本文主要是介绍MATLAB--Matrix Manipulation II,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
例1.Problem 1167. matrix zigzag
Unfold a 2-D matrix to a 1-D array in zig-zag order, e.g., for matrix(将一个二维矩阵按蛇形顺序展开成一维数组,例如,对于矩阵:)
[ 1 2 3 ;4 5 6 ;7 8 9 ]the resulting 1-D array should be(得到的一维数组应该是)
[ 1 2 4 7 5 3 6 8 9 ]
function result = zigzag(matrix)[rows, cols] = size(matrix);result = zeros(1, rows * cols);idx = 1;for sumIndex = 1:rows+cols-1if mod(sumIndex, 2) == 0if sumIndex <= rowsrow = sumIndex;col = 1;elserow = rows;col = sumIndex - rows;endwhile row >= 1 && col <= colsresult(idx) = matrix(row, col);idx = idx + 1;row = row - 1;col = col + 1;endelseif sumIndex <= colsrow = 1;col = sumIndex;elserow = sumIndex - cols;col = cols;endwhile row <= rows && col >= 1result(idx) = matrix(row, col);idx = idx + 1;row = row + 1;col = col - 1;endendend
matrix = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9];
result = zigzag(matrix);
1 2 4 7 5 3 6 8 9
例2. Problem 1321. Given a matrix, swap the 2nd & 3rd columns
a = [1 2 3 4;
1 2 3 4;
1 2 3 4;
1 2 3 4];
then the result is
ans = [1 3 2 4
1 3 2 4
1 3 2 4
1 3 2 4];
by swapping columns 2 and 3.
% 定义矩阵
a = [1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4];% 交换第2列和第3列
temp = a(:, 2);
a(:, 2) = a(:, 3);
a(:, 3) = temp;% 显示结果
结果是:1 3 2 41 3 2 41 3 2 41 3 2 4
例3.Problem 3075. Matrix of Multiplication Facts
This is James's daughter again, sneaking into his Cody account. Thanks to your help in my math class last year, I did great! But now they're giving me even harder problems. This time, they're giving me a 2x2 matrix of numbers, and asking me to make it a 3x3 matrix so the center numbers on each side multiply to the numbers in the corner. It's kinda hard to explain, so I'll just give you the example our teacher gave us in class.
The matrix we were given is:
21 6
35 10
The correct answer is:
21 3 6
7 0 2
35 5 10
- The two numbers touching the 21 are 7 and 3, and 7x3=21.
- The two numbers touching the 35 are 7 and 5, and 7x5=35.
- The two numbers touching the 6 are 2 and 3, and 2x3=6.
- The two numbers touching the 10 are 2 and 5, and 2x5=10.
The zero in the middle doesn't really matter, so I don't care what number you put in there. Some of the problems might have more than one answer, but as long as the numbers multiply out correctly, it's a good answer. All of the numbers have to be integers, though. Thanks again for your help!
[ \begin{bmatrix} 21 & 6 \ 35 & 10 \ \end{bmatrix} ]
正确答案是: [ \begin{bmatrix} 21 & 3 & 6 \ 7 & 0 & 2 \ 35 & 5 & 10 \ \end{bmatrix} ]
接触到21的两个数字是7和3,而7x3=21。 接触到35的两个数字是7和5,而7x5=35。 接触到6的两个数字是2和3,而2x3=6。 接触到10的两个数字是2和5,而2x5=10。 中间的零并不真的重要,所以我不在意你在那里放什么数字。有些问题可能会有多个答案,但只要数字相乘正确,就是一个好答案。不过,所有的数字都必须是整数。再次感谢你的帮助!
% 给定的2x2矩阵
A = [21, 6; 35, 10];% 扩展为3x3矩阵
B = zeros(3);
B(1:2, 1:2) = A;% 计算中心元素与角落元素的乘积
B(1, 2) = B(1, 1) * B(1, 3) / B(2, 1);
B(2, 3) = B(1, 3) * B(3, 3) / B(3, 2);
B(3, 2) = B(3, 1) * B(3, 3) / B(2, 3);
B(2, 1) = B(1, 1) * B(3, 1) / B(2, 3);% 显示结果
例4.Problem 1286. MatCAT - Reconstruct X from Its X-rays
Consider a matrix x
x = [ 1 2 00 5 0 3 0 8 ]If we sum x along the rows we get
row_sums = [3 5 11]Summing along the columns gives
col_sums = [4 7 8]Metaphorically, we might call these sums "x-rays". Your job is to take these x-rays and reconstruct the matrix x being x-rayed, in the fashion of a CAT scan. Can you put all the bones in the right place?
All matrix elements must be non-negative integers. There is no guarantee of a unique answer. I will only check that the row and column sums match the supplied matrix, and that your elements are non-negative integers.
Bonus question: Under what circumstances does the answer become unique? Discuss.
考虑一个矩阵 x
x = [ 1 2 0 0 5 0 3 0 8 ] 如果我们沿着行求和,我们得到
row_sums = [3 5 11] 沿着列求和则得到
col_sums = [4 7 8] 比喻地说,我们可以称这些和为“X光”。你的任务是根据这些X光重新构建被X光扫描的矩阵 x,就像进行CT扫描一样。你能把所有的骨头放在正确的位置吗?
% 给定的行和列求和
row_sums = [3 5 11];
col_sums = [4 7 8];% 初始化一个3x3的零矩阵
x_reconstructed = zeros(3);% 重新构建矩阵x
for i = 1:3for j = 1:3% 在保证非负整数的情况下,计算矩阵元素x_reconstructed(i, j) = max(0, min(row_sums(i), col_sums(j)));% 更新行和列的和row_sums(i) = row_sums(i) - x_reconstructed(i, j);col_sums(j) = col_sums(j) - x_reconstructed(i, j);end
end% 显示重建后的矩阵
disp('重建后的矩阵 x 是:');
例5.Problem 1421. subtract central cross
Given an n-by-n square matrix, where n is an odd number, return the matrix without the central row and the central column.
给定一个 n × n 的方阵,其中 n 是一个奇数,返回删除中心行和中心列后的矩阵。
function result = remove_center_row_column(matrix)% 确定矩阵的大小[n, ~] = size(matrix);% 确保n是奇数if mod(n, 2) == 0error('输入的矩阵的大小必须是奇数.');end% 计算中心行和列的索引center_index = ceil(n / 2);% 删除中心行和中心列result = matrix;result(center_index, :) = [];result(:, center_index) = [];
例6.Problem 1422. frame of the matrix
Given the matrix M, return M without the external frame.
给定矩阵 M,返回去除外部边框后的 M。
function result = remove_external_frame(M)% 获取矩阵的大小[rows, cols] = size(M);% 确保矩阵至少是3x3的大小,否则无法去除外部边框if rows < 3 || cols < 3error('矩阵的大小必须至少为3x3.');end% 去除外部边框result = M(2:end-1, 2:end-1);
例7.Problem 1429. Remove entire row and column in the matrix containing the input values
Remove the entire row and column from the matrix containing specific values. The specified value can be a scalar or a vector. For example x is given by x =
从包含特定值的矩阵中移除整行和整列。指定的值可以是标量或向量。例如,给定矩阵 x 为:
8 1 63 5 74 9 2and I specify an input value of n=3. The value 3 is in 2nd row and 1st column. So the output matrix should remove entire 2nd row and 3rd column. Output:[ 1 6; 9 2]
如果我指定输入值 n=3,值 3 在第2行第1列。因此,输出矩阵应该移除整个第2行和第3列。输出结果为:
remember the input value can be vector too !(请记住,输入值也可以是向量!)
function result = remove_row_column_containing_value(matrix, value)% 寻找值在矩阵中的位置[rows, cols] = find(matrix == value);% 移除包含指定值的整行和整列rows = unique(rows);cols = unique(cols);result = matrix;result(rows, :) = [];result(:, cols) = [];
例8.Problem 1853. Enlarge array
Given an m-by-n numeric array (A) and a 1-by-2 vector (sz) indicating the dimensions [p q] to enlarge each element, return an (m*p)-by-(n*q) array (B) in which each element of A has been replicated in p rows and q columns.
给定一个 m 行 n 列的数字数组 ( A ) 和一个 1 行 2 列的向量 ( sz ),指示要放大每个元素的维度 [p q],返回一个 (mp) 行 (nq) 列的数组 ( B ),其中 ( A ) 的每个元素在 ( p ) 行 ( q ) 列中被复制。
A = [1 2 34 5 67 8 9] sz = [3 2]then
B = [1 1 2 2 3 31 1 2 2 3 31 1 2 2 3 34 4 5 5 6 64 4 5 5 6 64 4 5 5 6 67 7 8 8 9 97 7 8 8 9 97 7 8 8 9 9]
function B = replicate_elements(A, sz)% 获取输入数组 A 的大小[m, n] = size(A);% 获取放大因子 p 和 qp = sz(1);q = sz(2);% 初始化放大后的数组 BB = zeros(m*p, n*q);% 遍历数组 A 中的每个元素for i = 1:mfor j = 1:n% 获取当前元素的值value = A(i, j);% 在放大后的数组 B 中复制当前元素的值% 每个元素在 p 行 q 列中被复制B((i-1)*p+1:i*p, (j-1)*q+1:j*q) = value;endend
可以将以上代码保存在一个名为 replicate_elements.m
的文件中,然后在MATLAB中调用该函数,并传入数组 ( A ) 和向量 ( sz ) 作为参数,即可得到结果数组 ( B )。
例9.Problem 1898. Too Many Zeros, Dump Them!
Sometimes when I create a matrix, I use this syntax:
a = zeros(1000,1000);But when the function ends, I find that I don't want all those zeros. Then I need another function to dump the extra zeros located to the south-east of the matrix.
For example:
a1 = [1 2 0;0 3 0;0 0 0];I want to get a new matrix ,that is:
b1 = [1 2;0 3];Another example:
a2 = [1 2 0 4 0;2 3 0 5 0;3 4 0 6 0;1 0 0 0 0];b2 = [1 2 0 4;2 3 0 5;3 4 0 6;1 0 0 0];Good Luck!
a = zeros(1000,1000);
a1 = [1 2 0; 0 3 0; 0 0 0];
b1 = [1 2; 0 3];
a2 = [1 2 0 4 0; 2 3 0 5 0; 3 4 0 6 0; 1 0 0 0 0]; b2 = [1 2 0 4; 2 3 0 5; 3 4 0 6; 1 0 0 0]; 祝你好运!
function b = remove_trailing_zeros(a)% 找到矩阵 a 中每行和每列最后一个非零元素的索引[row_idx, col_idx] = find(a ~= 0, 1, 'last');% 根据找到的索引创建新的矩阵 bb = a(1:row_idx, 1:col_idx);
你可以将以上代码保存在一个名为 remove_trailing_zeros.m
a1 = [1 2 0; 0 3 0; 0 0 0];
b1 = remove_trailing_zeros(a1); % b1 = [1 2; 0 3]a2 = [1 2 0 4 0; 2 3 0 5 0; 3 4 0 6 0; 1 0 0 0 0];
b2 = remove_trailing_zeros(a2); % b2 = [1 2 0 4; 2 3 0 5; 3 4 0 6; 1 0 0 0
例10.Problem 1972. Convert matrix to 3D array of triangular matrices
Given a 2D numeric array x in which each column represents the vectorized form of an upper triangular matrix, return a 3D array y containing the concatenated triangular matrices.
- If the size of the input matrix x is MxN, then the size of the output matrix y is PxPxN, where M = sum(1:P)
- You may assume that P<=100
给定一个二维数值数组 x,其中每列表示一个上三角矩阵的向量化形式,返回一个三维数组 y,其中包含连接的三角形矩阵。
如果输入矩阵 x 的大小为 MxN,则输出矩阵 y 的大小为 PxPxN,其中 M = sum(1:P)。你可以假设 P<=100。
x = 1 7 132 8 143 9 154 10 165 11 176 12 18then
y(:,:,1) = 1 2 40 3 50 0 6y(:,:,2) = 7 8 100 9 110 0 12y(:,:,3) = 13 14 160 15 170 0 18NOTE: If you are wondering why this seems like a strange task, it is inspired by a genotype->phenotype mapping I am doing in a genetic algorithm.
可以使用以下 MATLAB 代码实现这个任务:
function y = vectorized_triangular_matrices(x)[M, N] = size(x);P = round(sqrt(2 * M + 0.25) - 0.5);y = zeros(P, P, N);idx = 1;for n = 1:Ntemp = zeros(P, P);row_idx = 1;col_idx = 1;for i = 1:Ptemp(row_idx:row_idx+i-1, col_idx:col_idx+i-1) = reshape(x(idx:idx+i*(i+1)/2-1, n), i, i);idx = idx + i;row_idx = row_idx + 1;col_idx = col_idx + 1;endy(:, :, n) = temp;end
可以将这个函数保存到一个名为 vectorized_triangular_matrices.m
的文件中,然后在 MATLAB 中调用它,传入你的输入矩阵 x。例如:
x = [1 7 13; 2 8 14; 3 9 15; 4 10 16; 5 11 17; 6 12 18];
y = vectorized_triangular_matrices(x);
这将输出连接的三角形矩阵 y。
例11.Problem 2063. A matrix of extroverts
Now that the introverts have had their script, the extroverts spoke up (naturally!) and demanded one as well. You will be given a matrix. Write a MATLAB script to output a new matrix consisting of the average of all four terms that are next to each other.
现在轮到外向者发言了(当然是自然而然地!),他们也要求一份脚本。你将获得一个矩阵。编写一个 MATLAB 脚本来输出一个新矩阵,其中包含相邻四个项的平均值。
If your input is magic(3)(如果你的输入是 magic(3))
8 1 63 5 74 9 2Your output will be:(你的输出将是:)
4.2500 4.7500 5.2500 5.7500The top left term (4.25) is the average of [8 1 ; 3 5]. The bottom left term is the average of [3 5 ; 4 9], and so on. You can assume that the size of each of these matrices will be at least 2x2. Good luck!(左上角的项 (4.25) 是 [8 1; 3 5] 的平均值。左下角的项是 [3 5; 4 9] 的平均值,依此类推。你可以假设每个这些矩阵的大小至少为 2x2。祝你好运!)
以下是用 MATLAB 编写的脚本,实现了你描述的功能:
function output_matrix = extrovert_script(input_matrix)[rows, cols] = size(input_matrix);output_matrix = zeros(rows-1, cols-1);for i = 1:rows-1for j = 1:cols-1% 计算相邻四个项的平均值avg = mean(mean(input_matrix(i:i+1, j:j+1)));output_matrix(i, j) = avg;endend
可以将这个函数保存到一个名为 extrovert_script.m
的文件中。然后,你可以像这样在 MATLAB 中使用它:
input_matrix = magic(3);
output_matrix = extrovert_script(input_matrix);
例12.Problem 2178. Matrix multiplication across rows
Given matrix m, return matrix n such that, rows of n are result of multiplication of the rows of the input matrix
给定矩阵 m,返回矩阵 n,使得 n 的行是输入矩阵的行的乘积结果。
m = [ 1 2 34 5 67 8 9 ]Then
n = [ 1 2 64 20 1207 56 504 ]
以下是用 MATLAB 编写的函数,实现了你描述的功能:
function n = row_multiplication(m)[rows, cols] = size(m);n = zeros(rows, cols);for i = 1:rowsrow_product = prod(m(i,:)); % 计算当前行的乘积n(i,:) = row_product; % 将乘积赋值给新矩阵的对应行end
可以将这个函数保存到一个名为 row_multiplication.m
的文件中。然后,你可以像这样在 MATLAB 中使用它:
m = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
n = row_multiplication(m);
这将输出符合要求的新矩阵 n。
例13.Problem 2351. Replace Nonzero Numbers with 1
Given the matrix x, return the matrix y with non zero elements replaced with 1.
给定矩阵 x,返回将非零元素替换为 1 的矩阵 y。
Input x = [ 1 2 0 0 00 0 5 0 0 2 7 0 0 00 6 9 3 3 ]Output y is [ 1 1 0 0 00 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 00 1 1 1 1 ]
以下是用 MATLAB 编写的函数,实现了你描述的功能:
function y = replace_nonzero_with_1(x)y = x ~= 0; % 将非零元素替换为 1
可以将这个函数保存到一个名为 replace_nonzero_with_1.m
的文件中。然后,你可以像这样在 MATLAB 中使用它:
x = [1 2 0 0 0; 0 0 5 0 0; 2 7 0 0 0; 0 6 9 3 3];
y = replace_nonzero_with_1(x);
这将输出符合要求的新矩阵 y。
例14.Problem 2442. Magnet and Iron
(Inspired from Problem 112: Remove the air bubbles)
Iron (atomic number = 26) is strongly attracted by magnet. The input matrix contains some iron elements (26). I placed two strong magnetic bars above the top row and below the bottom row. What will be state of the matrix after the iron elements have moved due to attraction? Elements equidistant from both magnets will not change their positions.
(灵感来自问题 112:去除气泡)
铁(原子序数 = 26)受磁铁的强烈吸引。输入矩阵包含一些铁元素(26)。我在顶行上方和底行下方放置了两根强磁铁条。当铁元素由于吸引而移动时,矩阵的状态会如何?与两个磁铁等距离的元素将不会改变它们的位置。
Input =1 263 2626 260 0-12 NaN26 26Output =26 261 263 260 0-12 NaN26 26
以下是用 MATLAB 编写的函数,实现了你描述的功能:
function output = move_iron_elements(input)% 查找铁元素的位置iron_indices = find(input == 26);% 计算矩阵的行数和列数[rows, cols] = size(input);% 创建一个与输入矩阵相同大小的矩阵,用于存储输出output = input;% 遍历每个铁元素的位置for i = 1:length(iron_indices)[r, c] = ind2sub([rows, cols], iron_indices(i)); % 获取当前铁元素的行列索引% 如果铁元素在第一行或最后一行,则不进行移动if r == 1 || r == rowscontinue;end% 计算当前铁元素到两个磁铁的距离distance_to_top_magnet = r - 1;distance_to_bottom_magnet = rows - r;% 如果当前铁元素与两个磁铁的距离相等,则不进行移动if distance_to_top_magnet == distance_to_bottom_magnetcontinue;end% 移动铁元素到距离更近的磁铁位置if distance_to_top_magnet < distance_to_bottom_magnetoutput(r-1, c) = 26; % 移动到上方elseoutput(r+1, c) = 26; % 移动到下方end% 将原位置设置为非铁元素output(r, c) = input(r, c) ~= 26;end
可以将这个函数保存到一个名为 move_iron_elements.m
的文件中。然后,你可以像这样在 MATLAB 中使用它:
input_matrix = [1 263 2626 260 0-12 NaN26 26];output_matrix = move_iron_elements(input_matrix);
例15.Problem 2493. Must be in the front row...
You are given a matrix followed by a single number. Your object is to write a script that will shift the matrix around so that the number you are given is in the (1,1) position of the matrix. For example, if you start with the magic(4) matrix:
你会得到一个矩阵,然后是一个单独的数字。你的任务是编写一个脚本,将矩阵移动,使得你得到的数字在矩阵的 (1,1) 位置。例如,如果你从 magic(4) 矩阵开始
16 2 3 135 11 10 89 7 6 124 14 15 1and the number 6, your output should be:
以及数字 6,你的输出应该是:
6 12 9 715 1 4 143 13 16 210 8 5 11If there is more than one instance of the number, use the one in the leftmost column. If there is more than one in that column, use the one in the uppermost row. If your input is a modified magic(4)
如果数字有多个实例,使用最左侧列中的那个。如果该列中有多个实例,则使用最上面的行中的那个。如果你的输入是一个修改过的 magic(4)
16 2 3 136 11 10 89 7 6 126 14 15 1and you need to put 6 in the upper left corner, your output should be:
而你需要将 6 放在左上角,你的输出应该是:
6 11 10 89 7 6 126 14 15 116 2 3 13If the input number isn't in the matrix, return the original matrix. Good luck!
以下是 MATLAB 的脚本,实现了你描述的功能:
function shifted_matrix = shift_matrix(matrix, number)[row, col] = find(matrix == number); % Find the indices of the number in the matrixif isempty(row) || isempty(col) % If number not found in matrix, return original matrixshifted_matrix = matrix;return;end% Find the index of the leftmost column and uppermost row with the number[~, min_col_index] = min(col);min_row_index = find(col == min(col), 1);% Perform circular shift to bring the number to (1,1) positionshift_amount = [min_row_index-1, min_col_index-1];shifted_matrix = circshift(matrix, -shift_amount);
end% Example usage:
original_matrix = [16, 2, 3, 13; 5, 11, 10, 8; 9, 7, 6, 12; 4, 14, 15, 1];
number = 6;
shifted_matrix = shift_matrix(original_matrix, number);
可以调用 shift_matrix
函数,并传入原始矩阵和要移动到 (1,1) 位置的数字。然后会返回移动后的矩阵。
Problem 2701. Go to the head of the class!
You're given a matrix and a single number. If that number is in the matrix, reorder the matrix so that number is in the first row and first column of the matrix, and keep all of the other numbers in the same relative position. For example, your matrix is magic(3):
你会得到一个矩阵和一个单独的数字。如果该数字在矩阵中,重新排列矩阵,使该数字位于矩阵的第一行和第一列,并保持所有其他数字的相对位置不变。例如,你的矩阵是 magic(3):
8 1 63 5 74 9 2and the number is nine. You want to change the matrix to
9 2 41 6 85 7 3Nine is now in the (1,1) position, and all of the other numbers are in the same relative position to nine. If the number is not in the matrix, just return the original matrix. Likewise, if the number appears more than once, make sure the first instance of the number is the one that is moved to the front. Good luck!
现在九位于 (1,1) 位置,而所有其他数字相对于九仍保持相同的相对位置。如果数字不在矩阵中,只需返回原始矩阵。同样,如果数字出现多次,请确保将数字的第一个实例移动到最前面。祝你好运!
function max_rearranged_integer = max_rearranged_integer(x)% Convert x to binary stringbinary_x = dec2bin(x);% Find the length of the binary representationlen = length(binary_x);% Initialize a binary string to store the rearranged bitsrearranged_binary = '';% Sort the binary string in descending ordersorted_binary = sort(binary_x, 'descend');% Pad the sorted binary string with zeros to make its length equal to the originalsorted_binary = [sorted_binary, repmat('0', 1, len - length(sorted_binary))];% Convert the rearranged binary string to decimalmax_rearranged_integer = bin2dec(sorted_binary);
x = 10;
max_rearranged_integer = max_rearranged_integer(x);
disp(max_rearranged_integer); % 输出结果
例17.Problem 3094. Hankelize a matrix
Similar to Problem 42501. Toeplitize a matrix, let's consider Hankelization of a matrix.
Given an input matrix A, convert it to a Hankel matrix B by replacing each skew-diagonal of A with its mean. For example,
类似于问题 42501. 对矩阵进行托普利兹化,我们考虑对矩阵进行汉克尔化。
给定一个输入矩阵 A,通过用其每个斜对角线的均值替换,将其转换为汉克尔矩阵 B。例如,
A = [3 7 10 23 5 1 26 3 2 7]Output:
B = [3 5 7 25 7 2 27 2 2 7]
function hankel_matrix = hankelize_matrix(matrix)[m, n] = size(matrix);hankel_matrix = zeros(m, n);for i = 1:mfor j = 1:n% Calculate the mean of the skew-diagonal elementsdiagonal_elements = diag(matrix, j-i);mean_diagonal = mean(diagonal_elements);% Assign the mean value to the corresponding element in Hankel matrixhankel_matrix(i, j) = mean_diagonal;endend
end% 示例用法:
A = [3 7 10 23 5 1 26 3 2 7];B = hankelize_matrix(A);
可以调用 hankelize_matrix
函数,并传入原始矩阵 A,然后将返回转换后的汉克尔矩阵 B。
例18.Problem 42320. Write a function man that takes a row vector v and returns a matrix H as follows..
Write a function called man that takes a row vector v as an input and returns a matrix H whose first column consist of the elements of v, whose second column consists of the squares of the elements of v, and whose third column consists of the cubes of the elements v. For example, if A = man(1:3) , then A will be [ 1 1 1; 2 4 8; 3 9 27 ].
的函数,该函数接受一个行向量 v 作为输入,并返回一个矩阵 H,其中第一列包含 v 的元素,第二列包含 v 元素的平方,第三列包含 v 元素的立方。例如,如果 A = man(1:3),那么 A 将是 [ 1 1 1; 2 4 8; 3 9 27 ]。
function H = man(v)% 获取向量的长度n = length(v);% 初始化矩阵 HH = zeros(n, 3);% 第一列为向量 v 的元素H(:, 1) = v;% 第二列为向量 v 的元素的平方H(:, 2) = v.^2;% 第三列为向量 v 的元素的立方H(:, 3) = v.^3;
end% 示例用法:
A = man(1:3);
可以调用 man
例19.Problem 42501. Toeplitize a matrix
Similar to Problem 3094. Hankelize a matrix, now consider Toeplitization of a matrix.
Given an input matrix A, convert it to a Toeplitz matrix B by replacing the diagonal of A with the mean of the respective diagonal. For example,
将矩阵转换为托普利茨矩阵,与问题 3094 中的汉克尔化矩阵类似。
给定一个输入矩阵 A,通过用相应对角线的均值替换 A 的对角线,将其转换为托普利茨矩阵 B。例如,
A = [6 3 2 73 5 1 23 7 10 2]Output:
B = [7 2 2 75 7 2 23 5 7 2]
function B = toeplitize(A)% 获取矩阵 A 的大小[m, n] = size(A);% 初始化矩阵 B 为与 A 相同大小的零矩阵B = zeros(m, n);% 遍历每个对角线for k = 1-m : n-1% 计算当前对角线上的元素diagonal_elements = diag(A, k);% 计算当前对角线上的均值mean_value = mean(diagonal_elements);% 将对角线上的元素替换为均值B = B + diag(mean_value * ones(1, length(diagonal_elements)), k);end
% 示例用法:
A = [6 3 2 73 5 1 23 7 10 2];B = toeplitize(A);
你可以调用 toeplitize
函数,并传入矩阵 A 作为参数,它将返回转换后的托普利茨矩阵 B。
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