报名 | 清华大学海外学者短期讲学:数字经济创新创业课程

本文主要是介绍报名 | 清华大学海外学者短期讲学:数字经济创新创业课程,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Tsinghua University

Certificate Program on “Innovation & Entrepreneurship” for Digital Economy 

October 11—November 8, 2021

CourseNo. Y4100091


Program Objective:  

Defining and Building a Successful Career for the new Global Digital Economy 



Program focus topics will include:

  • Digital Technology latest Advances:  Big data analytics, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Cloud/Edge Computing, Mobile Technologies, Internet Security, 

  • Major industry Sectors Opportunities & Challenges:  Manufacturing, Healthcare, Smart Cities, E-Commerce, Agriculture, 

  • Innovating the current Education System: Life long learning, Online education, Interdisciplinary curriculum, Building global partnership--Government/Industry/Academia 


  • 数字技术最新进展:大数据分析、人工智能/机器学习、云/边缘计算、移动技术、互联网安全;

  • 主要行业的机遇和挑战:制造业、医疗保健、智能城市、电子商务、农业;

  • 创新当前教育体系:终身学习、在线教育、跨学科课程、建立全球伙伴关系——政府/行业/学术界

Course Timelines:

Course Duration: 2 Weeks/ 10 classes/ 2 hrs each class, Oct. 11—Oct. 22, 2021,plus 2 Weeks group project work. 

Course lectures will include several invited speakers from key industry and related subjects.



Performance Evaluation: 

Group exercise, classroom presentation and an individual final report (one-selective-credit course)



Course Certification: 

After successful completion of the program students (including students from other universities) will be awarded a formal Certificate. 




click"Read more" to fill out the applicaiton form OR long press the QR code down below, then click on extract QR code.


点击文末左下角的 “阅读原文”,或长按下方二维码

The course agenda includes the following:

  • Evolution of Digital Economy:

  • Agriculture Economy

  • Industrial Economy

  • Internet Economy

  • Knowledge Economy

  • Digital Economy: Challenges & Opportunities

  • Innovating Manufacturing Economy

  • Innovating Healthcare Services

  • Innovating Financial Services

  • Innovating Mobile Commerce 

  • Innovating Government Services

  • Innovating Smart City

  • Innovating Agriculture & Food Security

  • Innovating Education & Entrepreneurship

  • Major advances in Digital Technology/Solutions/Services:

  • Cloud Computing

  • Big data analytics

  • Machine Learning/ Artificial Intelligence

  • Mobile Services

  • Security

  • Social Networking

  • Internet of Things

  • Innovation process/methodology/strategy

  • Startups Ecosystem/Funding models

  • Innovating Global Ecosystem: Industry, Academia, Government partnership

Course Instructor/Invited Speakers: 

Course Instructor: Kris Singh:  President & CEO at SRII. 

Silicon Valley, CA   (www.thesrii.org) 


Kris Singh is the founder and CEO of SRII located in Silicon Valley, California. SRII mission is to "drive digital economy innovation for a better world". SRII provides advisory and consulting services to major organizations on the subject of “innovating digital economy for major sectors of economy”. SRII members include key leaders from industry, academia, research, startups and government organizations from around the world (www.thesrii.org).

Kris has been a senior leader in the Silicon Valley for more than 30 years and has worked with major IT companies such as IBM Research, Intel , AMD and National Semiconductor. Kris has also been working closely with academia to help drive “Innovation in Education & Entrepreneurship”.   Currently he is a visiting professor at Tsinghua University in China and has been an Industry Fellow in the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley and an adjunct professor in the Electrical Engineering & Computer Science department at Santa Clara University, CA. 

Kris is also on the board and advisory member of several startup companies and he is a regular speaker at major forums and conferences around the world.

Professor & Program Director:   

Kris Singh: CEO at SRII, Palo Alto, California

Visiting Professor, Tsinghua University,Beijing

Program invited speakers to include key industry leaders & subject experts: 

Geng Lin: CTO at F5 Networks, California

Yan Chow, MD:Healthcare Industry Leader, Automation Anywhere, Silicon Valley, California

Navin Jain: Founder & CEO at Viome, Washington

Ajit Singh:Partner at Artiman Ventures/ Adjunct Professor at Stanford University

Albert P. Pisano:Professor and Dean, School of Engineering, UC San Diego

Kevin Hall: President & Vice Chancellor at University of Victoria, Canada

V.Ramgopal Rao:Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India

Jianmin Wang: Dean, School of Software, Tsinghua University

Jay Lee:Vice Chairman and Board Member of Foxconn. China

Francisco Betti:Head of Advance Manufacturing, World Economic Forum




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一、前言 地图最直接的表达就是使用符号表达。使用符号可以把简单的点线面要 素渲染成最直观的地理符号,提高地图的可读性。只要掌握了 ArcGIS 符号制 作的技巧,分析符号并总结出规则,就可以制作符合要求的地图+符号。 (一)符号的选择与修改 符号的选择在制图中至关重要,使用符号选择器对话框可从多个可用样式 中选择符号,并且每个符号都有一个标签用来描述其图形特征,如颜色或类型, 利用这些标签可


1.写在前面 讨论数据治理在数字企业中的影响和必要性,并介绍数据治理的核心内容和实践方法。作者强调了数据质量、数据安全、数据隐私和数据合规等方面是数据治理的核心内容,并介绍了具体的实践措施和案例分析。企业需要重视这些方面以实现数字化转型和业务增长。 数字化转型行业小伙伴可以加入我的星球,初衷成为各位数字化转型参考库,星球内容每周更新 个人工作经验资料全部放在这里,包含数据治理、数据要


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LeetCode —— 只出现一次的数字

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