
unas plex使用_如何在没有Internet访问的情况下使用Plex Media Server

unas plex使用 Internet connectivity is the heart of the Plex Media Server experience, but that doesn’t mean there are times (like during local outages or while vacationing away from reliable inte

unas plex使用_如何使用Plex将视频流传输到iOS和Android设备

unas plex使用 Finding a video streaming solution that does transcoding is tough enough, but trying to find one solution that’ll work for both iOS and Android makes it even harder. Thankfully we h

unas plex使用_如何使用Amazon Echo控制Plex Media Center

unas plex使用 Plex Media Center is awesome, and voice control is awesome…so what could be better than combining the two? Thanks to a new Alexa skill, you can now issue simple voice commands to yo

unas plex使用_如何在Plex Media Server中使用本地图稿

unas plex使用 Plex can automatically label your media and apply artwork to it, but sometimes there’s no substitute for your hand-picked movie and TV show artwork. Thankfully, you can easily use y

unas plex使用_如何在Amazon Fire电视和电视棒上使用Plex

unas plex使用 Have a Fire TV or Fire TV Stick you’re not getting much use out of? Now’s the time to dust them off and turn them into a cheap, compact Plex device. 有了Fire TV或Fire TV Stick,您不会有太多用

unas plex使用_如何使用Plex频道在Plex Media Center上流电视

unas plex使用 Plex Media Center is best known for super easy playback of local media files, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tap into the power of streaming video. The Channel system makes it easy