
2024-03-06 22:28
文章标签 19 dots unity2023.1 jobsystem



上篇我们知道了DOTS是包含Entity Component System,Job System,Burst compiler三者的。接下来看下JobSystem的工作原理和具体实现。



JobSystem可以单独使用,但为了提高性能,也还应该使用Burst compiler,Burst compiler是专门为Unity的JobSystem编译而设计的。urst compiler改进了代码生成,从而提高了性能并减少了移动设备上的电池消耗。Burst compiler将在JobSystem之后再关注。

JobSystem和Burst compiler一起使用的时候,JobSystem工作效果最好。因为Burst不支持托管对象,所以需要使用非托管类型来访问Job中的数据。你可以使用blittable types,或者使用Unity内置的Native container对象,这是一个线程安全的c#本机内存包装器。NativeContainer对象还允许job访问与主线程共享的数据,而不是使用副本。

ECS为其进行了拓展Unity.Collections命名空间以包含其他类型的 NativeContainer:

NativeList - 可调整大小的 NativeArray,类似于List
NativeHashMap<T, R> - 键/值对,类似于Dictionary<T, R>
NativeMultiHashMap<T, R> - 每个键有多个值。
NativeQueue - 先进先出队列,类似于Queue


Collections Package提供可在job和Burst-compiled代码中使用的非托管数据结构。




using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;// Job adding two floating point values together
// It implements IJob, uses a NativeArray to get the results of the job, and uses the Execute method with the implementation of the job inside it:public struct MyJob : IJob
{public float a;public float b;public NativeArray<float> result;public void Execute(){result[0] = a + b;}


using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;public class MyScheduledJob : MonoBehaviour
{// Create a native array of a single float to store the result.// Using a NativeArray is the only way you can get the results of the job, whether you're getting one value or an array of values.NativeArray<float> result;// Create a JobHandle for the job// 给任务创建一个任务处理JobHandle handle;// Set up the job// 创建一个任务public struct MyJob : IJob{public float a;public float b;public NativeArray<float> result;public void Execute(){result[0] = a + b;}}// Update is called once per frame// 每一帧更新void Update(){// Set up the job data 设置任务数据result = new NativeArray<float>(1, Allocator.TempJob);MyJob jobData = new MyJob{a = 10,b = 10,result = result};// Schedule the job 安排任务handle = jobData.Schedule();}private void LateUpdate(){// Sometime later in the frame, wait for the job to complete before accessing the results.// 稍后在框架中,等待作业完成后再访问结果。handle.Complete();// All copies of the NativeArray point to the same memory, you can access the result in "your" copy of the NativeArray// float aPlusB = result[0];// Free the memory allocated by the result array// 释放由结果数组分配的内存result.Dispose();}}


using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;public class MyScheduledJob : MonoBehaviour
{// Create a native array of a single float to store the result.// Using a NativeArray is the only way you can get the results of the job, whether you're getting one value or an array of values.NativeArray<float> result;// Create a JobHandle for the job// 给任务创建一个任务处理JobHandle handle;// Set up the job// 创建一个任务public struct MyJob : IJob{public float a;public float b;public NativeArray<float> result;public void Execute(){result[0] = a + b;}}// Update is called once per frame// 每一帧更新void Update(){// Set up the job data 设置任务数据result = new NativeArray<float>(1, Allocator.TempJob);MyJob jobData = new MyJob{a = 10,b = 10,result = result};// Schedule the job 安排任务handle = jobData.Schedule();}private void LateUpdate(){// Sometime later in the frame, wait for the job to complete before accessing the results.// 稍后在框架中,等待作业完成后再访问结果。handle.Complete();// All copies of the NativeArray point to the same memory, you can access the result in "your" copy of the NativeArray// float aPlusB = result[0];// Free the memory allocated by the result array// 释放由结果数组分配的内存result.Dispose();}}





Unity - Manual: Job system overview (unity3d.com)

Collections package | Collections | 2.2.1 (unity3d.com)

Unity - Manual: Thread safe types (unity3d.com)


DOTS ECS_铸梦xy的博客-CSDN博客





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本章考点:         第19课时主要学习嵌入式系统架构设计的理论和工作中的实践。根据新版考试大纲,本课时知识点会涉及案例分析题(25分)。在历年考试中,案例题对该部分内容都有固定考查,综合知识选择题目中有固定分值的考查。本课时内容侧重于对知识点的记忆、理解和应用,按照以往的出题规律,嵌入式系统架构设计基础知识点基本来源于教材内。本课时知识架构如图19.1所示。 一、嵌入式系统发展历程


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