unas plex使用_如何在Plex Media Server中使用本地图稿

2023-10-09 07:30

本文主要是介绍unas plex使用_如何在Plex Media Server中使用本地图稿,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

unas plex使用

unas plex使用

Plex can automatically label your media and apply artwork to it, but sometimes there’s no substitute for your hand-picked movie and TV show artwork. Thankfully, you can easily use your own media assets with your Plex collection.

Plex可以自动为您的媒体添加标签并对其应用插图,但是有时您无法替代您手工挑选的电影和电视节目插图。 幸运的是,您可以轻松地将自己的媒体资产与Plex集合一起使用。

By default, Plex uses a tool known as a scraper to “scrape” the metadata for your media files from online databases like TheTVDB and The Movie Database. The scraper basically says “Okay, based on the name of this folder and/or file we’re pretty confident that this movie file is “The Labyrinth” from 1986, so we’ll download the metadata for that!” And boom, your movie will have cover art, poster art, and other associated metadata without intervention from you.

默认情况下,Plex使用称为“抓取工具”的工具从TheTVDB和The Movie Database之类的在线数据库中“抓取”媒体文件的元数据。 抓取工具基本上会说:“好吧,根据此文件夹和/或文件的名称,我们非常有信心该电影文件是1986年的“迷宫”,因此我们将下载其元数据!” 繁荣发展,您的电影将具有封面艺术,海报艺术和其他相关元数据,而无需您干预。

That usually works well enough for most people, and they’re more than happy to let the scapers do their magic. But maybe you’re a longtime media collector but a recent Plex adopter and you want to keep using all the media artwork you’ve painstakingly paired with your collection. Or maybe you have less-than-mainstream taste in movies, and the metadata scraping fails more often than not—tweaking a few artwork entries manually in Plex is easy enough, but doing your whole collection that way would get old fast, and doing the whole library yourself is usually a better bet. Or, if you’re really a purist, you mi ght just prefer that all the metadata be stored with your media—which means it stays with it if you make a backup or give it to a friend.

对于大多数人来说,这通常效果很好,而且他们非常乐意让景观设计者发挥自己的魔力。 但是,也许您是一位长期的媒体收藏家,但最近才采用Plex,并且您想继续使用与收藏精心配对的所有媒体作品。 或者,也许您对电影的喜爱程度不如主流,并且元数据刮取失败的机会多于其他情况- 在Plex中手动调整一些图稿条目很容易 ,但是以这种方式进行整个收藏会很快变旧,并且整个图书馆通常是一个更好的选择。 或者,如果您确实是一个纯粹主义者,则可能只希望将所有元数据都与媒体一起存储-这意味着如果您进行备份或将其提供给朋友,它会保留在其中。

Whatever your reasons, you can easily force Plex to prioritize what are known as “local media assets”, media metadata files stored with the local files, over the scraped metadata. Further, it’s not an all or nothing thing: you can use local media assets in parallel with Plex’s great scraping features so any holes in your hand-picked collection won’t be blank, they’ll be filled in by Plex.

无论出于何种原因,您都可以轻松地强制Plex优先于所谓的“本地媒体资产”,即与本地文件一起存储的媒体元数据文件,优先于已抓取的元数据。 此外,这也不是全有或全无:可以将本地媒体资源与Plex出色的抓取功能并行使用,这样您手工挑选的收藏中的任何漏洞都不会成为空白,而是由Plex填补。

如何格式化作品文件 (How to Format Your Artwork Files)

The act of enabling local media assets is easy…but we’re not going to start with that. Instead, before you do that, take some time to set up your artwork files properly. If you don’t, enabling their use will do nothing (at best) and possibly mix in old and poorly formatted media assets to your collection (at worst). Using images with proper sizes and naming conventions is the key to smooth and good looking local artwork.

启用本地媒体资产的行为很容易……但是我们不会从此开始。 相反,在执行此操作之前,请花一些时间来正确设置艺术品文件。 如果您不这样做,则启用它们的使用将(最多)没有任何效果,并且可能会将旧的和格式较差的媒体资产混入您的收藏中(最坏的情况)。 使用具有适当尺寸和命名约定的图像是使本地艺术品平滑且美观的关键。

Rather than just throw a bunch of filename formats at you without a frame of reference, let’s take a look at an actual Plex library as an example. We’ll start with movies, then move on to TV shows (which are, from an organizational standpoint, slightly more complex than movies).

让我们以一个实际的Plex库为例,而不仅仅是在没有参考框架的情况下向您抛出一堆文件名格式。 我们将从电影开始,然后转到电视节目(从组织的角度来看,它比电影要复杂一些)。

电影资产:海报和背景 (Movie Assets: Posters and Backgrounds)

In the above screenshot, we see two visible types of artwork: the movie poster (1) and the background artwork (2, also commonly called “fanart”). These files need to be either in .JPG, .JPEG, and .PNG format. They can also be in .TBN format, which is an old media thumbnail format from the early days of the XBMC/Kodi project that are simply JPG files with a new extension. Both Kodi and Plex still support them, but we recommend renaming them with a .JPG extension rather than relying on backwards compatibility.

在上面的屏幕截图中,我们看到了两种可见的艺术品:电影海报(1)和背景艺术品(2,通常也称为“ fanart”)。 这些文件必须为.JPG,.JPEG和.PNG格式。 它们也可以采用.TBN格式,这是XBMC / Kodi项目初期的一种旧的媒体缩略图格式,只是带有新扩展名的JPG文件。 Kodi和Plex仍然支持它们,但是我们建议使用.JPG扩展名重命名它们,而不要依赖于向后兼容。

Custom movie posters must be stored in the same folder as the movie itself. The movie poster ratio is 2:3, so any file you use (the higher resolution, the better) should have that ratio. It’s better to have a 1000 pixel by 1500 pixel poster that gets scaled down, rather than a 200 pixel by 300 pixel poster that looks bad on higher resolution displays.

自定义电影海报必须与电影本身存储在同一文件夹中。 电影海报比例为2:3,因此您使用的任何文件(分辨率越高越好)都应具有该比例。 最好缩小比例为1000像素乘1500像素的海报,而不是在高分辨率显示器上看起来不好的200像素乘300像素的海报。

The file will be detected as a movie poster if it is named “cover.ext”, “default.ext”, “folder.ext”, “movie.ext”, or “poster.ext” (where .ext is the extension you prefer—JPG, JPEG, or PNG).

如果文件名为“ cover.ext”,“ default.ext”,“ folder.ext”,“ movie.ext”或“ poster.ext”(其中,.ext为扩展名),则将被检测为电影海报。您更喜欢-JPG,JPEG或PNG)。

Background artwork should be in a 16:9 ratio, just like your widescreen TV. It should be named “art.ext”, “backdrop.ext”, “background.ext” or “fanart.ext”.

就像您的宽屏电视一样,背景艺术品的比例应为16:9。 应将其命名为“ art.ext”,“ backdrop.ext”,“ background.ext”或“ fanart.ext”。

If you have no pressing reason to use one naming convention over the other, we highly recommend using either “folder.ext” or  “poster.ext” for your movie posters and “fanart.ext” for your background artwork. Why? Both of those naming conventions are also supported by Kodi media center, so if you ever switch away from using Plex (or give media to a friend who uses Kodi) then everything will work without a problem.

如果您没有紧迫的理由使用一个命名约定而不是另一个命名约定,我们强烈建议您为电影海报使用“ folder.ext”或“ poster.ext”,为背景图稿使用“ fanart.ext”。 为什么? Kodi媒体中心也支持这两种命名约定,因此,如果您不再使用Plex(或将媒体交给使用Kodi的朋友),那么一切都会正常进行。

You can store (and use) multiple movie posters and backgrounds by appending the additional files with numbers using the -X format. Let’s take a look at how all of this would be organized for our example movie, Back to the Future:

通过使用-X格式在数字后面附加文件,可以存储(和使用)多个电影海报和背景。 让我们来看一下示例电影《 回到未来》如何组织所有这些工作:

\Movies\Back to the Future (1985)\


Back to the Future.mkv














By default Plex will always display the first available image, unless you jump into the individual entry for that movie and specify that you want the secondary image.


电视节目资产:除了厨房水槽之外的所有东西 (TV Show Assets: Everything But the Kitchen Sink)

The process for organizing TV show artwork is almost identical, save for the fact that there are a lot more media assets to deal with. You’ll use the same file formats with the same size constraints (2:3 for poster art, 16:9 for fanart), but there are extra artwork options for TV shows. Not only do you have the main entry for the show, but you also have artwork for each season and individual episode, and can even include TV show theme songs.

电视节目图稿的组织过程几乎相同,除了存在更多的媒体资产要处理的事实。 您将使用具有相同大小限制的相同文件格式(海报艺术为2:3,粉丝艺术为16:9),但电视节目还有其他艺术品选项。 您不仅拥有节目的主要入口,而且还拥有每个季节和每个单集的艺术品,甚至可以包括电视节目主题曲。

Look at the screenshot aboe. Just like with the movies, (1) is the “poster.ext” and (2) is the “fanart.ext”. We have a new addition for the individual TV show seasons (3) “seasonXX.ext” where XX is the season number, placed in the individual season folders. If you want to use multiple season covers for (3), you have to append the multiple copies with letters (instead of the numbers we’ve used in previous examples) so you end up with “season01.ext”, “season01b.ext”, “season01c.ext”, and so on.

看一下截图。 就像电影一样,(1)是“ poster.ext”,(2)是“ fanart.ext”。 我们为各个电视节目季添加了新的内容(3)“ seasonXX.ext”,其中XX是季节号,放置在各个季节文件夹中。 如果要为(3)使用多个季节封面,则必须在多个副本上附加字母(而不是前面示例中使用的数字),因此最终得到“ season01.ext”,“ season01b.ext” ”,“ season01c.ext”等。

Within the individual seasons, you also have additional artwork you can modify, seen below. You can change the season background (4) by placing additional “fanart.ext” files in the /season/ folders and you can supply custom thumbnails for each episode (5) by including “episode name.ext” wherein “episode name” is the exact name of the episode file.

在各个季节内,您还可以修改其他艺术品,如下所示。 您可以通过在/ season /文件夹中放置其他“ fanart.ext”文件来更改季节背景(4),并可以通过包括“ episode name.ext”(其中“ episode name”为情节文件的确切名称。

Finally, you can even toss a “theme.mp3” into the root directory of the show and most Plex clients will play the theme music when you’re looking at the show entry. Let’s look at how that should be formatted now:

最后,您甚至可以将“ theme.mp3”扔到节目的根目录中,当您查看节目条目时,大多数Plex客户端将播放主题音乐。 让我们看看现在应该如何格式化:

/TV Shows/Adventure Time/


/Season 01/


Adventure Time – S01E01 – Slumber Party Panic.mkv

冒险时间– S01E01 –沉睡派对Panic.mkv

Adventure Time – S01E01 – Slumber Party Panic.png

冒险时间– S01E01 –睡衣派对Panic.png

















In our little folder snapshot outlined above, you can see that we have multiple fanart images for the main Adventure Time directory, as well as a theme song MP3. Within Season one of the show, we also have a custom thumbnail for the first episode, and one custom fanart and two custom covers for the season.

在上面概述的小文件夹快照中,您可以看到我们在Adventure Time主目录中有多个fanart图像,以及主题曲MP3。 在节目的第一季中,我们还为第一集提供了自定义缩略图,并为该季提供了一个自定义同伴和两个自定义封面。

如何在Plex中启用本地媒体资产 (How to Enable Local Media Assets in Plex)

Now that we’ve cleaned up our actual media assets, it’s time for the super easy part: telling Plex to use them. To do so, simply log into the web control panel of your Plex Media Server and click on the Settings icon in the upper right corner.

现在我们已经清理了实际的媒体资产,是时候开始超级简单了:告诉Plex使用它们。 为此,只需登录Plex Media Server的Web控制面板,然后单击右上角的“设置”图标。

Within the Settings menu select “Server” in the top navigation bar and then “Agents” from the left hand navigation bar, seen below:


In the categories “Movies” and “Shows” select each sub-category, such as “Personal Media” and “The Movie Database” and both check “Local Media Assets” and click-and-hold the entry to drag it to the top of the list.


This will instruct Plex to prioritize your local media assets over scraped data from internet media databases. As long as you leave the other options checked, it will still fill in the blanks if you are missing local assets for a particular film or TV show.

这将指示Plex优先于本地媒体资产,而不是来自Internet媒体数据库的抓取数据。 只要您不选中其他选项,如果您缺少特定电影或电视节目的本地资产,它仍然会填空。

The local metadata will be applied the next time your Plex media database updates. If you’re impatient and want to see the results right now, you can return to the main page of the web server’s interface and manually update your library by clicking on the menu button beside the “Libraries” entry and selecting “Update Libraries”.

下次您的Plex媒体数据库更新时,将应用本地元数据。 如果您不耐烦并且想立即查看结果,则可以返回Web服务器界面的主页,并通过单击“库”条目旁边的菜单按钮并选择“更新库”来手动更新库。

That’s all there is to it! Your local media assets are now prioritizes and no library update will accidentally mess with your carefully curated selections.

这里的所有都是它的! 现在,您的本地媒体资产已成为优先事项,没有库更新会意外地干扰您精心挑选的选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/290496/how-to-use-local-artwork-with-your-plex-media-server/

unas plex使用

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