unity Game Center iOS 认证失败social.authenticate

2024-02-19 02:59

本文主要是介绍unity Game Center iOS 认证失败social.authenticate,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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个问题,截止 Bieere · 2014年09月18日 19:40 ·  game center

UnityEngine.Social not working with IOS 8. Unsure how to resolve the issue.

When running our game on any device that uses game center we get an error that is related to specifically the authentication/connection from the game to Game Center. Now this works on IOS 7 versions, just not with IOS 8.

We get this return from the authentication attempt,

Failed to authenticate local user The requested operation could not be completed because this application is not recognized by Game Centre.

Has anyone encountered this issue/problem? is this a unity related issue, or something from xCode and/or Apple and Game Centre?

Built from xCode v6.0.1, to IOS 8.

EDIT: I've noticed that it seems to be an issue directly with UnityEngine.Social, as the social.authenticate seems to be the root of the issue.

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avatar image tilikum  · 2014年09月23日 13:32  0

Same problem here. I also tried with Stan's iOS Native Plugin, but had the same error. 


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OK I figured it out. iPhone Settings/Game Center tab has a new checkbox called sandbox in iOS 8. It should be checked to test Game Center. 

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avatar image Bieere  · 2014年09月24日 14:15  1

This worked perfect, thank you so much!

Also i was confused for a second, and anyone else who might be while looking, he means in the Settings Menu on the IOS device so Settings->Game Center Tab, scroll to the bottom and there's a switch 

avatar image HenryStrattonFW  · 2015年11月13日 18:39  0

Just ran into this myself as well, worth noting as well that for us, the "sandbox" option is only available when the testflight app is installed on the device.

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