【ocean】报错*Error* quotient: can‘t handle (nil / nil)

2024-06-03 06:20

本文主要是介绍【ocean】报错*Error* quotient: can‘t handle (nil / nil),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

  • 这个情况比较复杂,有很多种情况,一般nil代表没有值,ciw中会具体提示哪一行错误,但如果是一个procedure,他不会提示得那么仔细
    Error* quotient: can’t handle (nil / nil)
    Error load: error while loading file - “xxx.ocn” at line 183
  • 网上看还有error,提示值晶体管值不对,原来读文件时候多读了一个数,本来是w,l,mul,我还继续用fscanf读了一个其他的配置,导致后面W和L被冲掉了,debug没有经验可以将fscanf读出来的W和L再printf到CIW上看看具体是多少
  • 补充一下,fscanf(file …),file不存在也可能报这个错误,首次检查一下文件是否存在,路径对不对

Error found by spectre.
ERROR (CMI-2440): “input.scs” 94: M5: The length, width, or area of the
instance does not fit the given lmax-lmin, wmax-wmin, or
areamax-areamin range for any model in the ‘pch’ group. The channel
width is 1.000000e+00 and length is 1.300000e-06. Specify channel width
and length that do not exceed the referenced maximal area
Lmax=2.000010e-05, Lmin=6.000000e-08, Wmax=9.000001e-04,and
Wmin=1.200000e-07. You can choose the nearest model by setting the
value of ‘soft_bin’ option to ‘allmodels’.
ERROR (CMI-2440): “input.scs” 110: M7: The length, width, or area of the
instance does not fit the given lmax-lmin, wmax-wmin, or
areamax-areamin range for any model in the ‘nch’ group. The channel
width is 1.000000e+00 and length is 2.670000e-07. Specify channel width
and length that do not exceed the referenced maximal area
Lmax=2.000010e-05, Lmin=6.000000e-08, Wmax=9.000001e-04,and
Wmin=1.200000e-07. You can choose the nearest model by setting the
value of ‘soft_bin’ option to ‘allmodels’.

这篇关于【ocean】报错*Error* quotient: can‘t handle (nil / nil)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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