使用 Python SimPy 进行离散事件模拟【02】 — 识别性能指标(队列和利用率)并可视化结果

本文主要是介绍使用 Python SimPy 进行离散事件模拟【02】 — 识别性能指标(队列和利用率)并可视化结果,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!





二、进入基础模型:模拟披萨和咖啡餐馆 🍕🥤

注意:以下研究案例叙述和代码可以通过 GitHub 存储库访问。

插图由 Greggs 提供



上一章 快速回顾:基本 DES 模型构建

我们绝对需要从第 1 章中断的地方重新开始,其中我们定义了输入参数,映射和建模了餐厅内的底层流程活动,并为餐厅构建了主要的模拟代码。为了确保您正确地开始本章,请确保您已经熟悉第 1 章的基本 python 代码。但是,我已经导入了这些代码,并进行了一些必要的调整,以开始进入第 2 章,您可以在上面的 GitHub 链接上访问该章。

从第 1 章构建的模型的一些调整也被纳入第 2 章的笔记本中,我们发现有必要增强建模系统的真实性。请在第 2 章笔记本中找到这些调整。

三、 识别性能指标并可视化结果

3.1 监控整个时间的餐馆拥挤程度

在经营一家餐馆时,管理层经常努力了解其场所的拥挤程度。传统上,他们唯一的评估方法是目视观察,以确定餐厅是否真的拥挤。然而,离散事件仿真 (DES) 为他们提供了一种更准确地量化和证明这种评估的方法。现在,我们将使用这种方法探索人群水平在开放日期间的变化情况。


def monitor_customer(env):global timestampglobal customer_in_systemtimestamp = []customer_in_system = []while True:yield env.timeout(5) # for every 5 min of simulation run....timestamp.append(env.now) # ...record the timestamp....customer_in_system.append(customer - customer_served) # ....and record the number of customer in system




因此,python 的主要模拟代码变为:

random.seed(100) #random seed to preserve same random number generatedenv = simpy.Environment() #create the essential simpy environmentstaff = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 4) # number of staff
two_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #two seater for one or couple customer
four_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #four seater for three or four group of customercustomer = 0 #set the initial customer id starting from 0
customer_served = 0 #number of customer served during the start of simulation is zeroenv.process(customer_arrival(env, inter_arrival_time)) # the main 'customer arrival' model that represent the eatery system
env.process(monitor_customer(env)) # the monitoring function is being run in parallel with the main 'customer arrival' modelenv.run(until=60*8) # run the simulation for 8 hours
# print('\n')
print(f"TOTAL COMPLETE CUSTOMER:{customer_served}")
print(f"Customer in System during simulation end:{customer - customer_served}")plt.plot(timestamp, customer_in_system)# Add labels to the x and y axes
plt.xlabel('Simulation Clock (Min)')
plt.ylabel('Customer in System')print(f"Average customer in System: {np.mean(customer_in_system):.2f}")


Customer in System during simulation end:1 
Average customer in System: 5.85

在餐厅运营的模拟时间超过8小时,餐厅服务于167人,在任何给定时间平均有5.85名顾客在场。当我们检查上面的图表时,该图表描绘了系统中随时间推移的顾客数量,我们可以看到餐馆一次可容纳多达 12 名顾客。在一些地方,我们还可以看到餐馆内只有一位顾客,但自开业以来从未完全空无一人。

3.2 更改客容量

我们知道,从之前的模拟运行中,系统中的平均客户数量为一次 5.85 个人(如果在系统中再次运行笔记本,则可能会有所不同)。该结果是通过将输入参数(其中一个是员工人数)设置为 4 人获得的。让我们尝试设置不同的数字。假设我们减少了 3 名员工,因此现在只有 1 名员工。

要做到这一点,只需重新调用上面前面的主要 python 模拟代码,调整员工容量,然后重新运行它

staff = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #before was 4
Customer in System during simulation end:63
Average customer in System: 35.34


3.2 平均客户数量如何随员工人数的不同而变化

现在我们确定员工的数量肯定会影响系统内的客户数量。下一个问题是,考虑到客户到达模式,当前系统所需的理想员工人数是多少?为了确定这一点,我们将把员工输入参数从非常低到非常高,并观察系统内的平均客户数量如何变化。这可以使用“for 循环”函数来实现,如下所示。

number_of_staff = []
average_customer_in_system = []for staff_number in range(1,10):env = simpy.Environment() #create the essential simpy environmentstaff = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = staff_number) #stafftwo_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #two seater for one or couple customerfour_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #four seater for three or four group of customercustomer = 0 #set the initial customer id starting from 0customer_served = 0 #number of customer served during the start of simulation is zeroenv.process(customer_arrival(env, inter_arrival_time))env.process(monitor_customer(env))env.run(until=60*8) # run the simulation for 8 hoursnumber_of_staff.append(staff_number)average_customer_in_system.append(np.mean(customer_in_system))plt.plot(number_of_staff, average_customer_in_system )
plt.xlabel('Number of Staff')
plt.ylabel('Average Number of Customer in System')

上述结果以折线图的形式呈现,说明了系统内的平均客户数量如何随着员工人数的变化而波动。当您检查图表时,您会注意到线条中出现了一个肘部,这表明该弯部出现的员工编号可能是最佳员工数量。在这种情况下,将员工从 1 设置为 2 足以减少系统内的客户数量。

3.3 更精确!

非常好!代码现在按预期运行。反映其发展,代码生成一个折线图,其中 x 轴表示时间戳,y 轴表示人数。然而,数据点的总数为96个。此计算公式为 (60 分钟 * 8 小时) 除以 5,其中 5 表示时间戳增量。为了得出平均值,对这 96 个数据点进行了平均。monitor_customer

但是,这种方法可能不是最准确的。为什么?考虑在 5 分钟时间戳增量内发生事件(如客户到达或离开)的场景。这些事件不会被函数记录,导致监控的准确性降低,因为某些时间间隔被有效地“跳过”了。为了提高准确性,我们可以将时间戳增量减少到 2 分钟,尽管代价是生成更多数据点。通过此调整,我们将(60 分钟 * 8 小时)除以 2 个数据点,从而更详细、更准确地表示客户活动。

# modification to monitor_customer functiondef monitor_customer(env):global timestampglobal customer_in_systemtimestamp = []customer_in_system = []while True:yield env.timeout(2) # the timestamp increment now is only 2 minutestimestamp.append(env.now)customer_in_system.append(customer - customer_served)
random.seed(100) #random seed to preserve same random number generatedenv = simpy.Environment() #create the essential simpy environmentstaff = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 4) #staff
two_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #two seater for one or couple customer
four_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #four seater for three or four group of customercustomer = 0 #set the initial customer id starting from 0
customer_served = 0 #number of customer served during the start of simulation is zero
env.process(customer_arrival(env, inter_arrival_time))env.process(monitor_customer(env))
env.run(until=60*8) # run the simulation for 3 hours
# print('\n')
print(f"TOTAL COMPLETE CUSTOMER:{customer_served}")
print(f"Customer in System:{customer - customer_served}")plt.plot(timestamp, customer_in_system)
# Add labels to the x and y axes
plt.xlabel('Simulation Clock (Min)')
plt.ylabel('Customer in System')print(f"Average customer in System: {np.mean(customer_in_system)}")
Customer in System:1
Average customer in System: 5.8

将监控时间戳更改为更精确(2 分钟)后,原来这家餐馆曾经有 13 人!以前 5 分钟的增量不会捕获此信息。

3.4 引入等待的人(而不是监控系统内整个客户的数量)

我们最初选择“系统中的客户数量”作为在仿真过程中评估系统的标准。然而,在与利益攸关方讨论后,出现了不同的观点。监测餐馆内的人数仍然缺乏清晰度。例如,如果餐馆里有 20 个人,而且他们都在积极用餐,那么可能根本没有问题。


# introducing variable that track number of people waiting inside the system.def till_activity(env, processing_time, customer, customer_type):global waiting_customer # variable called waiting_customer is created to record how many individuals are waitingwith staff.request() as till_request:waiting_customer += customer_type # the variable is added by customer_type to indicate that the set of customer consisting specific number of individuals are now waiting for the staff at tillyield till_requestwaiting_customer -= customer_type # after the customer get the staff to service at till, the variable is reduced by the customer_type, indicating that those individuals are waiting no moreyield env.timeout(processing_time["till_process"])order_type = random.randint(1,3)dining_in = random.choices([0,1], [0.2,0.8])[0]order_coffee = coffee_activity(env, processing_time, customer, customer_type, dining_in)order_pizza = pizza_activity(env, processing_time, customer, customer_type, dining_in)order_all = coffee_pizza_activity(env, processing_time, customer, customer_type, dining_in)if order_type == 1:env.process(order_coffee)elif order_type == 2:env.process(order_pizza)else: env.process(order_all)

我们需要调整和整合所有表示需要资源的过程的函数中的变量。逻辑与上面的代码完全相同。若要查看如何对所有剩余的 acitivity 过程代码执行此操作,可以查看 GitHub 链接上的笔记本文件。waiting_customer

更新 功能

def monitor_customer(env):global timestampglobal waiting_customer_arraytimestamp = []waiting_customer_array = []while True:yield env.timeout(2)timestamp.append(env.now)waiting_customer_array.append(waiting_customer)
random.seed(100) #random seed to preserve same random number generatedenv = simpy.Environment() #create the essential simpy environmentstaff = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #staff
two_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #two seater for one or couple customer
four_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #four seater for three or four group of customercustomer = 0 #set the initial customer id starting from 0
customer_served = 0 #number of customer served during the start of simulation is zero
waiting_customer = 0
env.process(customer_arrival(env, inter_arrival_time))env.process(monitor_customer(env))
env.run(until=60*8) # run the simulation for 3 hours
# print('\n')
print(f"TOTAL COMPLETE CUSTOMER:{customer_served}")
print(f"Customer in System:{customer - customer_served}")plt.plot(timestamp, waiting_customer_array)
# Add labels to the x and y axes
plt.xlabel('Simulation Clock (Min)')
plt.ylabel('Customer Waiting in System')print(f"Average customer waiting in System: {np.mean(waiting_customer_array)}")


Customer in System:63
Average customer waiting in System: 31.619246861924687

再次使用 for 循环函数尝试从 1 个员工到 10 个员工的不同员工数量输入,我们可以识别如下肘部:

有趣的是,将员工人数设置为两到三名将有效地消除等待客户的问题。这无疑对利益相关者有所帮助,使他们相信在当前的需求模式下,他们只需要不超过 2 名员工即可工作

3.5 失去机会和不满意的客户


  • 损失机会:潜在客户在目睹餐厅内有超过 5 人等候时决定不进入的情况。他们认为他们会等待很长时间,因为这会不那么方便
  • 不满意的顾客:现在顾客打算在餐厅用餐时不会直接离开餐厅,而餐厅还没有空位。但是,他们只能等待这么长时间,建模为称为 的变量。如果他们等了一段时间后还有空位,他们会很不满意地离开这个地方。willingness_to_waitwillingness_to_wait


# Integrating logic of LOSS OPPORTUNITY in customer_arrival codedef customer_arrival(env, inter_arrival_time):global customerglobal customer_servedglobal waiting_customerglobal loss_potential_customerloss_potential_customer = 0customer = 0 #represent the customer IDwhile True: #while the simulation is still in condition to be runyield env.timeout(inter_arrival_time)if waiting_customer <= 5:customer += 1 #customer ID addedcustomer_type = random.choices([1,2,3,4], [0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1])[0]# print(f"customer {customer} arrives at {env.now:7.4f}")next_process = till_activity(env, processing_time, customer, customer_type)env.process(next_process) #next process is integrated within this functionelse:loss_potential_customer += 1
# Integrating logic of DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER in dining_activity codedef dining_activity(env, processing_time, customer, customer_type):global customer_servedglobal waiting_customerglobal dissatisfied_customerwillingness_to_wait = random.uniform(15,30)if customer_type <= 2:with two_seater.request() as twoseater_request:waiting_customer += customer_typedecision = yield twoseater_request | env.timeout(willingness_to_wait) # the decision is whether there is available two seater or notif twoseater_request in decision:waiting_customer -= customer_typeyield env.timeout(processing_time["dining_in"]) # customer found two seater and dining incustomer_served += customer_type# print(f"Dining in complete at {env.now:7.4f} for customer {customer}")# print(f"Customer {customer} leaves at {env.now:7.4f}")else:# print(f"Customer {customer} leaves at {env.now:7.4f}") # after 10 seconds check, customer found no seat available, hence take awaycustomer_served += customer_typewaiting_customer -= customer_typedissatisfied_customer += customer_typeelse:with four_seater.request() as fourseater_request:waiting_customer += customer_typedecision = yield fourseater_request | env.timeout(willingness_to_wait) # same exact scenario for group of three or four looking for four seaterif fourseater_request in decision:waiting_customer -= customer_typeyield env.timeout(processing_time["dining_in"])# print(f"Dining in complete at {env.now:7.4f} for customer {customer}")# print(f"Customer {customer} leaves at {env.now:7.4f}")customer_served += customer_typeelse:# print(f"Customer {customer} leaves at {env.now:7.4f}")customer_served += customer_typewaiting_customer -= customer_typedissatisfied_customer += customer_type


random.seed(100) #random seed to preserve same random number generatedenv = simpy.Environment() #create the essential simpy environmentstaff = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 2) #staff
two_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #two seater for one or couple customer
four_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1) #four seater for three or four group of customercustomer = 0 #set the initial customer id starting from 0
customer_served = 0 # number of customer served during the start of simulation is zero
waiting_customer = 0
dissatisfied_customer = 0env.process(customer_arrival(env, inter_arrival_time))
env.process(monitor_customer(env))env.run(until=60*8) # run the simulation for 3 hoursplt.plot(timestamp, waiting_customer_array)
# Add labels to the x and y axes
plt.xlabel('Simulation Clock (Min)')
plt.ylabel('Customer Waiting in System')print(f"Average customer waiting in System: {np.mean(waiting_customer_array):.2f}")
print(f"Loss Potential Customer Count (Loss Opportunity): {loss_potential_customer}")
print(f"Dissatisfied Customer Count: {dissatisfied_customer}")
Average customer waiting in System: 2.11
Loss Potential Customer Count (Loss Opportunity): 4
Dissatisfied Customer Count: 10


staff = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 2) #staff
two_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 5) #two seater for one or couple customer
four_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 2) #four seater for three or four group of customer
Average customer waiting in System: 0.87
Loss Potential Customer Count (Loss Opportunity): 0
Dissatisfied Customer Count: 0





# Integrate the variable that track seaters utilization in dining_activity function codedef dining_activity(env, processing_time, customer, customer_type):global customer_servedglobal waiting_customerglobal twoseater_utilglobal fourseater_utilwillingness_to_wait = random.uniform(15,30)if customer_type <= 2:with two_seater.request() as twoseater_request:waiting_customer += customer_typedecision = yield twoseater_request | env.timeout(willingness_to_wait) # the decision is whether there is available two seater or notif twoseater_request in decision:twoseater_util += 1waiting_customer -= customer_typeyield env.timeout(processing_time["dining_in"]) # customer found two seater and dining incustomer_served += customer_typetwoseater_util -= 1# print(f"Dining in complete at {env.now:7.4f} for customer {customer}")# print(f"Customer {customer} leaves at {env.now:7.4f}")else:# print(f"Customer {customer} leaves at {env.now:7.4f}") # after 10 seconds check, customer found no seat available, hence take awaycustomer_served += customer_typewaiting_customer -= customer_typeelse:with four_seater.request() as fourseater_request:waiting_customer += customer_typedecision = yield fourseater_request | env.timeout(willingness_to_wait) # same exact scenario for group of three or four looking for four seaterif fourseater_request in decision:fourseater_util += 1waiting_customer -= customer_typeyield env.timeout(processing_time["dining_in"])# print(f"Dining in complete at {env.now:7.4f} for customer {customer}")# print(f"Customer {customer} leaves at {env.now:7.4f}")customer_served += customer_typefourseater_util -= 1else:# print(f"Customer {customer} leaves at {env.now:7.4f}")customer_served += customer_typewaiting_customer -= customer_type
# create monitor_utilization code to track the utilization over time, same logic as monitor_customerdef monitor_utilization(env):global timestampglobal twoseater_util_arrayglobal fourseater_util_arraytimestamp = []twoseater_util_array = []fourseater_util_array = []while True:yield env.timeout(2)timestamp.append(env.now)twoseater_util_array.append(twoseater_util)fourseater_util_array.append(fourseater_util)


random.seed(100) #random seed to preserve same random number generatedenv = simpy.Environment() #create the essential simpy environmentset_twoseater = 3
set_fourseater = 1staff = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 2) #staff
two_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = set_twoseater) #two seater for one or couple customer
four_seater = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = set_fourseater) #four seater for three or four group of customercustomer = 0 #set the initial customer id starting from 0
customer_served = 0 #number of customer served during the start of simulation is zero
waiting_customer = 0
twoseater_util = 0
fourseater_util = 0env.process(customer_arrival(env, inter_arrival_time))
env.process(monitor_utilization(env))env.run(until=60*8) # run the simulation for 3 hoursprint(f"Average customer waiting in System: {np.mean(waiting_customer_array):.3f}")
print(f"Loss Potential Customer Count: {np.mean(loss_potential_customer)}")
print(f"Average usage of two seater: {np.mean(twoseater_util_array):.3f}, and the overall utilization is {np.mean(twoseater_util_array)/set_twoseater:.0%}  ")
print(f"Average usage of four seater: {np.mean(fourseater_util_array):.3f}, and the overall utilization is {np.mean(fourseater_util_array)/set_fourseater:.0%}  ")


Average customer waiting in System: 1.155
Loss Potential Customer Count: 4.0
Average usage of two seater: 0.929, and the overall utilization is 31%  
Average usage of four seater: 0.552, and the overall utilization is 55%  

4.1 设置不同数量的席位将如何影响其整体集体利用率

为了解决这个问题,我们可以以双座资源为例,测试不同的座位配置如何导致不同的利用率。现在使用 for 循环函数逻辑再次运行它,现在双座车的数量是切换,我们得到以下结果:

4.2 结果






这篇关于使用 Python SimPy 进行离散事件模拟【02】 — 识别性能指标(队列和利用率)并可视化结果的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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《Python给Excel写入数据的四种方法小结》本文主要介绍了Python给Excel写入数据的四种方法小结,包含openpyxl库、xlsxwriter库、pandas库和win32com库,具有... 目录1. 使用 openpyxl 库2. 使用 xlsxwriter 库3. 使用 pandas 库

Spring Boot Actuator使用说明

《SpringBootActuator使用说明》SpringBootActuator是一个用于监控和管理SpringBoot应用程序的强大工具,通过引入依赖并配置,可以启用默认的监控接口,... 目录项目里引入下面这个依赖使用场景总结说明:本文介绍Spring Boot Actuator的使用,关于Spri