day53-graph theory-part04-8.24

2024-08-24 17:36
文章标签 graph theory part04 8.24 day53

本文主要是介绍day53-graph theory-part04-8.24,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

tasks for today:

1. 110.字符串接龙

2. 105.有向图的完全可达性

3. 106.岛屿的周长


1. 110.字符串接龙

the shitty configuration on kc web is disgusting

pay attention to the list form string and oure string

the path + 1 should not be directly assigned to path

from collections import deque, defaultdictdef main():n = int(input())startStr, endStr = input().split()strSet = []for i in range(n):strSet.append(input())# print(n, strSet)bfsQueue = deque()visited = defaultdict()bfsQueue.append(startStr)visited[startStr] = 1while bfsQueue:curStr = bfsQueue.popleft()path = visited[curStr]for i in range(len(curStr)):newStr = list(curStr)for j in range(26):newStr[i] = chr(ord('a')+j)# print(''.join(newStr))# print(bfsQueue)# print(visited.keys())new = ''.join(newStr)if new == endStr: print(path+1)returnif (new in strSet) and (new not in visited):visited[new] = path + 1bfsQueue.append(new)print(0)returnif __name__ == "__main__":main()

2. 105.有向图的完全可达性

this practice is suitable for using adjcent table

from collections import defaultdictdef dfs(graph, visited, key):if visited[key]:return visited[key] = Truekeys = graph[key]for i in keys:dfs(graph, visited, i)def main():n, m = map(int, input().split())graph = defaultdict(list)visited = [False] * nfor i in range(m):start, end = map(int, input().split())graph[start-1].append(end-1)# print(graph)dfs(graph, visited, 0)for i in range(n):if visited[i] == False:print(-1)returnprint(1)returnif __name__ == "__main__":main()

3. 106.岛屿的周长

pay attention to this practice, this is related to the perimeter of island, instead of the area.

It is not necessary to use BFS or DFS in this practice.

def main():n, m = map(int, input().split())graph = []for _ in range(n):graph.append(list(map(int, input().split())))total = 0cover = 0for i in range(n):for j in range(m):if graph[i][j] == 1:total += 1if i-1 >= 0 and graph[i-1][j] == 1: cover += 1if j-1 >= 0 and graph[i][j-1] == 1: cover += 1result = total * 4 - cover * 2print(result)if __name__ == "__main__":main()

这篇关于day53-graph theory-part04-8.24的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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题意: n个点的图  最大度为k  已知从某个点到每个点的距离dis[i]  求  这幅图的边 思路: 告诉了距离  很容易想到dis是从距离为0的那个点开始bfs求出来的 那么复原这幅图的办法就是重新构造这棵bfs形成的树就好了 每层利用点数计算一下是不是违反了最大度k的限制 这里注意  只有dis=0的那个点可以连出k条边  其余的只有k-1条(因为它们还和父亲连着一条边)