三色标记(Tri-color marking)

2024-09-09 04:32
文章标签 标记 color tri marking

本文主要是介绍三色标记(Tri-color marking),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




Because of these performance problems, most modern tracing garbage collectors implement some variant of the tri-color marking abstraction, but simple collectors (such as the mark-and-sweep collector) often do not make this abstraction explicit. Tri-color marking works as described below.

Three sets are created – white, black and gray:

  • The white set, or condemned set, is the set of objects that are candidates for having their memory recycled.
  • The black set is the set of objects that can be shown to have no outgoing references to objects in the white set, and to be reachable from the roots. Objects in the black set are not candidates for collection.
  • The gray set contains all objects reachable from the roots but yet to be scanned for references to “white” objects. Since they are known to be reachable from the roots, they cannot be garbage-collected and will end up in the black set after being scanned.

In many algorithms, initially the black set starts as empty, the gray set is the set of objects which are directly referenced from roots and the white set includes all other objects. Every object in memory is at all times in exactly one of the three sets. The algorithm proceeds as following:

  1. Pick an object from the gray set and move it to the black set.
  2. Move each white object it references to the gray set. This ensures that neither this object nor any object it references can be garbage-collected.
  3. Repeat the last two steps until the gray set is empty.

When the gray set is empty, the scan is complete; the black objects are reachable from the roots, while the white objects are not and can be garbage-collected.

Since all objects not immediately reachable from the roots are added to the white set, and objects can only move from white to gray and from gray to black, the algorithm preserves an important invariant – no black objects reference white objects. This ensures that the white objects can be freed once the gray set is empty. This is called the tri-color invariant. Some variations on the algorithm do not preserve this invariant but use a modified form for which all the important properties hold.

The tri-color method has an important advantage – it can be performed “on-the-fly”, without halting the system for significant periods of time. This is accomplished by marking objects as they are allocated and during mutation, maintaining the various sets. By monitoring the size of the sets, the system can perform garbage collection periodically, rather than as needed. Also, the need to touch the entire working set on each cycle is avoided.

An example of tri-color marking on a heap with 8 objects.  White, grey, and black objects are represented by light-grey, yellow, and blue, respectively.
An example of tri-color marking on a heap with 8 objects. White, grey, and black objects are represented by light-grey, yellow, and blue, respectively.



三组被创建 ——白色,黑色和灰色:

  • 白色集合,或废弃集合,是候选对象的集合,它们的内存将被回收。
  • 黑色集合是没有引用到白色集合的对象集合,并且可以从根开始访问到。黑色集合中的对象不是集合的候选对象。
  • 灰色集合全部是根结点可到达的对象,但是存在尚未扫描到的“白色”对象的引用。由于已知从根可以到达它们,所以它们不能被垃圾收集,在被扫描后会在黑色集合中结束。


  1. 从灰色集合中选择一个对象,并将其移动到黑色集合中。
  2. 将它引用的每个白色对象移动到灰色集合中。这可以确保该对象和它引用的任何对象都不会被垃圾收集。
  3. 重复上面两个步骤,直到灰色集合为空。




An example of tri-color marking on a heap with 8 objects.  White, grey, and black objects are represented by light-grey, yellow, and blue, respectively.



Tricolor Marking


The abstraction of tricolor marking is helpful in understanding incremental garbage collection. Garbage collection algorithms can be described as a process of traversing the graph of reachable objects and coloring them. The objects subject to garbage collection are conceptually colored white, and by the end of collection, those that will be retained must be colored black. When there are no reachable nodes left to blacken, the traversal of live data structures is finished.


In a simple mark-sweep collector,this coloring is directly implemented by setting mark bits, objects whose bit is set are black. In a copy collector, this is the process of moving objects from fromspace to tospace, unreached objects in fromspace are considered white, and objects moved to tospace are considered black. The abstraction of coloring is orthogonal to the distinction between marking and copying collectors, and is important for understanding the basic differences between incremental collectors.


In incremental collectors, the intermediate states of the coloring traversal are important, because of ongoing mutator activity, the mutator can’t be allowed to change things “behind the collector’s back” in such a way that the collector will fail to find all reachable objects.


To understand and prevent such interactions between the mutator and the collector, it is useful to introduce a third color, gray, to signify that an object has been reached by the traversal, but that its descendants may not have been. That is, as the traversal proceeds outward from the roots, objects are initially colored gray. When they are scanned and pointers to their offspring are traversed, they are blackened and the offspring are colored gray.


In a copying collector, the gray objects are the objects in the unscanned area of tospace, if a Cheney breadth-first traversal is used, that’s the objects between the scan and free pointers. In a mark-sweep collector, the gray objects correspond to the stack or queue of objects used to control the marking traversal, and the black objects are the ones that have been removed from the queue. In both cases, objects that have not been reached yet are white.


Intuitively, the traversal proceeds in a wavefront of gray objects, which separates the white (unreached) objects from the black objects that have been passed by the wave, that is, there are no pointers directly from black objects to white ones. This abstracts away from the particulars of the traversal algorithm, it may be depth-first, breadth-first, or just about any kind of exhaustive traversal. It is only important that a well-defined gray fringe be identifiable, and that the mutator preserve the invariant that no black object hold a pointer directly to a white object.


The importance of this invariant is that the collector must be able to assume that it is “finished with” black objects, and can continue to traverse gray objects and move the wavefront forward. If the mutator creates a pointer from a black object to a white one, it must somehow notify the collector that its assumption has been violated. This ensures that the collector’s book-keeping is brought up to date.


Figure 7 demonstrates this need for coordination. Suppose the object A has been completely scanned (and therefore blackened); its descendants have been reached and grayed. Now suppose that the mutator swaps the pointer from A to C with the pointer from B to D. The only pointer to D is now in a field of A, which the collector has already scanned. If the traversal continues without any coordination, B will be blackened, C will be reached again (from B), and D will never be reached at all, and hence will be erroneously deemed garbage and reclaimed.





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