个称为delta按钮。上述按钮只能类似于键盘按键,仅具有布尔值。delta按钮将模拟鼠标,具有正负值,这将在探索环境时非常有用game.add_available_button(Button.TURN_LEFT_RIGHT_DELTA, 90)game.add_available_button(Button.LOOK_UP_DOWN_DELTA, 90)# initialize an array for actions 初始化行为数组actions = np.zeros((game.get_available_buttons_size(), game.get_available_buttons_size()))count = 0for i in actions:i[count] = 1count += 1actions = actions.astype(int).tolist()# then we add the game variables, ammo, health, and killcount 添加游戏变量:弹药、生命力和杀死怪兽个数game.add_available_game_variable(GameVariable.AMMO0)game.add_available_game_variable(GameVariable.HEALTH)game.add_available_game_variable(GameVariable.KILLCOUNT)# 设置episode_timeout,在经过一些时间步之后终止情景。# 另外,还设置episode_start_time,这对于省略初始事件非常有用game.set_episode_timeout(6 * episode_length)game.set_episode_start_time(10)game.set_window_visible(render)# 通过设置 set_sound_enable to true为真,可以播放声音 game.set_sound_enabled(False)game.set_sound_enabled(False)# we set living reward to 0 which the agent for each move it does even though the move is not useful# 设存活奖励为0,用于奖励智能体的每次移动,即使该移动无用game.set_living_reward(0)# doom有效具有不同模式,如玩家、观众、非同步玩家、非同步观众# 在观众模式下,是人来操作,而智能体进行学习# 在玩家模式下,智能体将真正玩游戏,因此,在此采用玩家模式game.set_mode(Mode.PLAYER)# okay, So now we, initialize the game environmentgame.init()# 创建一个DRQN类的实例,并创建行为者和目标DRQN网络actionDRQN = DRQN((160, 256, 3), game.get_available_buttons_size() - 2, learning_rate)targetDRQN = DRQN((160, 256, 3), game.get_available_buttons_size() - 2, learning_rate)# 另外,还需创建一个ExperienceReplay类的实例,其缓存大小为1000experiences = ExperienceReplay(1000)# 保存模型saver = tf.train.Saver({v.name: v for v in actionDRQN.parameters}, max_to_keep = 1)# now let us start the training process# 初始化从经验缓存中采样和在经验缓存中保存转移信息的变量sample = 5store = 50# start the tensorflow session(会话)with tf.Session() as sess:# initialize all tensorflow variablessess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())for episode in range(num_episodes):# start the new episodegame.new_episode()# play the episode till it reaches the episode lengthfor frame in range(episode_length):# get the game statestate = game.get_state()s = state.screen_buffer# select the actiona = actionDRQN.prediction.eval(feed_dict = {actionDRQN.input: s})[0]action = actions[a]# perform the action and store the rewardreward = game.make_action(action)# update total rewadtotal_reward += reward# if the episode is over then breakif game.is_episode_finished():break# store transistion to our experience buffer 将转移信息保存到经验缓存中if (frame % store) == 0:experiences.appendToBuffer((s, action, reward))# sample experience form the experience buffer 从经验缓存中采样经验if (frame % sample) == 0:memory = experiences.sample(1)mem_frame = memory[0][0]mem_reward = memory[0][2]# now, train the networkQ1 = actionDRQN.output.eval(feed_dict = {actionDRQN.input: mem_frame})Q2 = targetDRQN.output.eval(feed_dict = {targetDRQN.input: mem_frame})# set learning ratelearning_rate = actionDRQN.learning_rate.eval()# calculate Q valueQtarget = old_q_value + learning_rate * (mem_reward + discount_factor * Q2 - old_q_value)# update old Q valueold_q_value = Qtarget# compute Lossloss = actionDRQN.loss.eval(feed_dict = {actionDRQN.target_vector: Qtarget, actionDRQN.input: mem_frame})# update total losstotal_loss += loss# update both networksactionDRQN.update.run(feed_dict = {actionDRQN.target_vector: Qtarget, actionDRQN.input: mem_frame})targetDRQN.update.run(feed_dict = {targetDRQN.target_vector: Qtarget, targetDRQN.input: mem_frame})rewards.append((episode, total_reward))losses.append((episode, total_loss))print("Episode %d - Reward = %.3f, Loss = %.3f." % (episode, total_reward, total_loss))total_reward = 0total_loss = 0
train(num_episodes = 10000, episode_length = 300, learning_rate = 0.01, render = False)