
远场Far-Field beamforming与近场Near-Field beamforming有何关系

这里写目录标题 UPA写在前面Channel Estimation for Extremely Large-Scale Massive MIMO:Far-Field, Near-Field, or Hybrid-Field?Far Field modelNear Field model Multi-Beam Design for Near-Field Extremely Large-Scal

论文学习---Resource allocation and beamforming desing in the short blocklength regime for URLLC

Title:Resource Allocation and Beamforming Design in the Short Blocklength Regime for URLLC Author:A. A. Nasir, H. D. Tuan, H. H. Nguyen, M. Debbah, and H. V. Poor 本文与上一篇文献 link.的区别:同为MISO 结构,不关注OFDM机制

【MIMO 从入门到精通】[P6]【What is Beamforming?】

前言:            Beamforming 是MIMO 技术里面的核心技术之一,所以讲MIMO 必须对Beamforming 有所了解,本篇主要了解一下beamforming           Explains how a beam is formed by adding delays to antenna elements.    波束赋形(Beamforming

Multi-Cell Downlink Beamforming: Direct FP, Closed-Form FP, Weighted MMSE

这里写自定义目录标题 Direct FPClosed-Form FPthe Lagrangian functionthe Lagrange dual function: maximizing the Lagrangianthe Lagrange dual problem: minimizing the Lagrange dual functionClosed-Form FP Weighted

Intelligent Reflecting Surface: Practical Phase Shift Model and Beamforming Optimization

本文地址: Abstract 之前都是考虑 理想的 full reflection regardless of phase shift 的 model(这里没看明白) 本文考虑的是 相位和和reflection coefficient有关的的实际模型 后面的实际跟Wu’s paper差不多,还是 通过联合最优化IRS的phase s