unas plex使用_如何在Amazon Fire电视和电视棒上使用Plex

2023-10-09 07:30
文章标签 使用 电视 amazon plex fire unas

本文主要是介绍unas plex使用_如何在Amazon Fire电视和电视棒上使用Plex,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

unas plex使用

unas plex使用

Have a Fire TV or Fire TV Stick you’re not getting much use out of? Now’s the time to dust them off and turn them into a cheap, compact Plex device.

有了Fire TV或Fire TV Stick,您不会有太多用途? 现在是时候将它们除尘,然后将它们变成便宜的紧凑型Plex设备。

The Fire TV and Fire TV Stick have long seemed like a powerful tool in want of something to do. The Fire TV and Fire TV Stick have pretty decent hardware (especially for the time of their release) but it’s far too difficult to get local video files on your Fire TV without resorting to using an Android developer kit and some tricks to install third-party apps like Kodi Media Center.

长期以来,Fire TV和Fire TV Stick似乎是需要做某事的强大工具。 Fire TV和Fire TV Stick具有相当不错的硬件(尤其是在发布时),但是要在不借助Android开发人员工具包和一些技巧来安装第三方的情况下在Fire TV上获取本地视频文件实在太困难了。像Kodi Media Center这样的应用程序。

Rather than jump through those hoops, however, you can now tap into your local media using Plex Media Sever. And if you’re already using Plex, you’ll benefit from the great unified Plex experience that you get on all your other devices including your computer, mobile devices, and everywhere else Plex is supported.

但是,您现在可以使用Plex Media Sever来访问本地媒体,而不必跳过去。 而且,如果您已经在使用Plex,那么您将从所有其他设备(包括计算机,移动设备以及所有受Plex支持的设备)上获得的出色的统一Plex体验中受益。

你需要什么 (What You Need)

To follow along with today’s tutorial, you only need a few things. First and foremost, you need to already be running Plex Media Server with your media setup and ready to go. If you’re new to the Plex game, because sure to check out our tutorial on setting up the Plex Media Server for the first time as well as how to keep your Plex media library up to date.

跟随今天的教程,您只需要注意几件事。 首先,您需要已经使用媒体设置运行了Plex Media Server,并且可以使用了。 如果您是Plex游戏的新手 , 请务必先阅读我们有关设置Plex Media Server的教程 ,以及如何使Plex媒体库保持最新 。

Along with a ready-to-go Plex Media Server, you also will need a a Fire TV or Fire TV Stick—it doesn’t matter which generation of the product you use. We’ve used Plex successfully on even the first generation stick, but if you have both on hand, the extra processing power makes the Fire TV a better choice.

除了现成的Plex Media Server,您还需要一台Fire TV或Fire TV Stick —无论使用哪一代产品。 即使在第一代产品上,我们也已经成功使用了Plex,但是,如果您手边都拥有Plex,那么额外的处理能力将使Fire TV成为更好的选择。

如何在Fire TV上安装Plex客户端 (How to Install the Plex Client on Your Fire TV)

To get started with Plex on your Fire TV, simply fire up your device and select the “Search” menu at the top of the left hand navigation bar.

要在Fire TV上开始使用Plex,只需启动设备并选择左侧导航栏顶部的“搜索”菜单。

Search for Plex (it’ll be the first result), and select it.


Within the app menu, click “Download”.


After the app is downloaded and installed, click “Open” to launch it and begin the login and configuration process. The first step is to configure the overscan settings, which you do via the arrow keys on your Fire remote. Adjust the display so that the arrows are all visible and the click “Accept”.

下载并安装该应用程序后,单击“打开”以启动它并开始登录和配置过程。 第一步是配置过扫描设置,您可以通过Fire遥控器上的箭头键进行设置。 调整显示,使所有箭头均可见,然后单击“接受”。

Once you calibrate your screen, you’ll be prompted to log in. Select “Sign in.”


An on-screen PIN will be displayed; enter it at plex.tv/link to link your Plex client to your account. Once linked, you’ll immediately be kicked into the main Plex interface, as seen below.

屏幕上会显示PIN码; 在plex.tv/link上输入它以将Plex客户端链接到您的帐户。 链接后,您将立即进入Plex主界面,如下所示。

Here you can browse your libraries (seen here as “Kids Movies”, “Kids Shows”, “Movies” and “TV Shows”, but your library names may vary) as well as browse your channels. If you’ve never used the Plex channels feature before, you’re missing out—read up here on how to install and watch streaming channels.

在这里您可以浏览您的媒体库(在这里被称为“儿童电影”,“儿童节目”,“电影”和“电视节目”,但您的媒体库名称可能有所不同)以及浏览频道。 如果您以前从未使用过Plex频道功能,那么您会错过- 在这里阅读有关如何安装和观看流媒体频道的信息 。

播放故障排除 (Troubleshooting Playback)

Under ideal conditions, you won’t run into any issues, and you can just start watching. On the off chance you are having issues, however, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot. First and foremost, before we start pinning the blame on Plex, let’s rule out a bad connection in general. Before you start tinkering with the Plex settings, you should try to play other streaming video content (like some free content from Amazon Instant Video) to ensure that it isn’t a Wi-Fi or internet issue that’s thrown a wrench into things. If that video plays without any stutters or weird behavior, then it’s time to proceed.

在理想情况下,您不会遇到任何问题,您可以开始观看。 但是,如果遇到问题,可以采取一些措施来进行故障排除。 首先,在开始将责任归咎于Plex之前,让我们排除一般情况下的不良连接。 在开始修改Plex设置之前,您应该尝试播放其他流视频内容(例如Amazon Instant Video的一些免费内容),以确保它不是导致问题的Wi-Fi或互联网问题。 如果播放该视频时没有任何口吃或怪异行为,那么该继续了。

The default settings on the Fire TV Plex client are the ideal ones, and you should only modify them if you’re having issues. To access the settings select your username on the main Plex screen and click it, select “Settings” in the drop down menu.

Fire TV Plex客户端上的默认设置是理想的设置,只有在遇到问题时才应修改它们。 要访问设置,请在Plex主屏幕上选择您的用户名,然后单击它,然后在下拉菜单中选择“设置”。

Within the settings menu, navigate to the “Video” section. There are a few tweaks here we can make that can help either resolve or at least isolate issues you’re having. If you’re having general playback issues where it seems like nothing plays without stuttering (and you’ve ruled out weak Wi-Fi), you can change the “Local Quality” to a lower setting. By default it plays in the original resolution of the video but you can dial it down to, say 4 Mbps / 720p and you should see improvement–note that typically, most users will only need to dial down the quality for the Fire TV Stick and not the Fire TV.

在设置菜单中,导航到“视频”部分。 我们可以在此处进行一些调整,以帮助解决或至少隔离您遇到的问题。 如果您遇到一般的播放问题,似乎没有卡顿就无法播放任何东西(并且您已经排除了较弱的Wi-Fi),则可以将“本地质量”更改为较低的设置。 默认情况下,它以视频的原始分辨率播放,但是您可以将其调低到4 Mbps / 720p,您会看到一些改进–请注意,通常,大多数用户只需要调低Fire TV Stick和不是消防电视。

Another trick you can try, which is helpful in ruling out whether or not the format of the media server file is the culprit, is to disable “Allow Direct Play” and “Allow Direct Stream” to see if that makes a difference. Both of these settings are, under normal conditions, highly beneficial as they allow for the files to play directly on your device without any CPU-heavy transcoding on the server side. (You can read more about these settings in the Plex wiki here.)

您可以尝试尝试另一种技巧,这有助于确定媒体服务器文件的格式是否为罪魁祸首,即禁用“允许直接播放”和“允许直接流”以查看是否有区别。 在正常情况下,这两个设置都非常有用,因为它们允许文件直接在设备上播放,而无需在服务器端进行任何占用大量CPU的代码转换。 (您可以在此处的Plex Wiki中了解有关这些设置的更多信息。)

If unchecking them allows your content to play without a problem, then perhaps that’s a feasible solution. If the extra transcoding burden is too much for your server, you may wish to pre-optimize your media for smoother playback so your server doesn’t have to do the heavy transcoding on-the-fly. If you do opt to pre-optimize your media, be sure to turn the Direct Play and Direct Stream back on.

如果取消选中它们,则您的内容可以毫无问题地播放,那么也许这是一个可行的解决方案。 如果额外的转码负担对您的服务器来说太大了,您可能希望预先优化媒体以实现更流畅的播放,这样服务器就不必即时进行繁重的转码。 如果您确实选择预先优化媒体,请确保重新打开“直接播放”和“直接流”。

The Fire TV and Fire TV Stick might be the underdogs in the streaming platform world (and, perhaps, rightfully so) but with the addition of Plex you can blow the dust off your old devices and get more miles out of them.

Fire TV和Fire TV Stick可能是流媒体平台世界中的弱者(也许正当如此),但是通过添加Plex,您可以将旧设备上的灰尘吹走,并从中获得更多的收益。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/285706/how-to-use-plex-on-your-amazon-fire-tv-and-tv-stick/

unas plex使用

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