本文主要是介绍YOLOv5改进 | 融合改进 | C3融合ContextGuided增强分割效果,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
秋招面试专栏推荐 :深度学习算法工程师面试问题总结【百面算法工程师】——点击即可跳转
专栏目录: 《YOLOv5入门 + 改进涨点》专栏介绍 & 专栏目录 |目前已有70+篇内容,内含各种Head检测头、损失函数Loss、Backbone、Neck、NMS等创新点改进
专栏地址: YOLOv5改进+入门——持续更新各种有效涨点方法 点击即可跳转
2. 将C3_ContextGuided 添加到yolov5网络中
2.1 C3_ContextGuided 代码实现
2.2 新增yaml文件
2.3 注册模块
2.4 执行程序
3. 完整代码分享
5. 进阶
6. 总结
论文地址:CGNet: A Light-weight Context Guided Network for Semantic Segmentation——点击即可跳转
ContextGuided网络(CGNet)的主要原理是通过一种称为Context Guided(CG)块的模块来高效地捕捉图像中的上下文信息,从而提高语义分割的精度。以下是CGNet的核心思想和原理:
1. 上下文信息的重要性
2. Context Guided(CG)块
3. 网络结构设计
4. 轻量化设计
5. 实验验证
2. 将C3_ContextGuided 添加到yolov5网络中
2.1 C3_ContextGuided 代码实现
关键步骤一: 将下面的代码粘贴到\yolov5\models\common.py中
class FGlo(nn.Module):"""the FGlo class is employed to refine the joint feature of both local feature and surrounding context."""def __init__(self, channel, reduction=16):super(FGlo, self).__init__()self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)self.fc = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(channel, channel // reduction),nn.ReLU(inplace=True),nn.Linear(channel // reduction, channel),nn.Sigmoid())def forward(self, x):b, c, _, _ = x.size()y = self.avg_pool(x).view(b, c)y = self.fc(y).view(b, c, 1, 1)return x * yclass ContextGuidedBlock(nn.Module):def __init__(self, nIn, nOut, dilation_rate=2, reduction=16, add=True):"""args:nIn: number of input channelsnOut: number of output channels, add: if true, residual learning"""super().__init__()n= int(nOut/2)self.conv1x1 = Conv(nIn, n, 1, 1) #1x1 Conv is employed to reduce the computationself.F_loc = nn.Conv2d(n, n, 3, padding=1, groups=n)self.F_sur = nn.Conv2d(n, n, 3, padding=autopad(3, None, dilation_rate), dilation=dilation_rate, groups=n) # surrounding contextself.bn_act = nn.Sequential(nn.BatchNorm2d(nOut),Conv.default_act)self.add = addself.F_glo= FGlo(nOut, reduction)def forward(self, input):output = self.conv1x1(input)loc = self.F_loc(output)sur = self.F_sur(output)joi_feat = torch.cat([loc, sur], 1) joi_feat = self.bn_act(joi_feat)output = self.F_glo(joi_feat) #F_glo is employed to refine the joint feature# if residual versionif self.add:output = input + outputreturn outputclass ContextGuidedBlock_Down(nn.Module):"""the size of feature map divided 2, (H,W,C)---->(H/2, W/2, 2C)"""def __init__(self, nIn, dilation_rate=2, reduction=16):"""args:nIn: the channel of input feature mapnOut: the channel of output feature map, and nOut=2*nIn"""super().__init__()nOut = 2 * nInself.conv1x1 = Conv(nIn, nOut, 3, s=2) # size/2, channel: nIn--->nOutself.F_loc = nn.Conv2d(nOut, nOut, 3, padding=1, groups=nOut)self.F_sur = nn.Conv2d(nOut, nOut, 3, padding=autopad(3, None, dilation_rate), dilation=dilation_rate, groups=nOut) self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(2 * nOut, eps=1e-3)self.act = Conv.default_actself.reduce = Conv(2 * nOut, nOut,1,1) #reduce dimension: 2*nOut--->nOutself.F_glo = FGlo(nOut, reduction) def forward(self, input):output = self.conv1x1(input)loc = self.F_loc(output)sur = self.F_sur(output)joi_feat = torch.cat([loc, sur],1) # the joint featurejoi_feat = self.bn(joi_feat)joi_feat = self.act(joi_feat)joi_feat = self.reduce(joi_feat) #channel= nOutoutput = self.F_glo(joi_feat) # F_glo is employed to refine the joint featurereturn outputclass C3_ContextGuided(C3):def __init__(self, c1, c2, n=1, shortcut=False, g=1, e=0.5):super().__init__(c1, c2, n, shortcut, g, e)c_ = int(c2 * e) # hidden channelsself.m = nn.Sequential(*(ContextGuidedBlock(c_, c_) for _ in range(n)))
1. 输入图像
2. 初步特征提取
3. 三阶段下采样
4. Context Guided(CG)块处理
在每个下采样阶段的卷积操作后,CGNet会使用多个Context Guided(CG)块来处理特征图。这是CGNet的核心步骤,具体分为以下几部分:
5. 深层与浅层特征结合
6. 上采样和预测
7. 输出语义分割结果
2.2 新增yaml文件
关键步骤二:在下/yolov5/models下新建文件 yolov5_C3_ContextGuided.yaml并将下面代码复制进去
- 目标检测yaml文件
# Ultralytics YOLOv5 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license# Parameters
nc: 80 # number of classes
depth_multiple: 1.0 # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.0 # layer channel multiple
anchors:- [10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23] # P3/8- [30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119] # P4/16- [116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326] # P5/32# YOLOv5 v6.0 backbone
backbone:# [from, number, module, args][[-1, 1, Conv, [64, 6, 2, 2]], # 0-P1/2[-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]], # 1-P2/4[-1, 3, C3_ContextGuided, [128]],[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]], # 3-P3/8[-1, 6, C3_ContextGuided, [256]],[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]], # 5-P4/16[-1, 9, C3_ContextGuided, [512]],[-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]], # 7-P5/32[-1, 3, C3_ContextGuided, [1024]],[-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]], # 9]# YOLOv5 v6.0 head
head: [[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]],[[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]], # cat backbone P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]], # 13[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]],[[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]], # cat backbone P3[-1, 3, C3, [256, False]], # 17 (P3/8-small)[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],[[-1, 14], 1, Concat, [1]], # cat head P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]], # 20 (P4/16-medium)[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],[[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]], # cat head P5[-1, 3, C3, [1024, False]], # 23 (P5/32-large)[[17, 20, 23], 1, Detect, [nc, anchors]], # Detect(P3, P4, P5)]
- 语义分割yaml文件
# Ultralytics YOLOv5 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license# Parameters
nc: 80 # number of classes
depth_multiple: 1.0 # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.0 # layer channel multiple
anchors:- [10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23] # P3/8- [30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119] # P4/16- [116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326] # P5/32# YOLOv5 v6.0 backbone
backbone:# [from, number, module, args][[-1, 1, Conv, [64, 6, 2, 2]], # 0-P1/2[-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]], # 1-P2/4[-1, 3, C3_ContextGuided, [128]],[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]], # 3-P3/8[-1, 6, C3_ContextGuided, [256]],[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]], # 5-P4/16[-1, 9, C3_ContextGuided, [512]],[-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]], # 7-P5/32[-1, 3, C3_ContextGuided, [1024]],[-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]], # 9]# YOLOv5 v6.0 head
head: [[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]],[[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]], # cat backbone P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]], # 13[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]],[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, "nearest"]],[[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]], # cat backbone P3[-1, 3, C3, [256, False]], # 17 (P3/8-small)[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]],[[-1, 14], 1, Concat, [1]], # cat head P4[-1, 3, C3, [512, False]], # 20 (P4/16-medium)[-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]],[[-1, 10], 1, Concat, [1]], # cat head P5[-1, 3, C3, [1024, False]], # 23 (P5/32-large)[[17, 20, 23], 1, Segment, [nc, anchors, 32, 256]], # Detect(P3, P4, P5)]
温馨提示:本文只是对yolov5基础上添加模块,如果要对yolov5n/l/m/x进行添加则只需要指定对应的depth_multiple 和 width_multiple。
# YOLOv5n
depth_multiple: 0.33 # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 0.25 # layer channel multiple# YOLOv5s
depth_multiple: 0.33 # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 0.50 # layer channel multiple# YOLOv5l
depth_multiple: 1.0 # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.0 # layer channel multiple# YOLOv5m
depth_multiple: 0.67 # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 0.75 # layer channel multiple# YOLOv5x
depth_multiple: 1.33 # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.25 # layer channel multiple
2.3 注册模块
2.4 执行程序
from n params module arguments0 -1 1 7040 models.common.Conv [3, 64, 6, 2, 2]1 -1 1 73984 models.common.Conv [64, 128, 3, 2]2 -1 3 43660 models.common.C3_ContextGuided [128, 128, 3]3 -1 1 295424 models.common.Conv [128, 256, 3, 2]4 -1 6 204336 models.common.C3_ContextGuided [256, 256, 6]5 -1 1 1180672 models.common.Conv [256, 512, 3, 2]6 -1 9 927376 models.common.C3_ContextGuided [512, 512, 9]7 -1 1 4720640 models.common.Conv [512, 1024, 3, 2]8 -1 3 2614368 models.common.C3_ContextGuided [1024, 1024, 3]9 -1 1 2624512 models.common.SPPF [1024, 1024, 5]10 -1 1 525312 models.common.Conv [1024, 512, 1, 1]11 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']12 [-1, 6] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]13 -1 3 2757632 models.common.C3 [1024, 512, 3, False]14 -1 1 131584 models.common.Conv [512, 256, 1, 1]15 -1 1 0 torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample [None, 2, 'nearest']16 [-1, 4] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]17 -1 3 690688 models.common.C3 [512, 256, 3, False]18 -1 1 590336 models.common.Conv [256, 256, 3, 2]19 [-1, 14] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]20 -1 3 2495488 models.common.C3 [512, 512, 3, False]21 -1 1 2360320 models.common.Conv [512, 512, 3, 2]22 [-1, 10] 1 0 models.common.Concat [1]23 -1 3 9971712 models.common.C3 [1024, 1024, 3, False] 24 [17, 20, 23] 1 457725 Detect [80, [[10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23], [30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119], [116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326]], [256, 512, 1024]]
YOLOv5_C3_ContextGuided summary: 536 layers, 32672809 parameters, 32672809 gradients, 68.1 GFLOPs
3. 完整代码分享
提取码: fkqs
关于GFLOPs的计算方式可以查看:百面算法工程师 | 卷积基础知识——Convolution
5. 进阶
YOLOv5改进 | 损失函数 | EIoU、SIoU、WIoU、DIoU、FocuSIoU等多种损失函数——点击即可跳转
6. 总结
CGNet的主要原理是在语义分割中充分利用上下文信息,通过引入Context Guided(CG)块来联合提取局部特征、周围上下文和全局上下文信息。CG块首先提取像素的局部特征,然后结合其周围的空间上下文,进而使用全局上下文信息对这些联合特征进行优化,以突出重要信息,抑制无关信息。CGNet在网络的各个阶段都应用CG块,从浅层提取空间信息,从深层捕获语义信息,确保在整个过程中有效融合上下文信息。此外,CGNet通过减少下采样阶段和使用轻量化设计(如通道分组卷积),在保持高分割精度的同时,显著降低了模型的参数量和计算复杂度,使其适合在资源受限的移动设备上运行。
这篇关于YOLOv5改进 | 融合改进 | C3融合ContextGuided增强分割效果的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!