Codeforces1182F Maximum Sine (类欧几里得)

2023-10-06 13:18

本文主要是介绍Codeforces1182F Maximum Sine (类欧几里得),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

f ( x ) = abs ( sin ( p q π x ) ) f(x) = \text{abs}(\text{sin}(\frac{p}{q} \pi x)) f(x)=abs(sin(qpπx))
求整数x在[a,b]之间 f x f_x fx最大值
首先sin非常不友善,我们发现这题可以转化为求 p x q \frac{px}{q} qpx最接近 k + 1 2 k+\frac {1}{2} k+21 x x x
p ⋅ x m o d q p\cdot x \ mod \ q px mod q 最接近 q 2 \frac{q}{2} 2q
同时乘2,得 2 p ⋅ x m o d 2 q 2p\cdot x \ mod \ 2q 2px mod 2q 最接近 q q q
考虑转化为可行性问题,二分mid,则问题转化为是否存在x使得 2 p ⋅ x m o d 2 q 2p\cdot x \ mod \ 2q 2px mod 2q [ q − m i d , q + m i d ] [q-mid,q+mid] [qmid,q+mid]上有取值
问题等价于求 ∑ x = a b ⌊ p x − l q ⌋ − ⌊ p x − r − 1 q ⌋ \sum_{x=a}^b\lfloor\frac{px-l}{q}\rfloor - \lfloor\frac{px-r-1}{q}\rfloor x=abqpxlqpxr1是否大于0其中 l = q − m i d , r = q + m i d l=q-mid,r=q+mid l=qmid,r=q+mid
用类欧几里得 f x f_x fx求解即可

using namespace std;
typedef long long ll; 
int t;
int a,b,p,q;
ll gcd(int n,int a,int b,int c)
{//cout<<n<<" "<<a<<" "<<b<<" "<<c<<endl;if(n==-1)return 0;if(a==0)return 1ll*(b/c)*(n+1);if(a>=c||b>=c){return 1ll*n*(n+1)/2*(a/c)+1ll*(n+1)*(b/c)+gcd(n,a%c,b%c,c);}ll m=(1ll*a*n+b)/c-1;//cout<<m<<" "<<c<<" "<<c-b-1<<" "<<a<<"fdsafsdfsa"<<endl;return 1ll*n*(m+1)-gcd(m,c,c-b-1,a);
ll sum(int x,int y,int a,int b,int c)
{return gcd(y,a,b,c)-gcd(x-1,a,b,c);
bool check(int l,int r)
{return sum(a,b,p,q-l,q)-sum(a,b,p,q-r-1,q)>0?1:0;
void exgcd(int a,int b,ll &x,ll &y)
{if(b==0){x=1;y=0;return ;}exgcd(b,a%b,y,x);y-=a/b*x;
ll sol(int p,int q,int a,int b,int t)
{int gc=__gcd(p,q);if(t%gc)return 1e18;p /= gc, q /= gc, t /= gc;ll x, y;exgcd(p, q, x, y);//cout<<x<<" "<<y<<endl;x *= t, y *= t;x += 1ll * (a - x) / q * q;while(x < a) x += q;while(x - q >= a) x -= q;if(x > b) return 1e18;return x;  
void solve()
{scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&p,&q);p*=2,q*=2;int l=0,r=q/2;while(l<r-1){int mid=l+r>>1;//cout<<mid<<endl;if(check(q/2-mid,q/2+mid))r=mid;else l=mid;}//cout<<"gfdgdsf"<<endl;long long ans;if(check(q/2-l,q/2+l))ans=l;else ans=r;printf("%lld\n",min(sol(p,q,a,b,q/2-ans),sol(p,q,a,b,q/2+ans)));
int main()
{scanf("%d",&t);while(t--){solve();}return 0;

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