The Compiler Design Handbook: Optimizations and Machine Code Generation, Second Edition

本文主要是介绍The Compiler Design Handbook: Optimizations and Machine Code Generation, Second Edition,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Todays embedded devices and sensor networks are becoming more and more sophisticated, requiring more efficient and highly flexible compilers. Engineers are discovering that many of the compilers in use today are ill-suited to meet the demands of more advanced computer architectures.

Updated to include the latest techniques, The Compiler Design Handbook, Second Edition offers a unique opportunity for designers and researchers to update their knowledge, refine their skills, and prepare for emerging innovations. The completely revised handbook includes 14 new chapters addressing topics such as worst case execution time estimation, garbage collection, and energy aware compilation. The editors take special care to consider the growing proliferation of embedded devices, as well as the need for efficient techniques to debug faulty code. New contributors provide additional insight to chapters on register allocation, software pipelining, instruction scheduling, and type systems.

Written by top researchers and designers from around the world, The Compiler Design Handbook, Second Edition gives designers the opportunity to incorporate and develop innovative techniques for optimization and code generation.

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biostar handbook: 第四周笔记汇总+第五周任务布置

不知不觉已经过去了四周,这个系列的开篇语写于2017年10月14日,距离今天差不多是一个月的时间了。这个月的时间学的内容并不算多,大致也就是如下几个内容: *nux基础: 这个尤为重要,学会了*nix(Linux或unix)之后,如果能够在日常科研生活中进行使用,那么你的效率将会大大提高。数据格式: 数据的保存具有一定的格式,处理数据的前提在于知己知彼,这样才能选择合适的工具。这个部分内容包括知

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