片名:玩具总动员2 (伽玛象限…第四区域) 巴斯光年任务日志 Buzz Lightyear mission log. 所有的迹象都显示 这就是札克天王的星球 All signs point to this planet as the location of Zurg's fortress, 但是却没有 智慧形生物的踪影 but there seems to be no s
Some people say that fairies are the stuff of fantasy. 有些人说仙子是虚幻之物 They think the world is just what you can touch and hear and see, 他们认为世界上只有你能摸到、听到、看到的东西 while others say the tales and leg
杜三学翻译 Evildoers of our kingdom. 王国里行凶作恶的人们啊 We're always the losers, the bad guys. 我们总是失败者 恶人 Is that fair? No. 这公平吗?不 We're tarting tonight 从今晚开始 I give you happily never after
杜三学翻译 我们是为和平而来 让猫和老鼠和睦共处吧! We come in peace for cats and mice everywhere. 嘿,你好吗?见到你们真高兴! (支持依奇竞选总统) Hey, how you doing? Good to see you. Thanks for coming out. 依奇,依奇… Itchy,,,, Itchy,,,,