The Book of Wireless: A Painless Guide to Wi-Fi and Broadband Wireless [ILLUSTRATED]

2024-04-18 19:18

本文主要是介绍The Book of Wireless: A Painless Guide to Wi-Fi and Broadband Wireless [ILLUSTRATED],希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Broadband wireless networks bring us closer to the Internet's ultimate destiny of interconnecting everyone, everywhere. But wireless networking can be a bit geeky and nerve-wracking without a proper guide. Let's face it: Networking can be hard.

If you're one of the last holdouts still connected to the Internet by a wire, The Book of Wireless, 2nd Edition is the book for you. You'll learn how to set up your own home (or small office) wireless network and how to use public wireless networks, safely and securely. This plain-English guide demystifies configuring and using wireless networks-everything from shopping for parts to securing your network. Learn how to:

*Select and configure hardware and software for your Wi-Fi network and configure access points to minimize interference
*Discover open networks and maintain your privacy while surfing in public
*Use VoIP over a wireless connection to talk on the phone for next to nothing
*Evaluate wireless data services based on cost, speed, and coverage
*Extend your network to give your neighbors free wireless Internet access

You'll also learn about new and forthcoming broadband wireless standards and how to choose the right service provider and equipment. With up-to-date information on wireless routers, network interface cards, antennas, security, and software, The Book of Wireless, 2nd Edition will help you navigate the confusing wireless landscape to find the perfect solution.

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四、有人WIFI模块 1.模块介绍         Wi-Fi 模块用于实现串口到 Wi-Fi 数据包的双向透明转发,模块内部完成协议转换,通 过该模块,客户可以将物理设备连接到 Wi-Fi 网络上,从而实现物联网的控制与管理。     2.模块参数   Wi-Fi 模块的出厂默认参数如图所示: 基本参数如下图所示:         Wi-Fi 无线模块有三种 Wi-Fi


​你的无线网络速度阻碍了你吗?信不信由你,升级到超快的互联网计划可能不值得。以下是如何判断路由器的Wi-Fi速度是否阻碍了你,以及你能做些什么。 如何测试你的Wi-Fi速度 比较你的有线速度和无线速度可以表明你的路由器是否阻碍了你。虽然很多人认为“Wi-Fi”和“互联网”是一回事,但有明显的区别。 你的网速取决于你与更广泛网络的连接,通常是通过连接到你家的电线通过传统的电信基础设施。你也可以


下面介绍的是用终端命令行的方式配置WIFI: 首先输入以下命令用于扫描并查看周围的WiFi热点。也可以直接连接。 nmcli dev wifi 之后会在终端打出周围所有可以连接的WiFi,按方向键上下可以查看显示更多,按q键退出。  然后同样使用nmcli命令连接WiFi热点,其中wifi_name是想要连接的WiFi热点的名字,wifi_passwd是想要连接的WiFi热点的密码。

【iOS】越狱环境下iOS实现周边Wi-Fi RSSi值的获取

一、前言 苹果在iOS5推出之后就不再提供能直接获取Wi-Fi RSSI数值的API。本文的方法是在越狱环境下,基于MobileApple80211框架来进行开发,实现自动搜索周边Wi-Fi热点并获取其信息(比如MAC,SSID,RSSI,CHANNEL)。目前该框架成为了私有框架,其中API均为私有API,导致应用不能上App Store,只能等待Apple哪天再次开放API。 二

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谷歌Nexus 6通过FCC审批 配有Wi-Fi收发器

早前曾经有用户因为FCC审批的阻碍在购买产品时遇到问题。但现在,想要购买Nexus 6的用户就不会有这样的困扰了。最新科技新闻报道:Nexus 6刚刚通过FCC审批,并且预计其将在下周三(10月29日)之前开始出货。   谷歌Nexus 6通过FCC审批 配有Wi-Fi收发器 从FCC的网站上可以看到,两个不同型号的产品都通过了FCC审查,分别为IHDT56QD2以及IHDT56QD1