
【论文阅读笔记】Order Matters(AAAI 20)

个人博客地址 注:部分内容参考自GPT生成的内容 论文笔记:Order Matters(AAAI 20) 用于二进制代码相似性检测的语义感知神经网络 论文:《Order Matters: Semantic-Aware Neural Networks for Binary Code Similarity Detection》(AAAI 2020) 笔记参考:AAAI-20论文解读:

论文阅读笔记(AAAI 20)Order Matters

个人博客地址 注:部分内容参考自GPT生成的内容 论文笔记:Order Matters(AAAI 20) 用于二进制代码相似性检测的语义感知神经网络 论文:《Order Matters: Semantic-Aware Neural Networks for Binary Code Similarity Detection》(AAAI 2020) 笔记参考:AAAI-20论文解读:

论文翻译:OK-Robot: What Really Matters in Integrating Open-Knowledge Models for Robotics

OK-Robot: What Really Matters in Integrating Open-Knowledge Models for Robotics OK-Robot:整合开放知识模型在机器人学中的真正重要性 文章目录 OK-Robot: What Really Matters in Integrating Open-Knowledge Models for RoboticsO

CVPR 2020 Character Matters: Video Story Understanding with Character-Aware Relations

动机 与短视频和GIF不同,视频故事包含清晰的情节和主要人物列表。如果没有识别出人物和角色名字之间的联系,一个模型就无法获得对情节的真正理解。视频故事问答(VSQA)提供了一种有效的评估模型更高层次理解能力的方法。然而,目前的VSQA方法只是从场景中提取一般的视觉特征。通过这种方法,它们仍然倾向于只学习表面上的相关性。视频问答的任务在最近的许多研究中得到了探索。然而,这些方法仅仅是利用预训练

【论文阅读】Threshold Matters in WSSS: Manipulating the Activation for the Robust and Accurat...

一篇弱监督分割领域的论文,发表在CVPR2022上: 论文标题: Threshold Matters in WSSS: Manipulating the Activation for the Robust and Accurate Segmentation Model Against Thresholds 作者信息: 代码地址:

【论文阅读】Threshold Matters in WSSS: Manipulating the Activation for the Robust and Accurat...

一篇弱监督分割领域的论文,发表在CVPR2022上: 论文标题: Threshold Matters in WSSS: Manipulating the Activation for the Robust and Accurate Segmentation Model Against Thresholds 作者信息: 代码地址:

【programming pig】preliminary matters

1. pig中relation名字和field名字不能重新赋值,因为会造成引用丢失 you can write as follows, A = load 'NYSE_dividends' (exchange, symbol, date, dividends); A = filter A by dividends > 0; A = foreach A generate UPPER(symb

WIFI文献笔记|Placement Matters: Understanding the Effects of Device Placement for WiFi Sensing

2023/3/20,天大开学一个多月了,最近开始探索WIFI感知的idea阶段了。 ■ 不管研究什么课题,希望一边精读论文,先读个二三十篇,把阅读笔记保留下来; ■ 实验过程细节部分粗读即可,毕竟相研究问题也用不到; 一、文献信息 (1)标题:Placement Matters: Understanding the Effects of Device Placement for WiFi Sen