setting up your robot with tf(一)

2024-06-23 09:38
文章标签 robot tf setting

本文主要是介绍setting up your robot with tf(一),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

1,setting up your robot using tf     官网学习

2,transform configuration

Many ROS packages require the transform tree of a robot to be published using thetf software library. At an abstract level, a transform tree defines offsets in terms of both translation and rotation between different coordinate frames. To make this more concrete, consider the example of a simple robot that has a mobile base with a single laser mounted on top of it. In referring to the robot let's define two coordinate frames: one corresponding to the center point of the base of the robot and one for the center point of the laser that is mounted on top of the base. Let's also give them names for easy reference. We'll call the coordinate frame attached to the mobile base "base_link" (for navigation, its important that this be placed at the rotational center of the robot) and we'll call the coordinate frame attached to the laser "base_laser."


At this point, let's assume that we have some data from the laser in the form of distances from the laser's center point. In other words, we have some data in the "base_laser" coordinate frame. Now suppose we want to take this data and use it to help the mobile base avoid obstacles in the world. To do this successfully, we need a way of transforming the laser scan we've received from the "base_laser" frame to the "base_link" frame. In essence, we need to define a relationship between the "base_laser" and "base_link" coordinate frames


In defining this relationship, assume we know that the laser is mounted 10cm forward and 20cm above the center point of the mobile base. This gives us a translational offset that relates the "base_link" frame to the "base_laser" frame. Specifically, we know that to get data from the "base_link" frame to the "base_laser" frame we must apply a translation of (x: 0.1m, y: 0.0m, z: 0.2m), and to get data from the "base_laser" frame to the "base_link" frame we must apply the opposite translation (x: -0.1m, y: 0.0m, z: -0.20m).


We could choose to manage this relationship ourselves, meaning storing and applying the appropriate translations between the frames when necessary, but this becomes a real pain as the number of coordinate frames increase. Luckily, however, we don't have to do this work ourselves. Instead we'll define the relationship between "base_link" and "base_laser" once using tf and let it manage the transformation between the two coordinate frames for us. 


To define and store the relationship between the "base_link" and "base_laser" frames using tf, we need to add them to a transform tree. Conceptually, each node in the transform tree corresponds to a coordinate frame and each edge corresponds to the transform that needs to be applied to move from the current node to its child. Tf uses a tree structure to guarantee that there is only a single traversal that links any two coordinate frames together, and assumes that all edges in the tree are directed from parent to child nodes



3,writing code(C++)


3.1 broadcasting a transform发布转换,发布转换base_laser-->base_link之间的转换


   1 #include <ros/ros.h>
   2 #include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>
   4 int main(int argc, char** argv){
   5   ros::init(argc, argv, "robot_tf_publisher");
   6   ros::NodeHandle n;
   8   ros::Rate r(100);
  10   tf::TransformBroadcaster broadcaster;
  12   while(n.ok()){
  13     broadcaster.sendTransform(
  14       tf::StampedTransform(
  15         tf::Transform(tf::Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), tf::Vector3(0.1, 0.0, 0.2)),
  16         ros::Time::now(),"base_link", "base_laser"));
  17     r.sleep();
//就对应一个转换,对应robot base的laser的偏差为x轴偏差为10cm,z轴偏差为20cm;第三个为发布一个时间戳,这里设置为now();第四个为父节点的名称,这里为base_link;第五个为子节点的
//名称,这里为base_laser18   }
  19 }
3.2 using a transform




   1 #include <ros/ros.h>
   2 #include <geometry_msgs/PointStamped.h>
   3 #include <tf/transform_listener.h>
   5 void transformPoint(const tf::TransformListener& listener)
   6   //we'll create a point in the base_laser frame that we'd like to transform to the base_link frame
   7   geometry_msgs::PointStamped laser_point;
8   laser_point.header.frame_id = "base_laser";
  10   //we'll just use the most recent transform available for our simple example
  11   laser_point.header.stamp = ros::Time();
  13   //just an arbitrary point in space
  14   laser_point.point.x = 1.0;
  15   laser_point.point.y = 0.2;
  16   laser_point.point.z = 0.0;
  18   try{
  19     geometry_msgs::PointStamped base_point;
  20     listener.transformPoint("base_link", laser_point, base_point);
  22     ROS_INFO("base_laser: (%.2f, %.2f. %.2f) -----> base_link: (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) at time %.2f",
  23         laser_point.point.x, laser_point.point.y, laser_point.point.z,
  24         base_point.point.x, base_point.point.y, base_point.point.z, base_point.header.stamp.toSec());
  25   }
26   catch(tf::TransformException& ex){
  27     ROS_ERROR("Received an exception trying to transform a point from \"base_laser\" to \"base_link\": %s", ex.what());
  28   }
  29 }
  31 int main(int argc, char** argv){
  32   ros::init(argc, argv, "robot_tf_listener");
  33   ros::NodeHandle n;
  35   tf::TransformListener listener(ros::Duration(10));
  37   //we'll transform a point once every second每隔一秒调用一次transformPoint函数,每隔一秒转换一次
  38   ros::Timer timer = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0), boost::bind(&transformPoint, boost::ref(listener)));
  40   ros::spin();
  42 }
总结: 先运行节点tf_broadcaster,在运行节点tf_listener,即先发布base_link与base_laser的关系,再通过关系来计算使用。利用的是TransformBroadcaster和TransformListener这两个对象。

这篇关于setting up your robot with tf(一)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



API原型(TensorFlow 1.8.0): tf.split(     value,     num_or_size_splits,     axis=0,     num=None,     name='split' ) 这个函数是用来切割张量的。输入切割的张量和参数,返回切割的结果。  value传入的就是需要切割的张量。  这个函数有两种切割的方式: 以三个维度的张量为例,比如说一

setting up your robot with tf(二)

1,using the robot state publisher on your own robot 上面一节是使用TF树结构来表示不同的框架之间的关系,且这棵TF转换树是一棵单遍历的树,表示了不同框架之间的关系,我们写了一个节点,用来定义两个框架的关系,这样下次使用就能自动调用这种关系,这样tf就帮我们做了很重要的一份工作。这一节我们学习robot state publisher。当我们的机


步骤: 读取三篇文档1.txt,2.txt,3.txt,里边的内容分别为“this is php”,“this is html html”,“this is java” 分词,并统计词频tf 计算文档频率df 计算每篇文档的特征向量 计算搜索词与文档的夹角余弦值 <?php$_txts = array('1.txt','2.txt','3.txt');$_len = cou


在git上的FM开源代码中看到了这样子的用法 batch_weights = tf.squeeze(batch_weights, axis=2) df_v = tf.expand_dims(df_v, axis=2) tf.squeeze是降维,把维度为1的去掉,我的理


在SparkML中关于特征的算法可分为Extractors(特征提取)、Transformers(特征转换)、Selectors(特征选择)三部分: Feature Extractors TF-IDFWord2VecCountVectorizer Feature Transformers TokenizerStopWordsRemover n n-gramBinarizerP


capacity是队列的长度 min_after_dequeue是出队后,队列至少剩下min_after_dequeue个数据 假设现在有个test.tfrecord文件,里面按从小到大顺序存放整数0~100 1. tf.train.batch是按顺序读取数据,队列中的数据始终是一个有序的队列, 比如队列的capacity=20,开始队列内容为0,1,..,19=>读取10条记录后,队列剩下10,


---------------------  作者:fengqing5578  来源:CSDN  原文:  版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请附上博文链接!

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