codec engine代码阅读1~3:根目录package.xdc,release notes和example文件夹

本文主要是介绍codec engine代码阅读1~3:根目录package.xdc,release notes和example文件夹,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

codec engine代码阅读1~3:

codec engine代码阅读一---根目录下的package.xdc
codec engine代码是适用于XDC tools而写的,因此看代码之前要对XDC tools有一些基本的了解,可以参考: TI XDC工具入门简介

Package.xdc -------------描述该包的名称,版本信息,依赖文件,模块信息等


/* This "requires" list describes what packages to import into this bundle */
requires ti.sdo.ce;
requires ti.sdo.ce.node;
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc;
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.bios;
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink;
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink.dsp;
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.linux;
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.noOS;


* ======== codec_engine ========
* The Codec Engine product package. //codec engine产品包
* This package is a "bundle" of packages required to use the Codec Engine//这个包是一个要使用codec engine api来运行
* API's to run algorithms. It also includes packages required to add new //算法所需要的包的bundle.这也包含了一些
* algorithms to a system using the Codec Engine. //加使用codec engine的系统增加新算法所需的包.
package codec_engine_2_23_01 [1, 0, 0] {
} //这个结构的含义还不了解.



requires ti.sdo.ce; //ce-codec engine
requires ti.sdo.ce.node; //codec engine节点
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc; //ipc=inter process communication 进程间通信的包.
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.bios; //进程间通信的bios部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink; //进程间通信用到的dsplink
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink.dsp; //进程间通信用到的dsplink中的dsp部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.linux; //进程间通信的linux部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.ipc.noOS; //无操作系统情况下的进程间通信.
requires ti.sdo.ce.osal; //这个不懂 //osal 是将ce的代码和操作系统隔开的层,只留出几个接口供应用程序使用
requires ti.sdo.ce.osal.bios;
requires ti.sdo.ce.osal.linux;
requires ti.sdo.ce.osal.noOS;
requires ti.sdo.ce.alg; //alg=algorithm 算法
requires ti.sdo.ce.trace; //调试追踪
requires ti.sdo.ce.speech; //语音部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.speech1;
requires; //视频部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.video1;
requires ti.sdo.ce.video2;
requires; //音频部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.audio1;
requires; //全局部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.image; //图像部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.image1;
requires ti.sdo.ce.universal;
requires ti.sdo.ce.vidtranscode; //视频转码
requires ti.sdo.ce.vidanalytics; //视频分析
requires ti.sdo.ce.video2.split; //视频分割

requires ti.sdo.ce.bioslog; //bios日志

requires ti.sdo.ce.utils; //附加工具
requires ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace;//附加工具的调试部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.utils.xdm;

requires ti.dsplink.utils.lad;
requires ti.dsplink.utils.ladclient;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs;//示例编解码器
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.viddec1_copy;//示例视频编码器
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.videnc1_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.imgdec1_copy;//示例图像编解码器
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.imgenc1_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.sphdec1_copy;//示例语音编解码器
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.sphenc1_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.auddec1_copy;//示例音频编解码器
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.audenc1_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.auddec1_ires; //音频资源
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.viddec2_copy;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.viddec_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.videnc_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.imgdec_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.imgenc_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.sphdec_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.sphenc_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.auddec_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.audenc_copy;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.scale;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.vidtranscode_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.vidanalytics_copy;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.viddec2split_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.universal_copy;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.extensions;//扩展部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.extensions.scale;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers;//服务器部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.all_codecs;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.all_codecs_new_config;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.video_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.video_copy.evmDM6446;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.video_copy.evmDM6467;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.video_copy.evm2530;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.video_copy.evm3530;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.video_copy.evmOMAPL137;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.server_api_example;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.audio1_ires;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.buildutils;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps;//应用部分
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.singlecpu;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.singlecpu_configuro.evmDM365;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.dualcpu;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.dualcpu.evmDM6446;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.dualcpu.evmDM6467;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.dualcpu.evm2530;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.dualcpu.evm3530;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.dualcpu.evmOMAPL137;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.dualcpu_separateconfig;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video_copy.dualcpu_separateconfig_dll;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.image_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.speech_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.audio_copy.singlecpu;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.audio_copy.dualcpu;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.audio_copy.dualcpu.evmDM6446;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.audio_copy.dualcpu.evmDM6467;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.audio_copy.dualcpu.evm2530;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.audio_copy.dualcpu.evm3530;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.server_api_example;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.server_trace;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video2_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video1_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.image1_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.speech1_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.audio1_copy.sync;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.audio1_copy.async;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.audio1_ires;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.video2split_copy;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.vidtranscode;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.vidanalytics;

requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.universal_copy;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.scale;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.speech;
requires ti.sdo.ce.examples.apps.speech_copy_LAD;

requires ti.sdo.ce.wizards.genserver;

codec engine代码阅读二---根目录下的release notes

release notes的前两段是非常值得看的:

This Codec Engine Release is targetted to DaVinci and OMAP platforms, enabling users to instantiate and utilize both local and remote codecs. In addition to heterogenous devices (e.g. DM644x, DM6467, OMAP2530, OMAP3530, etc.), it supports single processor environments as well; specifically C64+ devices (e.g. DM643x, and DM648), ARM devices running Linux (e.g. DM355, DM365, OMAP3503) and x86 devices running Linux.

[i] 此发行版本适用对象为DaVinci和OMAP平台, 它使得用户可以实例化并利于本地的和远程的编解码器. 除了指定的如DM644x等处理器之外, 它也支持单处理器环境,如C64+的DSP,跑linux系统的ARM设备(DM355等)和跑Linux的x86设备.


The Codec Engine is a software platform for algorithm execution that satisfies the following, high-level goals:

Robust - drives pre-integrated components with fully characterized performance.
Easy to use - app developers specify what needs to be run, but not how or where.
Extensible and Configurable - new algorithms can be added by anyone, using standard tools and techniques.
Portable - API's are target, platform, and in many cases even codec independant.

Codec Enigne一个算法执行的软件平台,它可以满足以下的高层次的目标:
强状性   易用性   可扩展和配置   可移植  

Primary packages in this Codec Engine release are briefly described here. (There are others, see the Configuration Reference Guide documentation for a complete package list.)

下面Codec Engine中的基本包进行了描述(其它的包可以参考Configuration Reference Guide ,这里有一个完整的包列表)

ti.sdo.ce - The Codec Engine runtime.
//Codec Engine的运行时程序
ti.sdo.ce.video2 - The Codec Engine video component (supporting the XDM IVIDDEC2 interface). An example is also provided.  
//视频组件,支持XDM的 IVIDDEC2接口,并提供了一个示例程序.
ti.sdo.ce.video1 - The Codec Engine video component (supporting the XDM IVIDDEC1 and IVIDENC1 interfaces). An example is also provided.
//视频组件,支持XDM的 IVIDDEC1和IVIDENC1接口,并提供了一个示例程序.
ti.sdo.ce.image1 - The Codec Engine image component (supporting the XDM IIMGDEC1 and IIMGENC1 interfaces). An example is also provided.
ti.sdo.ce.speech1 - The Codec Engine speech component (supporting the XDM ISPHDEC1 and ISPHENC1 interfaces). An example is also provided.
//语音组件,支持XDM的 ISPHDEC1和ISPHDEC1接口,并提供了一个示例程序.
ti.sdo.ce.audio1 - The Codec Engine audio component (supporting the XDM IAUDDEC1 and IAUDENC1 interfaces). An example is also provided.
//音频组件,支持XDM的 IAUDDEC1和IAUDENC1接口,并提供了一个示例程序.
ti.sdo.ce.osal - The Codec Engine OS Abstraction Layer. This package insulates CE from the OS it's running on, and provides a few Modules for customers to use (e.g. Memory).
//Codec Engine的系统抽象层,它把CE和操作系统分离开,并提供了几个用户可以使用的模块,如内存.
ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace - The Codec Engine utility package for trace. This includes the TraceUtils module. This makes tracing features easier to use by an application. It will be supported in this release, but may be replaced in a future release with an incompatible implementation.

Additionally, this release of the Codec Engine continues to support the deprecated XDM interfaces included in xDAIS 5.00. This support is provided in the following packages:

//此外,这个发行版继续支持xDAIS 5.00中的XDM接口.包括如下的包:
[i] (注:下面的内容不写,似乎是说XDM也有多个版本,上面讲的是2和1版本,接口后面都有一个1或2,而下面的则是原始版本.) - The Codec Engine video component (supporting the XDM IVIDDEC and IVIDENC interfaces). An example is also provided.
ti.sdo.ce.image - The Codec Engine image component (supporting the XDM IIMGDEC and IIMGENC interfaces). An example is also provided.
ti.sdo.ce.speech - The Codec Engine speech/voice component (supporting the XDM ISPHDEC and ISPHENC interfaces). An example is also provided. - The Codec Engine audio component (supporting the XDM IAUDDEC and IAUDENC interfaces). An example is also provided.

Codec Engine is provided as non-rebuildable libraries. Source is provided for debugging and educational value, but is not intended to be modified. Modified sources will not be supported.

//CE是以不可重新编译的方式发布的.虽然我们也提供了原码,但是那只是为了调试和教育目的而用的,并非用于修改. 修改后的原码将得不到支持.
Some distributions of this product include a "cetools" directory containing some dependent products for convenience. Products included in this release are:


XDAIS 6.23
EDMA3 Resource Manager (from the EDMA3 Low Level Driver product). //EDMA3资源管理器
Framework Components 2.23.01
Linux Utils 2.23.01
LPM 1.23.01
DSP/BIOS Link 1.61.03 configured for the DM6446, DM6467, OMAP-L137, OMAP2530, and OMAP3530 EVMs
See this Codec Engine cetools explanation for further details.  

  • Codec Engine Application Developer User's Guide (文件夹下有本地文档 | latest) //CE应用开发人员指南
  • Codec Engine Server Integrator User's Guide (文件夹下有本地文档 | latest) //CE服务器集成人员指南
  • Codec Engine Algorithm Creator User's Guide (文件夹下有本地文档 | latest) //CE算法创建人员指南
  • Codec Engine Application Programming Interface (API) Reference Guide (HTML | CHM//CE应用编程接口参考
  • Codec Engine System Programming Interface (SPI) Reference Guide (HTML | CHM//CE系统编程接口参考
  • Package Reference Guide - includes configuration details  //包参考手册,包含配置方面的详细信息.
  • Using Adapters to Run Existing XDAIS Algorithms with Codec Engine App Note //应用笔记: 使用适配器来在CE上运行己有的XDAIS算法.
In addition, users are encouraged to monitor (and contribute to!) the TI Embedded Processors Wiki. //

codec engine代码阅读三---example文件夹

这个文件夹是示例代码,目录下有user.bld 和config.bld三个文件,xdcpaths.mk里面保存了编译代码所需的所有工具和库所在的路径,没什么好说的.

* 用户注意
* 1) Generally there is no need to edit this file
* 2) It is best to keep it in the same directory where the file "user.bld" is
* 通常没必要修改这个文件,最好把这个文件放到和user.bld同一级的文件夹里.
* In more details:
* This file controls compiler options for the Arm and the DSP when
* building programs with XDC. It affects only the binaries that are built
* through "package.bld" XDC files. The XDC tools pick up this file along
* the package path; this file then finds "user.bld" file with further options
* that are specific for the user's build environment.
* The contents of this file usually doesn't change, but having it in your
* ownership allows you to tweak your compler options. If you do change
* this file, however, on the next upgrade to Codec Engine we recommend
* that you take "config.bld" file as supplied by the upgrade and then merge
* your changes with it.
* Also note that the XDC tools pick up the first config.bld file they find
* along the package path; to make sure it is this file that gets picked,
* make the directory where this file is the first in the package path.
* You can verify that this file is being included by checking that
* the build process for each package prints the "Running the version
* from Codec Engine Examples" message.
*the version from Comdec Engine Examples"消息.

所以说这个文件不用管.然后看 user.bld,这个文件是要修改的:
*  ======== user.bld ========

// This table list the targets for which to build libraries and programs, and for
// each target it lists where the compiler tools are and for what platforms
// the programs should be built. For all build variants where you specify
// that "doBuild" is "true", you must specify the compiler tools, and it is
// desirable to comment out unwanted platforms.
// Example: if you are only interested in building Arm-side examples for
// evmDM6446 running Montavista Arm Linux, set doBuild: false everywhere
// except for the first Arm "doBuild"; then, specify your Montavista Arm
// tools directory, and comment out all platforms for that build except
// for '{ platform: "evmDM6446" }'.
//例如:如果你只关心编译DM6446上跑Montavista linux的ARM端的示例程序,则在除第一个Arm外的每
//一处设定doBuild为false.然后指定你的montavista arm 编译器的路径,注释掉除{


var buildTable = {
"Arm": [{doBuild: true, // standard build for Linux这里doBuild为true,因为DM6446上有ARM
target: "gnu.targets.arm.GCArmv5T", //DM6446上的ARM是ARVv5核的

// Arm tools. NOTE: make sure the directory you specify has a "bin" subdirectory
cgtoolsRootDir: "/usr/local/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le", //ARM编译器路径在这里设

platforms: [ // NOTE: comment out platforms (boards) below for which you don't want to build

var targets = []; //这里通过脚本,从buildTable里面提取信息,赋值给targets和userbldBuildPlatforms变量.
var userbldBuildPlatforms = {};

for each (var cpu in buildTable) {//对于buildTable中的每一个cpu表项,
for (var t = 0; t < cpu.length; t++) {
if (cpu[t].doBuild) {//如果某个cpu的doBuild值为true,
var targ = xdc.useModule(cpu[t].target);
targets.push(targ); //targets里就加上cpu[t].target项通过xdc.useModule转化的内容.
targ.rootDir = cpu[t].cgtoolsRootDir;
userbldBuildPlatforms[] = cpu[t].platforms;//这里加上平台信息.

Build.targets = targets;


这篇关于codec engine代码阅读1~3:根目录package.xdc,release notes和example文件夹的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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