问题描述: 在通过RMAN将数据库恢复到同类机异机的时候,restore spfile一直报RMAN-06172: no AUTOBACKUP found or specified handle is not a valid copy or piece RMAN> restore spfile from '/tmp/bak/db_14_1_928703445';Starting rest
孙广东 2015.6.20 先贴一个 Grid网格吧。 可以标记一个对象的正方形范围等 拖拽到指定的对象就OK了。 using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;// DrawGizmoGrid.cs// draws a useful reference grid in the editor in Unity. // 0
报错信息如下: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to handle DataBuffer of type class org.springframework.http.server.reactive.UndertowServerHttpRequest$UndertowDataBufferat org.springframework.cloud
How to handle background services in ANDROID O? 如何处理Android O的后台Service 前段时间公司项目中做Android O的适配。在了解Android O新功能时,看到这个文章,虽然介绍的是Android O的预览版,但读了一遍感觉不错,记录下来。顺便翻译一下(不翻译大家肯定也看得懂,只是觉得单纯转一下太low了)… 原文地址: H
Laravel 5.5 uses the handle() method instead of fire() in commands. This PR adds a handle() method that simply calls fire() internally. This way it should be compatible with previous versions of La