using namespace std;
int i, H[3], S[3], K[3], p = 1, Y, C;
string P[3];
bool game = 1;
void a(int i) {for (; i; i--);
void help() {cout << "杀手:\nHP:100\nSP:5\nkill:3\n";cout << "医生:\nHP:75\nSP:7\nkill:2\n";cout << "法师:\nHP:144\nSP:3\nkill:1\n";cin >> i;
void killer() {P[p] += "杀手";H[p] = 100;S[p] = 5;K[p] = 3;
void doctor() {P[p] += "医生";H[p] = 75;S[p] = 7;K[p] = 2;
void engineer() {P[p] += "法师";H[p] = 144;S[p] = 3;K[p] = 1;
void e(int j) {if (j == 2 && S[Y] >= 2) {int w = rand() % 2;if (Y == 1) cout << "你使用技能\n";else cout << "电脑使用技能\n";K[Y] += w;cout << "攻击力(kill)+" << w << endl;w = rand() % 5 - 1;w = int(1.2*(K[Y] + w));H[C] -= w;if (H[C] <= 0) game = 0;if (Y == 1) cout << "你杀了电脑 ";else cout << "你被电脑杀了 ";cout << w;if (Y == 1) cout << endl;S[Y] -= 2;}if (j == 3 && S[Y] >= 5) {int w = rand() % 10;if (Y == 1) cout << "你使用大杀特杀\n";else cout << "电脑使用大杀特杀\n";K[Y] += w;cout << "攻击力(kill)+" << w << endl;w = rand() % 5 - 1;w = int(1.2*(K[Y] + w));H[C] -= w;if (H[C] <= 0) game = 0;if (Y == 1) cout << "你杀了电脑 ";else cout << "你被电脑杀了 ";cout << w;if (Y == 1) cout << endl;S[Y] -= 5;}
void k(int j) {if (j == 2 && S[Y] >= 2) {if (Y == 1) cout << "YOU 使用技能\n";else cout << "The computer 使用技能\n";int w = rand() % 4 + 1;H[C] -= int(1.5*K[Y] + w);if (H[C] <= 0) game = 0;if (Y == 1) cout << "你杀了电脑 ";else cout << "你被电脑杀了 ";cout << int(1.5*K[Y] + w);cout << endl;S[Y] -= 2;}if (j == 3 && S[Y] >= 5) {int w = rand() % 10;if (Y == 1) cout << "你使用大杀特杀\n";else cout << "电脑使用大杀特杀\n";K[Y] += w;cout << "攻击力(kill)+" << w << endl;w = rand() % 5 - 1;w = int(1.2*(K[Y] + w));H[C] -= w;if (H[C] <= 0) game = 0;if (Y == 1) cout << "你杀了电脑 ";else cout << "你被电脑杀了 ";cout << w;if (Y == 1) cout << endl;S[Y] -= 5;}
void d(int j) {if (j == 2 && S[Y] >= 2) {if (Y == 1) cout << "YOU 使用技能\n";else cout << "The computer 使用技能\n";int w = rand() % 5;H[Y] += K[Y] + w;if (Y == 1) cout << "YOU HP+";else cout << "The computer HP+";cout << K[Y] + w;if (Y == 1) cout << endl;S[Y] -= 2;}if (j == 3 && S[Y] >= 5) {int w = rand() % 10;if (Y == 1) cout << "你使用大杀特杀\n";else cout << "电脑使用大杀特杀\n";K[Y] += w;cout << "攻击力(kill)+" << w << endl;w = rand() % 5 - 1;w = int(1.2*(K[Y] + w));H[C] -= w;if (H[C] <= 0) game = 0;if (Y == 1) cout << "你杀了电脑 ";else cout << "你被电脑杀了 ";cout << w;if (Y == 1) cout << endl;S[Y] -= 5;}
void play() {system("cls");cout << "Game start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";Sleep(500);system("cls");int r = 1, j;// bool game=1;while (game) {Y = 1;C = 2;cout << "Round " << r << "\n";Sleep(500);cout << "The 电脑 HP:" << H[2] << " SP:" << S[2] << " kill:" << K[2] << "\t" << P[2];cout << "\n\n\n\nYour HP:" << H[1] << " SP:" << S[1] << " kill:" << K[1] << "\t" << P[1];Sleep(500);cout << "\nYou choose:\n1.攻击(1SP)\n2.技能(2SP)\n3.大杀特杀(5SP)\n4.蓄力(+1~3SP)\n5.修炼(+0~2kill)\n6.挂机(0SP)\n";cin >> j;if (j == 1 && S[Y]>0) {int w = rand() % 5 - 1;S[Y]--;H[C] -= K[Y] + w;if (H[C] <= 0) game = 0;cout << "You kill the computer" << K[Y] + w << endl;}else {if (j == 4) {int w = rand() % 3 + 1;S[Y] += w;cout << "YOU SP+" << w << endl;}else {if (j == 5) {int w = rand() % 3;K[Y] += w;cout << "YOU kill+" << w << endl;}else {if (P[Y] == "杀手") k(j);if (P[Y] == "医生") d(j);if (P[Y] == "法师") e(j);}}}if (game) {j = rand() % 6 + 1;C = 1;Y = 2;while (j != 1 && j != 2 && j != 4 && j != 5) j = rand() % 6 + 1;if (j == 1 && S[2]>1) {int w = rand() % 5 - 1;S[2]--;H[1] -= K[2] + w;if (H[1] <= 0) game = 0;cout << "你被电脑杀了" << K[2] + w;}else {if (j == 4) {int w = rand() % 3 + 1;S[2] += w;cout << "The computer SP+" << w;}else {if (j == 5) {int w = rand() % 3;K[2] += w;cout << "The computer kill+" << w;}else {if (P[Y] == "杀手") k(j);if (P[Y] == "医生") d(j);if (P[Y] == "法师") e(j);}}}if (game) Sleep(1000);}r++;system("cls");}
int main() {srand((unsigned)time(NULL));cout << "Welcome to my game!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";Sleep(500);system("cls");cout << "Please choose:\n1.killer\n2.doctor\n3.engineer\n4.help\n";cin >> i;if (i == 4) help();cout << "You choose ";if (i == 1) killer();if (i == 2) doctor();if (i == 3) engineer();cout << P[p] << endl;i = rand() % 3 + 1;p++;cout << "The computer chooses ";if (i == 1) killer();if (i == 2) doctor();if (i == 3) engineer();cout << P[p] << endl;system("pause");play();if (H[1] <= 0) cout << "YOU LOSE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";else cout << "YOU WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";getchar();getchar();return 0;