Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Mobile Edge Computing with Heterogeneous Learning Tasks

本文主要是介绍Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Mobile Edge Computing with Heterogeneous Learning Tasks,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


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Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Mobile Edge Computing with Heterogeneous Learning Tasks

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  • Abstract
  • Main ideas
    • 1.
  • Inspirations


This article built a framework to implement the edge computing, and the computing here is specifically AI algorithm. This work focuses on the data transmission from users devices to base station but not the AI algorithm implementation. Because the raw data sampled by sensors cannot be used directly by AI model. The problem is more of a communication problem. The highlight of this paper is the proposed algorithms to get the optimal solutions of the three variables, transmit power of mobile users, beamforming vectors of the base station (BS), and the phase-shift matrix of the RIS under the loss function. Unfortunately, I don't focus on these algorithms very much, therefore, I am not going to go into detail on them.

Main ideas


joint optimization problem


I want to find more applications scenarios of NN algorithm in communication system. The phase-shift matrix of the RIS has been demonstrated that it can be implemented using CNN. How about the other two variables in this articles? They are all the nonconvex problems with high complexity. If the algorithms of the two problems can be replaced by NN, maybe the NVM can be used.

the url of this paper

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简单的Q-learning|小明的一维世界(1) 简单的Q-learning|小明的一维世界(2) 一维的加速度世界 这个世界,小明只能控制自己的加速度,并且只能对加速度进行如下三种操作:增加1、减少1、或者不变。所以行动空间为: { u 1 = − 1 , u 2 = 0 , u 3 = 1 } \{u_1=-1, u_2=0, u_3=1\} {u1​=−1,u2​=0,u3​=1}


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