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今天来精读2023年10月发在《Nature》上的一篇新闻:AlphaFold touted as next big thing for drug discovery — but is it? (nature.com)https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02984-w Questions remain about whether the AI
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论文题目:Generating focused molecule libraries for drug discovery with recurrent neural networks scholar 引用:203 页数:12 发表时间:2017.12 发表刊物:ASC(American Chemical Society) Central Science 作者:Marwin H. S.
Service service = new Service(); 调用Service这步的时候抛异常,原因:缺少commons-logging.jar包。 有的人加了commons-discovery.jar和commons-logging.jar这两个包还是报错,去掉commons-discovery.jar包即可。 因为commons-discovery.jar依赖commons-log
Universal Instance Perception as Object Discovery and Retrieval 论文阅读笔记 一、Abstract二、引言三、相关工作实例感知通过类别名进行检索通过语言表达式的检索通过指代标注的检索 统一的视觉模型Unified Learning ParadigmsUnified Model Architectures 四、方法4.1 Pro