耦合和聚合(或者内聚)我敢保证这两个词,你会经常听到。同时我也敢说,你问一下你所有的同事,不会有几个人可以清楚地定义这两个词。以下定义来自《UML和模式应用 面向对象分析和设计导论》中译版,姚淑珍译。英文版《Applying UML and Patterns An introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design》By Craig Larman
论文题目:Accurate prediction of protein contact maps by coupling residual two-dimensional bidirectional long short-term memory with convolutional neural networks 下载链接:https://academic.oup.com/bioinformat
研究现状 TransE、TransD、TransR 基于平移的方法 针对单个三元组进行训练 A Three-Way Model for Collective Learning on Multi-Relational Data(2011) 基于语义匹配的方法 Embedding entities and relations for learning and infe
Firstly and most importantly, Designs that exhibit low coupling and high cohesion are preferred. What is coupling? coupling就是两个class之间的相关程度,所以越低越好。 Figure 1b provides an alternate design involving t
Coupling Global and Local Context for Unsupervised Aspect Extraction 19EMNLP CUHK :香港中文大学 3.1 Input and Output 在接触细节以揭示本文的模型如何工作之前,首先描述本文的输入和输出。 输入 给定一个有|C|个句子的数据集C,{X1,X2,……,X|c|}。将每一个句子X表示成