- 一、测试用命令
- 二、客户端与服务端测试业务控制流程与状态机交换
- 三、iperf3客户端状态机中各个状态解析
- 状态机迁移图
- 运行正向TCP单向测试时的客户端的状态列表
- 四、iperf3客户端状态机迁移分析
- A-初始化测试对象(NA--->初始化状态):
- B-建立控制连接,等待服务端PARAM_EXCHANGE的指令(初始化状态--->PARAM_EXCHANGE状态):
- C-完成服务端与客户端的配置参数交换(PARAM_EXCHANGE状态--->CREATE_STREAM状态):
- E-创建客户端为TCP测试流使用的各种定时器及其它资源(TEST_START状态--->TEST_RUNNING状态):
- F-发送TCP测试数据流,直到本次测试结束(TEST_RUNNING状态--->TEST_END状态):
- G-不做什么,等待服务端下一条指令(TEST_END状态--->EXCHANGE_RESULT状态):
- J-本次测试完成,释放所有资源,退出iperf3客户端程序(IPERF_DONE状态--->NA):
- 服务端
iperf3 -s
- 客户端
iperf3 -c -n 8K -l 1K
- 初始化状态
debug out: func = main ,line = 62, file = main.c
debug out: func = iperf_new_test ,line = 2748, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_defaults ,line = 2812, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_parse_arguments ,line = 1136, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: test state is 0
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
当前状态 | 无 |
事件+条件 | perf3做为客户端被启动运行 |
动作 | A-初始化测试对象 |
下一状态 | 初始化状态 |
根据用户的输入参数,向服务端发起连接请求,等链接建立成功后,调用iperf_handle_message_client()函数来等待服务端发送过来的“准备好做PARAM_EXCHANGE的指令”(通过test->ctrl_sck指向的控制链接) 。
debug out: func = main ,line = 62, file = main.c
debug out: func = iperf_new_test ,line = 2748, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_defaults ,line = 2812, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_parse_arguments ,line = 1136, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: test state is 0
debug out: func = run ,line = 145, file = main.c
debug out: func = run ,line = 196, file = main.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 536, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 566, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_connect ,line = 376, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = make_cookie ,line = 119, file = iperf_util.c
debug out: func = netdial ,line = 237, file = net.c
debug out: create control link
debug out: func = create_socket ,line = 129, file = net.c
debug out: func = timeout_connect ,line = 87, file = net.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 0 to 9
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
当前状态 | 初始化状态 |
事件+条件 | 无条件向下执行 |
动作 | B-建立控制连接,等待服务端PARAM_EXCHANGE的指令 |
debug out: func = run ,line = 145, file = main.c
debug out: func = run ,line = 196, file = main.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 536, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 566, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_connect ,line = 376, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = make_cookie ,line = 119, file = iperf_util.c
debug out: func = netdial ,line = 237, file = net.c
debug out: create control link
debug out: func = create_socket ,line = 129, file = net.c
debug out: func = timeout_connect ,line = 87, file = net.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 0 to 9
debug out: func = iperf_exchange_parameters,line = 2076, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = send_parameters ,line = 2160, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_on_connect ,line = 908, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_on_connect ,line = 921, file = iperf_api.c
Connecting to host, port 5201
debug out: func = iperf_on_connect ,line = 952, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 9 to 10
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
事件+条件 | 收到服务端发过来的PARAM_EXCHANGE指令 |
动作 | C-完成服务端与客户端的配置参数交换,等待服务端的下一条指令 |
下一状态 | CREATE_STREAM状态 |
在收到服务端发过来的CREATE_STREAM指令后,调用iperf_create_streams函数,创建本次新的TCP测试流实例 ,重新调用iperf_handle_message_client()等待服务端发起的TEST_START指令。
debug out: func = iperf_exchange_parameters,line = 2076, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = send_parameters ,line = 2160, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_on_connect ,line = 908, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_on_connect ,line = 921, file = iperf_api.c
Connecting to host, port 5201
debug out: func = iperf_on_connect ,line = 952, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 9 to 10
debug out: func = iperf_create_streams ,line = 69, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = create_socket ,line = 129, file = net.c
debug out: func = iperf_new_stream ,line = 4241, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_add_stream ,line = 4453, file = iperf_api.c
[ 5] local port 59494 connected to port 5201
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 10 to 1
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
当前状态 | CREATE_STREAM状态 |
事件+条件 | 收到服务端发起的CREATE_STREAM指令 |
动作 | D-发起创建TCP测试链接,等待服务端的TEST_START指令 |
下一状态 | TEST_START状态 |
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 10 to 1
debug out: func = iperf_init_test ,line = 1972, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = create_client_timers ,line = 179, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = create_client_omit_timer ,line = 234, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_create_send_timers ,line = 2011, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 1 to 2
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
当前状态 | TEST_START状态 |
事件+条件 | 进入TEST_START状态后,无条件开始以下动作 |
动作 | E-创建客户端为TCP测试流使用的各种定时器及其它资源 |
下一状态 | TEST_RUNNING状态 |
debug out: func = iperf_init_test ,line = 1972, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = create_client_timers ,line = 179, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = create_client_omit_timer ,line = 234, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_create_send_timers ,line = 2011, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 1 to 2
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 633, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_send ,line = 1890, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_send ,line = 1907, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_tcp_send ,line = 87, file = iperf_tcp.c
debug out: func = iperf_send ,line = 1907, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_tcp_send ,line = 87, file = iperf_tcp.c
debug out: func = iperf_send ,line = 1907, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_tcp_send ,line = 87, file = iperf_tcp.c
debug out: func = iperf_send ,line = 1907, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_stats_callback ,line = 3237, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_set_send_state ,line = 1810, file = iperf_api.c
wangsheng: set the state from 2 to 4
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
当前状态 | TEST_RUNNING状态 |
事件+条件 | 进入TEST_RUNNING状态后,无条件开始以下动作 |
动作 | F-发送TCP测试数据流,直到本次测试结束 |
下一状态 | TEST_END状态 |
debug out: func = iperf_tcp_send ,line = 87, file = iperf_tcp.c
debug out: func = iperf_send ,line = 1907, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_tcp_send ,line = 87, file = iperf_tcp.c
debug out: func = iperf_send ,line = 1907, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_tcp_send ,line = 87, file = iperf_tcp.c
debug out: func = iperf_send ,line = 1907, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_tcp_send ,line = 87, file = iperf_tcp.c
debug out: func = iperf_send ,line = 1907, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_stats_callback ,line = 3237, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_set_send_state ,line = 1810, file = iperf_api.c
wangsheng: set the state from 2 to 4
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 4 to 13
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
当前状态 | TEST_END状态 |
事件+条件 | 收到服务端发过来的EXCHANGE_RESULT指令 |
动作 | G-不做什么,等待服务端下一条指令 |
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 4 to 13
debug out: func = iperf_exchange_results ,line = 2134, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = send_results ,line = 2367, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = get_results ,line = 2488, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 13 to 14
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
事件+条件 | 进入EXCHANGE_RESULT状态后,无条件开始以下动作 |
动作 | H-把测试结果发送给服务端,等待服务端发过来的下一条指令 |
debug out: func = iperf_exchange_results ,line = 2134, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = send_results ,line = 2367, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = get_results ,line = 2488, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_run_client ,line = 620, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_handle_message_client,line = 267, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: receive and change the state from 13 to 14
debug out: func = iperf_client_end ,line = 490, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_reporter_callback ,line = 4075, file = iperf_api.c
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr Cwnd
[ 5] 0.00-0.00 sec 8.00 KBytes 105 Mbits/sec 0 320 KBytes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr
[ 5] 0.00-0.00 sec 8.00 KBytes 105 Mbits/sec 0 sender
[ 5] 0.00-0.00 sec 4.00 KBytes 36.8 Mbits/sec receiver
debug out: func = iperf_set_send_state ,line = 1810, file = iperf_api.c
debug out: set the state from 14 to 16
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
事件+条件 | 进入DISPLAY_RESULTS状态后,无条件开始以下动作 |
动作 | I-打印测试报告,并向服务端发IPERF_DONE指令 |
下一状态 | IPERF_DONE状态 |
debug out: func = iperf_client_end ,line = 490, file = iperf_client_api.c
debug out: func = iperf_reporter_callback ,line = 4075, file = iperf_api.c
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr Cwnd
[ 5] 0.00-0.00 sec 8.00 KBytes 105 Mbits/sec 0 320 KBytes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr
[ 5] 0.00-0.00 sec 8.00 KBytes 105 Mbits/sec 0 sender
[ 5] 0.00-0.00 sec 4.00 KBytes 36.8 Mbits/sec receiver
debug out: func = iperf_set_send_state ,line = 1810, file = iperf_api.c
wangsheng: set the state from 14 to 16
iperf Done.
状态机元组名称 | 状态机元组当前值 |
当前状态 | IPERF_DONE状态 |
事件+条件 | 进入IPERF_DONE状态后,无条件开始以下动作 |
动作 | J-本次测试完成,释放所有资源,退出iperf3客户端程序 |
下一状态 | NA |