原文 http://blog.csdn.net/chenjiazhou12/article/details/30098145
最近导师没给什么项目做,所以有那么一点点小时间,于是就研究起了前景检测,既然前景检测有很多种算法,那干脆就把这些模型都学起来吧,以后用到前景检测时至少还有那么几种方法可以选择,上次介绍的是GMM模型,其实GMM模型本身就是一个很不错的模型,现在也很多人在研究,并且做改进,主要是OpenCV有函数调用,用起来非常方便,当我们都在兴高采烈的讨论GMM各种好的时候,B哥不爽了,他说老子是搞前景检测的,怎么可能让你们这么嚣张,而且老子就不按照你那套路来,什么高斯模型,混合高斯模型,我统统不用,就来个简单的,气死你们,于是一挥笔,一篇著作就出来了ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences,顿时震惊了所有人,现在就让我们一起来领略一下ViBe算法到底有什么过人之处吧。
①、背景建模或前景检测(Background Generation And Foreground Detection) 五 ViBe
- #include <iostream>
- #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
- using namespace cv;
- using namespace std;
- #define NUM_SAMPLES 20 //每个像素点的样本个数
- #define MIN_MATCHES 2 //#min指数
- #define RADIUS 20 //Sqthere半径
- #define SUBSAMPLE_FACTOR 16 //子采样概率
- class ViBe_BGS
- {
- public:
- ViBe_BGS(void);
- ~ViBe_BGS(void);
- void init(const Mat _image); //初始化
- void processFirstFrame(const Mat _image);
- void testAndUpdate(const Mat _image); //更新
- Mat getMask(void){return m_mask;};
- void deleteSamples(){delete samples;};
- private:
- unsigned char ***samples;
- // float samples[1024][1024][NUM_SAMPLES+1];//保存每个像素点的样本值
- /*
- Mat m_samples[NUM_SAMPLES];
- Mat m_foregroundMatchCount;*/
- Mat m_mask;
- };
- #include "ViBe.h"
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cv;
- int c_xoff[9] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0}; //x的邻居点
- int c_yoff[9] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0}; //y的邻居点
- ViBe_BGS::ViBe_BGS(void)
- {
- }
- ViBe_BGS::~ViBe_BGS(void)
- {
- }
- /**************** Assign space and init ***************************/
- void ViBe_BGS::init(const Mat _image)
- {
- //动态分配三维数组,samples[][][NUM_SAMPLES]存储前景被连续检测的次数
- samples=new unsigned char **[_image.rows];
- for (int i=0;i<_image.rows;i++)
- {
- samples[i]=new unsigned char *[1024];
- for (int j=0;j<_image.cols;j++)
- {
- samples[i][j]=new unsigned char [NUM_SAMPLES+1];
- for (int k=0;k<NUM_SAMPLES+1;k++)
- {
- samples[i][j][k]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- m_mask = Mat::zeros(_image.size(),CV_8UC1);
- }
- /**************** Init model from first frame ********************/
- void ViBe_BGS::processFirstFrame(const Mat _image)
- {
- RNG rng;
- int row, col;
- for(int i = 0; i < _image.rows; i++)
- {
- for(int j = 0; j < _image.cols; j++)
- {
- for(int k = 0 ; k < NUM_SAMPLES; k++)
- {
- // Random pick up NUM_SAMPLES pixel in neighbourhood to construct the model
- int random = rng.uniform(0, 9);
- row = i + c_yoff[random];
- if (row < 0)
- row = 0;
- if (row >= _image.rows)
- row = _image.rows - 1;
- col = j + c_xoff[random];
- if (col < 0)
- col = 0;
- if (col >= _image.cols)
- col = _image.cols - 1;
- samples[i][j][k]=_image.at<uchar>(row, col);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**************** Test a new frame and update model ********************/
- void ViBe_BGS::testAndUpdate(const Mat _image)
- {
- RNG rng;
- for(int i = 0; i < _image.rows; i++)
- {
- for(int j = 0; j < _image.cols; j++)
- {
- int matches(0), count(0);
- int dist;
- while(matches < MIN_MATCHES && count < NUM_SAMPLES)
- {
- dist = abs(samples[i][j][count] - _image.at<uchar>(i, j));
- if (dist < RADIUS)
- matches++;
- count++;
- }
- if (matches >= MIN_MATCHES)
- {
- // It is a background pixel
- samples[i][j][NUM_SAMPLES]=0;
- // Set background pixel to 0
- m_mask.at<uchar>(i, j) = 0;
- // 如果一个像素是背景点,那么它有 1 / defaultSubsamplingFactor 的概率去更新自己的模型样本值
- int random = rng.uniform(0, SUBSAMPLE_FACTOR);
- if (random == 0)
- {
- random = rng.uniform(0, NUM_SAMPLES);
- samples[i][j][random]=_image.at<uchar>(i, j);
- }
- // 同时也有 1 / defaultSubsamplingFactor 的概率去更新它的邻居点的模型样本值
- random = rng.uniform(0, SUBSAMPLE_FACTOR);
- if (random == 0)
- {
- int row, col;
- random = rng.uniform(0, 9);
- row = i + c_yoff[random];
- if (row < 0)
- row = 0;
- if (row >= _image.rows)
- row = _image.rows - 1;
- random = rng.uniform(0, 9);
- col = j + c_xoff[random];
- if (col < 0)
- col = 0;
- if (col >= _image.cols)
- col = _image.cols - 1;
- random = rng.uniform(0, NUM_SAMPLES);
- samples[i][j][random]=_image.at<uchar>(i, j);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // It is a foreground pixel
- samples[i][j][NUM_SAMPLES]++;
- // Set background pixel to 255
- m_mask.at<uchar>(i, j) = 255;
- //如果某个像素点连续N次被检测为前景,则认为一块静止区域被误判为运动,将其更新为背景点
- if(samples[i][j][NUM_SAMPLES]>50)
- {
- int random = rng.uniform(0, NUM_SAMPLES);
- if (random == 0)
- {
- random = rng.uniform(0, NUM_SAMPLES);
- samples[i][j][random]=_image.at<uchar>(i, j);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #include "ViBe.h"
- #include <cstdio>
- using namespace cv;
- using namespace std;
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- Mat frame, gray, mask;
- VideoCapture capture;
- capture.open(0);
- capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH,320);
- capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT,240);
- if (!capture.isOpened())
- {
- cout<<"No camera or video input!\n"<<endl;
- return -1;
- }
- ViBe_BGS Vibe_Bgs;
- bool count =true;
- while (1)
- {
- capture >> frame;
- if (frame.empty())
- continue;
- cvtColor(frame, gray, CV_RGB2GRAY);
- if (count)
- {
- Vibe_Bgs.init(gray);
- Vibe_Bgs.processFirstFrame(gray);
- cout<<" Training ViBe complete!"<<endl;
- count=false;
- }
- else
- {
- Vibe_Bgs.testAndUpdate(gray);
- mask = Vibe_Bgs.getMask();
- morphologyEx(mask, mask, MORPH_OPEN, Mat());
- imshow("mask", mask);
- }
- imshow("input", frame);
- if ( cvWaitKey(10) == 27 )
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }