编辑距离就是用来计算从原串(s)转换到目标串(t)所需要的最少的插入,删除和替换的数目,在NLP中应用比较广泛,如一些评测方法中就用到了(wer,mWer等),同时也常用来计算你对原文本所作的改动数。编辑距离的算法是首先由俄国科学家Levenshtein提出的,故又叫Levenshtein Distance。Levenshtein distance (LD) is a measure of the
中文字符串模糊匹配算法|C# Levenshtein Distance 2010-01-06 09:08:09 C# Levenshtein Distanceby Sam Allen - Updated November 27, 2009You want to match approximate strings with fuzzy logic, using the Leven
环境:Python3.6 直接用pip install python-Levenshtein时报错,提示需要安装 Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0。 error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools": http://landinghub.v