本文主要是介绍DataWhale AI夏令营 2024大运河杯-数据开发应用创新赛-task3,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
DataWhale AI夏令营 2024大运河杯-数据开发应用创新赛
- 数据增强
- 数据收集
- 打标签
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2023-04-01 9:08
@author: Fan yi ming
Func: 对于目标检测的数据增强[YOLO](特点是数据增强后标签也要更改)
注意: boxes的标签和坐标一个是int,一个是float,存放的时候要注意处理方式。
import torch
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
from PIL import ImageFileImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True
from torchvision import transforms
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import randomrandom.seed(0)class DataAugmentationOnDetection:def __init__(self):super(DataAugmentationOnDetection, self).__init__()# 以下的几个参数类型中,image的类型全部如下类型# 参数类型: image:Image.open(path)def resize_keep_ratio(self, image, boxes, target_size):"""参数类型: image:Image.open(path), boxes:Tensor, target_size:int功能:将图像缩放到size尺寸,调整相应的boxes,同时保持长宽比(最长的边是target size"""old_size = image.size[0:2] # 原始图像大小# 取最小的缩放比例ratio = min(float(target_size) / (old_size[i]) for i in range(len(old_size))) # 计算原始图像宽高与目标图像大小的比例,并取其中的较小值new_size = tuple([int(i * ratio) for i in old_size]) # 根据上边求得的比例计算在保持比例前提下得到的图像大小# boxes 不用变化,因为是等比例变化return image.resize(new_size, Image.BILINEAR), boxesdef resizeDown_keep_ratio(self, image, boxes, target_size):""" 与上面的函数功能类似,但它只降低图片的尺寸,不会扩大图片尺寸"""old_size = image.size[0:2] # 原始图像大小# 取最小的缩放比例ratio = min(float(target_size) / (old_size[i]) for i in range(len(old_size))) # 计算原始图像宽高与目标图像大小的比例,并取其中的较小值ratio = min(ratio, 1)new_size = tuple([int(i * ratio) for i in old_size]) # 根据上边求得的比例计算在保持比例前提下得到的图像大小# boxes 不用变化,因为是等比例变化return image.resize(new_size, Image.BILINEAR), boxesdef resize(self, img, boxes, size):# ---------------------------------------------------------# 类型为 img=Image.open(path),boxes:Tensor,size:int# 功能为:将图像长和宽缩放到指定值size,并且相应调整boxes# ---------------------------------------------------------return img.resize((size, size), Image.BILINEAR), boxesdef random_flip_horizon(self, img, boxes, h_rate=1):# -------------------------------------# 随机水平翻转# -------------------------------------if np.random.random() < h_rate:transform = transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=1)img = transform(img)if len(boxes) > 0:x = 1 - boxes[:, 1]boxes[:, 1] = xreturn img, boxesdef random_flip_vertical(self, img, boxes, v_rate=1):# 随机垂直翻转if np.random.random() < v_rate:transform = transforms.RandomVerticalFlip(p=1)img = transform(img)if len(boxes) > 0:y = 1 - boxes[:, 2]boxes[:, 2] = yreturn img, boxesdef center_crop(self, img, boxes, target_size=None):# -------------------------------------# 中心裁剪 ,裁剪成 (size, size) 的正方形, 仅限图形,w,h# 这里用比例是很难算的,转成x1,y1, x2, y2格式来计算# -------------------------------------w, h = img.sizesize = min(w, h)if len(boxes) > 0:# 转换到xyxy格式label = boxes[:, 0].reshape([-1, 1])x_, y_, w_, h_ = boxes[:, 1], boxes[:, 2], boxes[:, 3], boxes[:, 4]x1 = (w * x_ - 0.5 * w * w_).reshape([-1, 1])y1 = (h * y_ - 0.5 * h * h_).reshape([-1, 1])x2 = (w * x_ + 0.5 * w * w_).reshape([-1, 1])y2 = (h * y_ + 0.5 * h * h_).reshape([-1, 1])boxes_xyxy = torch.cat([x1, y1, x2, y2], dim=1)# 边框转换if w > h:boxes_xyxy[:, [0, 2]] = boxes_xyxy[:, [0, 2]] - (w - h) / 2else:boxes_xyxy[:, [1, 3]] = boxes_xyxy[:, [1, 3]] - (h - w) / 2in_boundary = [i for i in range(boxes_xyxy.shape[0])]for i in range(boxes_xyxy.shape[0]):# 判断x是否超出界限if (boxes_xyxy[i, 0] < 0 and boxes_xyxy[i, 2] < 0) or (boxes_xyxy[i, 0] > size and boxes_xyxy[i, 2] > size):in_boundary.remove(i)# 判断y是否超出界限elif (boxes_xyxy[i, 1] < 0 and boxes_xyxy[i, 3] < 0) or (boxes_xyxy[i, 1] > size and boxes_xyxy[i, 3] > size):in_boundary.append(i)boxes_xyxy = boxes_xyxy[in_boundary]boxes = boxes_xyxy.clamp(min=0, max=size).reshape([-1, 4]) # 压缩到固定范围label = label[in_boundary]# 转换到YOLO格式x1, y1, x2, y2 = boxes[:, 0], boxes[:, 1], boxes[:, 2], boxes[:, 3]xc = ((x1 + x2) / (2 * size)).reshape([-1, 1])yc = ((y1 + y2) / (2 * size)).reshape([-1, 1])wc = ((x2 - x1) / size).reshape([-1, 1])hc = ((y2 - y1) / size).reshape([-1, 1])boxes = torch.cat([xc, yc, wc, hc], dim=1)# 图像转换transform = transforms.CenterCrop(size)img = transform(img)if target_size:img = img.resize((target_size, target_size), Image.BILINEAR)if len(boxes) > 0:return img, torch.cat([label.reshape([-1, 1]), boxes], dim=1)else:return img, boxes# ------------------------------------------------------# 以下img皆为Tensor类型# ------------------------------------------------------def random_bright(self, img, u=120, p=1):# -------------------------------------# 随机亮度变换# -------------------------------------if np.random.random() < p:alpha = np.random.uniform(-u, u) / 255img += alphaimg = img.clamp(min=0.0, max=1.0)return imgdef random_contrast(self, img, lower=0.5, upper=1.5, p=1):# -------------------------------------# 随机增强对比度# -------------------------------------if np.random.random() < p:alpha = np.random.uniform(lower, upper)img *= alphaimg = img.clamp(min=0, max=1.0)return imgdef random_saturation(self, img, lower=0.5, upper=1.5, p=1):# 随机饱和度变换,针对彩色三通道图像,中间通道乘以一个值if np.random.random() < p:alpha = np.random.uniform(lower, upper)img[1] = img[1] * alphaimg[1] = img[1].clamp(min=0, max=1.0)return imgdef add_gasuss_noise(self, img, mean=0, std=0.1):noise = torch.normal(mean, std, img.shape)img += noiseimg = img.clamp(min=0, max=1.0)return imgdef add_salt_noise(self, img):noise = torch.rand(img.shape)alpha = np.random.random() / 5 + 0.7img[noise[:, :, :] > alpha] = 1.0return imgdef add_pepper_noise(self, img):noise = torch.rand(img.shape)alpha = np.random.random() / 5 + 0.7img[noise[:, :, :] > alpha] = 0return imgdef plot_pics(img, boxes):# 显示图像和候选框,img是Image.Open()类型, boxes是Tensor类型plt.imshow(img)label_colors = [(213, 110, 89)]w, h = img.sizefor i in range(boxes.shape[0]):box = boxes[i, 1:]xc, yc, wc, hc = boxx = w * xc - 0.5 * w * wcy = h * yc - 0.5 * h * hcbox_w, box_h = w * wc, h * hcplt.gca().add_patch(plt.Rectangle(xy=(x, y), width=box_w, height=box_h,edgecolor=[c / 255 for c in label_colors[0]],fill=False, linewidth=2))plt.show()def get_image_list(image_path):# 根据图片文件,查找所有图片并返回列表files_list = []for root, sub_dirs, files in os.walk(image_path):for special_file in files:special_file = special_file[0: len(special_file)]files_list.append(special_file)return files_listdef get_label_file(label_path, image_name):# 根据图片信息,查找对应的labelfname = os.path.join(label_path, image_name[0: len(image_name) - 4] + ".txt")data2 = []if not os.path.exists(fname):return data2if os.path.getsize(fname) == 0:return data2else:with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile:# 读取并转换标签for line in infile:data_line = line.strip("\n").split()data2.append([float(i) for i in data_line])return data2def save_Yolo(img, boxes, save_path, prefix, image_name):# img: 需要时Image类型的数据, prefix 前缀# 将结果保存到save path指示的路径中if not os.path.exists(save_path) or \not os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_path, "images")):os.makedirs(os.path.join(save_path, "images"))os.makedirs(os.path.join(save_path, "labels"))try:img.save(os.path.join(save_path, "images", prefix + image_name))with open(os.path.join(save_path, "labels", prefix + image_name[0:len(image_name) - 4] + ".txt"), 'w',encoding="utf-8") as f:if len(boxes) > 0: # 判断是否为空# 写入新的label到文件中for data in boxes:str_in = ""for i, a in enumerate(data):if i == 0:str_in += str(int(a))else:str_in += " " + str(float(a))f.write(str_in + '\n')except:print("ERROR: ", image_name, " is bad.")def runAugumentation(image_path, label_path, save_path):image_list = get_image_list(image_path)for image_name in image_list:print("dealing: " + image_name)img = Image.open(os.path.join(image_path, image_name))boxes = get_label_file(label_path, image_name)boxes = torch.tensor(boxes)# 下面是执行的数据增强功能,可自行选择# Image类型的参数DAD = DataAugmentationOnDetection()""" 尺寸变换 """# 缩小尺寸# t_img, t_boxes = DAD.resizeDown_keep_ratio(img, boxes, 1024)# save_Yolo(t_img, boxes, save_path, prefix="rs_", image_name=image_name)# 水平旋转t_img, t_boxes = DAD.random_flip_horizon(img, boxes.clone())save_Yolo(t_img, t_boxes, save_path, prefix="fh_", image_name=image_name)# 竖直旋转t_img, t_boxes = DAD.random_flip_vertical(img, boxes.clone())save_Yolo(t_img, t_boxes, save_path, prefix="fv_", image_name=image_name)# center_cropt_img, t_boxes = DAD.center_crop(img, boxes.clone(), 1024)save_Yolo(t_img, t_boxes, save_path, prefix="cc_", image_name=image_name)""" 图像变换,用tensor类型"""to_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()to_image = transforms.ToPILImage()img = to_tensor(img)# random_brightt_img, t_boxes = DAD.random_bright(img.clone()), boxessave_Yolo(to_image(t_img), boxes, save_path, prefix="rb_", image_name=image_name)# random_contrast 对比度变化t_img, t_boxes = DAD.random_contrast(img.clone()), boxessave_Yolo(to_image(t_img), boxes, save_path, prefix="rc_", image_name=image_name)# random_saturation 饱和度变化t_img, t_boxes = DAD.random_saturation(img.clone()), boxessave_Yolo(to_image(t_img), boxes, save_path, prefix="rs_", image_name=image_name)# 高斯噪声t_img, t_boxes = DAD.add_gasuss_noise(img.clone()), boxessave_Yolo(to_image(t_img), boxes, save_path, prefix="gn_", image_name=image_name)# add_salt_noiset_img, t_boxes = DAD.add_salt_noise(img.clone()), boxessave_Yolo(to_image(t_img), boxes, save_path, prefix="sn_", image_name=image_name)# add_pepper_noiset_img, t_boxes = DAD.add_pepper_noise(img.clone()), boxessave_Yolo(to_image(t_img), boxes, save_path, prefix="pn_", image_name=image_name)print("end: " + image_name)if __name__ == '__main__':# 图像和标签文件夹image_path = "./yolo-dataset-lwb/val"label_path = "./yolo-dataset-lwb/val_txt"save_path = "./yolo-dataset-lwb/save_val" # 结果保存位置路径,可以是一个不存在的文件夹# 运行runAugumentation(image_path, label_path, save_path)
参数 | 范围 | 功能 |
hsv_h | 默认0.015,可调范围是0.0~1.0 | 调整图像的色调,引入颜色可变性。 |
hsv_s | 默认0.7,可调范围是0.0~1.0 | 调整图像的饱和度。 |
translate | 默认0.1,可调范围是0.0~1.0 | 平移一小部分图像。 |
scale | 默认0.5,可调范围是大于等于0.0都可以 | 缩放图像。 |
fliplr | 默认为0.5,可调范围是0.0~1.0 | 以指定的概率将图像从左向右翻转,左右镜像。 |
mosaic | 默认为1.0,可调范围是0.0~1.0 | 将四个训练图像组合为一个。 |
auto_augment | 默认为randaugment,可调范围是(randaugment、autoaugment和augmix) | 面向分类任务,自动应用预定义的增强策略。 |
erasing | 默认为0.4,可调范围是0.0~0.9 | 在分类训练过程中随机擦除图像的一部分。 |
crop_fraction | 默认为1.0,可调范围是0.1~1.0 | 将分类图像裁剪到其大小的一小部分。 |
参数 | 范围 | 功能 |
degrees | 范围是-180~+180 | 在指定的度数范围内随机旋转图像。 |
shear | 范围是-180~+180 | 以指定的角度剪切图像。 |
perspective | 范围是0.0~0.001 | 将随机透视变换应用于图像。 |
flipud | 范围是0.0~1.0 | 以指定的概率将图像倒置。 |
bgr | 范围是0.0~1.0 | 以指定的概率将图像通道从RGB翻转到BGR。 |
mixup | 范围是0.0~1.0 | 混合两个图像及其标签,创建合成图像。 |
copy_paste | 范围是0.0~1.0 | 将对象从一个图像中复制并粘贴到另一个图像上。 |
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO("yolov8n.pt")
results = model.train(data="yolo-dataset/yolo.yaml", epochs=2, imgsz=1080, batch=16, copy_paste=0.2, mixup=0.5)
conda create -n label python=3.8
conda activate label
pip install labelme
# # trans_labelme_to_yolo.py
import cv2
import os
import json
import shutil
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from glob import glob# id2cls = {0: 'clothing'}
# cls2id = {'clothing': 0}
id2cls = {0: '非机动车违停', 1: '机动车违停', 2: '垃圾桶满溢', 3:'违法经营'}
cls2id = {'非机动车违停': 0, '机动车违停': 1, '垃圾桶满溢': 2, '违法经营': 3}# 支持中文路径
def cv_imread(filePath):cv_img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromfile(filePath, dtype=np.uint8), flags=cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)return cv_imgdef labelme2yolo_single(img_path, label_file):anno = json.load(open(label_file, "r", encoding="utf-8"))shapes = anno['shapes']w0, h0 = anno['imageWidth'], anno['imageHeight']image_path = os.path.basename(img_path + anno['imagePath'])labels = []for s in shapes:pts = s['points']x1, y1 = pts[0]x2, y2 = pts[1]x = (x1 + x2) / 2 / w0y = (y1 + y2) / 2 / h0w = abs(x2 - x1) / w0h = abs(y2 - y1) / h0cid = cls2id[s['label']]labels.append([cid, x, y, w, h])return np.array(labels), image_pathdef labelme2yolo(img_path, labelme_label_dir, save_dir='res/'):labelme_label_dir = str(Path(labelme_label_dir)) + '/'save_dir = str(Path(save_dir))yolo_label_dir = save_dir + '/'if not os.path.exists(yolo_label_dir):os.makedirs(yolo_label_dir)json_files = glob(labelme_label_dir + '*.json')for ijf, jf in enumerate(json_files):print(ijf + 1, '/', len(json_files), jf)filename = os.path.basename(jf).rsplit('.', 1)[0]labels, image_path = labelme2yolo_single(img_path, jf)if len(labels) > 0:# 在这里我们对np.savetxt的调用做了修改np.savetxt(yolo_label_dir + filename + '.txt', labels, fmt='%d %0.16f %0.16f %0.16f %0.16f')# shutil.copy(labelme_label_dir + image_path, yolo_image_dir + image_path)print('Completed!')if __name__ == '__main__':img_path = './yolo-dataset-lwb/val' # 数据集图片的路径json_dir = './yolo-dataset-lwb/val_json' # json标签的路径save_dir = './yolo-dataset-lwb/val_txt' # 保存的txt标签的路径labelme2yolo(img_path, json_dir, save_dir)
这篇关于DataWhale AI夏令营 2024大运河杯-数据开发应用创新赛-task3的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!