1、莲花背景汉服模特 提示词:gorgeous model wearing white hanfu, big leaves of lotusin white on a pure bule sky, shot, full - body,delicatefacial,posture, minimalism, transparency,green andemerald,Close-Up.(穿着白色汉服
六级作文—3.图画类 范文 As is illustrated in the graph, the share of urban population increased from 19.39% to 60.6% between 1980 and 2019. From my perspective, the above figures reveal a currently prevailin
// 百度地图API功能var map = new BMap.Map('map');var poi = new BMap.Point(116.307852,40.057031);map.centerAndZoom(poi, 16);//设置中心点坐标和地图级别 map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); //启用鼠标滚动对地图放大缩小//鼠标绘制完成回调方法 获取各个点的
在使用tensorflow对图像进行分割预测的时候,得到的值对应的是一个二维数组,如果直接将其保存为图片,就是一个黑色的图,区分不大,因此我要将其转成带颜色的图,每个类别对应一种颜色,对应的下图中的左道右。 def value_to_RGB(value):a=[None]*len(value)for i in range(len(value)):a[i]=[No