unas plex使用_如何使用Plex频道在Plex Media Center上流电视

2023-10-09 07:30

本文主要是介绍unas plex使用_如何使用Plex频道在Plex Media Center上流电视,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

unas plex使用

unas plex使用

Plex Media Center is best known for super easy playback of local media files, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tap into the power of streaming video. The Channel system makes it easy to add content from a variety of sources ranging from well known TV stations to specialty content.

Plex Media Center以本地媒体文件的超级轻松播放而闻名,但这并不意味着您无法利用流媒体视频的强大功能。 通过频道系统,可以轻松添加来自知名电视台到特殊内容等各种来源的内容。

We’ve shown you how to set up Plex to watch your movies on any device and we’ve shown you how to save internet video for later viewing, but the Channel system offers something a bit different. Instead of curating your own content, the Channel system allows you to add content that you can browse at your whim. It uses the already-established streaming sites for channels like USA, SyFy, or Comedy Central, so while you won’t get all episodes of every show, you can watch anything you’d be able to stream from those sites—legally!

我们向您展示了如何设置Plex以在任何设备上观看电影,并且向您展示了如何保存互联网视频以供以后观看 ,但是Channel系统提供了一些不同之处。 通过频道系统,您无需添加自己的内容,而是可以随意添加内容。 它使用已经建立的流媒体网站访问美国,SyFy或Comedy Central等频道,因此虽然您不会获得所有节目的所有剧集,但可以合法地观看可以从这些网站进行流媒体播放的任何内容!

将通道添加到Plex (Adding Channels to Plex)

Getting started with Plex Channels is as easy as logging into your Plex server from the web portal and looking for the “Online Content” category on the left hand side. Select “Channels” to get started.

从Web门户登录到Plex服务器并在左侧查找“在线内容”类别,就很容易开始使用Plex Channels。 选择“频道”开始。

If you’ve never used the Channels feature before, things will look a little sparse. Click the “Install Channels” button to remedy that.

如果您以前从未使用过“频道”功能,则情况会显得有些稀疏。 单击“安装频道”按钮进行纠正。

Inside the Channel Directory, you’ll find a variety of sub-categories like “Featured”, “Most Popular”, and “Recently Updated”. The Recently Updated category is a great place to start because, we’ll admit, not all Channels are properly maintained, and sometimes changes in the source (like how, say, ABC, structures their video feeds) will break them. Starting off with a recently updated channel makes it easier to test things out.

在频道目录中,您会找到各种子类别,例如“精选”,“最受欢迎”和“最近更新”。 “最近更新”类别是一个很好的起点,因为我们会承认,并非所有频道都得到适当维护,并且有时源中的更改(例如ABC如何构造其视频供稿)会破坏它们。 从最近更新的频道开始,可以更轻松地进行测试。

To start, we’ll add the “Comedy Central” Channel—so we can watch Drunk History through Plex, naturally. Select any channel in whatever category you’re browsing.

首先,我们将添加“喜剧中央”频道-这样我们就可以自然地通过Plex观看“ 醉酒历史” 。 选择您要浏览的任何类别中的任何频道。

Click the “Install” button. Once installed, click the “X” in the corner and repeat the process, adding a few extra channels that look interesting. Once you’ve stocked up the Channels tab, it’s time to actually browse the channels you’ve added.

点击“安装”按钮。 安装后,单击角落的“ X”并重复该过程,添加一些看起来很有趣的额外通道。 储存完“频道”标签后,该开始实际浏览添加的频道了。

在Plex中查看频道 (Viewing Channels in Plex)

There are two ways to check out your new Plex channels. You can, as with all your video content, watch right in the same web interface you just used to set the Channels up. Simply select Channels again and pick a Channel:

有两种方法可以检出新的Plex通道。 您可以像处理所有视频内容一样,在刚刚用于设置频道的同一Web界面中观看。 只需再次选择频道并选择一个频道:

Browse around for something interesting to watch and, suddenly, a SpongeBob Christmas special:


If you have a Chromecast or Google-Cast-enabled TV, you can sling that video right over. Although watching it in-browser or shooting it across the network is convenient, you can also access it in a more traditional way if you have Plex set up on your smart TV or a standalone device, like RasPlex on the Raspberry Pi.

如果您使用的是Chromecast或支持Google Cast的电视,则可以将视频悬吊在上方 。 尽管在浏览器中观看或通过网络进行拍摄很方便,但是如果您在智能电视或独立设备( 例如Raspberry Pi上的RasPlex)上设置了Plex,也可以以更传统的方式访问它。

Here’s what the Channels menu looks like on our RasPlex installation—all the Channel goodness with all the ease of sitting on the couch:


Because of Plex’s centralized system, all the Channels we just added a moment ago are already available.


After that SpongeBob special we’re in the mood for a little more serious fare, so why don’t we head over to the SyFy Channel.

在《 海绵宝宝》特别节目之后,我们想买些更严肃的票价,所以为什么不前往SyFy Channel。

Here we can watch current episodes of shows like IncorporatedThe Expanse, and 12 Monkeys—no cable subscription or sketchy downloads required.

在这里,我们可以观看《 Incorporated》 ,《 The Expanse 》和《 12 Monkeys 等节目的当前情节-无需电缆订阅或粗略下载。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/283414/how-to-stream-tv-on-your-plex-media-center-with-plex-channels/

unas plex使用

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