private boolean type_proximity = true;private ProximitySensorManager mProximitySensorManager;private void pocketDetector(boolean isEnable){if (isEnable && (mProximitySensorManager == null)) {mProximitySensorManager = new ProximitySensorManager(mContext, new ProximitySensorManager.Listener() {@Overridepublic void onNear() {// 靠近口袋事件type_proximity = true;}@Overridepublic void onFar() {// 远离口袋事件type_proximity = false;}});mProximitySensorManager.enable();} else if(!isEnable && (mProximitySensorManager != null)){mProximitySensorManager.disable(false);mProximitySensorManager = null;}}
其中 ProximitySensorManager.java 是系统自带的源码直接粘贴过来,直接使用即可
package com.android.server.policy;
import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
import android.hardware.SensorManager;/*** Manages the proximity sensor and notifies a listener when enabled.*/
public class ProximitySensorManager {/*** Listener of the state of the proximity sensor.* <p>* This interface abstracts two possible states for the proximity sensor, near and far.* <p>* The actual meaning of these states depends on the actual sensor.*/public interface Listener {/** Called when the proximity sensor transitions from the far to the near state. */public void onNear();/** Called when the proximity sensor transitions from the near to the far state. */public void onFar();}public static enum State {NEAR, FAR}private final ProximitySensorEventListener mProximitySensorListener;/*** The current state of the manager, i.e., whether it is currently tracking the state of the* sensor.*/private boolean mManagerEnabled;/*** The listener to the state of the sensor.* <p>* Contains most of the logic concerning tracking of the sensor.* <p>* After creating an instance of this object, one should call {@link #register()} and* {@link #unregister()} to enable and disable the notifications.* <p>* Instead of calling unregister, one can call {@link #unregisterWhenFar()} to unregister the* listener the next time the sensor reaches the {@link State#FAR} state if currently in the* {@link State#NEAR} state.*/private static class ProximitySensorEventListener implements SensorEventListener {private static final float FAR_THRESHOLD = 5.0f;private final SensorManager mSensorManager;private final Sensor mProximitySensor;private final float mMaxValue;private final Listener mListener;/*** The last state of the sensor.* <p>* Before registering and after unregistering we are always in the {@link State#FAR} state.*/private State mLastState;/*** If this flag is set to true, we are waiting to reach the {@link State#FAR} state and* should notify the listener and unregister when that happens.*/private boolean mWaitingForFarState;public ProximitySensorEventListener(SensorManager sensorManager, Sensor proximitySensor,Listener listener) {mSensorManager = sensorManager;mProximitySensor = proximitySensor;mMaxValue = proximitySensor.getMaximumRange();mListener = listener;// Initialize at far state.mLastState = State.FAR;mWaitingForFarState = false;}@Overridepublic void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {// Make sure we have a valid value.if (event.values == null) return;if (event.values.length == 0) return;float value = event.values[0];// Convert the sensor into a NEAR/FAR state.State state = getStateFromValue(value);synchronized (this) {// No change in state, do nothing.if (state == mLastState) return;// Keep track of the current state.mLastState = state;// If we are waiting to reach the far state and we are now in it, unregister.if (mWaitingForFarState && mLastState == State.FAR) {unregisterWithoutNotification();}}// Notify the listener of the state change.switch (state) {case NEAR:mListener.onNear();break;case FAR:mListener.onFar();break;}}@Overridepublic void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {// Nothing to do here.}/** Returns the state of the sensor given its current value. */private State getStateFromValue(float value) {// Determine if the current value corresponds to the NEAR or FAR state.// Take case of the case where the proximity sensor is binary: if the current value is// equal to the maximum, we are always in the FAR state.return (value > FAR_THRESHOLD || value == mMaxValue) ? State.FAR : State.NEAR;}/*** Unregister the next time the sensor reaches the {@link State#FAR} state.*/public synchronized void unregisterWhenFar() {if (mLastState == State.FAR) {// We are already in the far state, just unregister now.unregisterWithoutNotification();} else {mWaitingForFarState = true;}}/** Register the listener and call the listener as necessary. */public synchronized void register() {// It is okay to register multiple times.mSensorManager.registerListener(this, mProximitySensor, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI);// We should no longer be waiting for the far state if we are registering again.mWaitingForFarState = false;}public void unregister() {State lastState;synchronized (this) {unregisterWithoutNotification();lastState = mLastState;// Always go back to the FAR state. That way, when we register again we will get a// transition when the sensor gets into the NEAR state.mLastState = State.FAR;}// Notify the listener if we changed the state to FAR while unregistering.if (lastState != State.FAR) {mListener.onFar();}}private void unregisterWithoutNotification() {mSensorManager.unregisterListener(this);mWaitingForFarState = false;}}public ProximitySensorManager(Context context, Listener listener) {SensorManager sensorManager =(SensorManager) context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);Sensor proximitySensor = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY);if (proximitySensor == null) {// If there is no sensor, we should not do anything.mProximitySensorListener = null;} else {mProximitySensorListener =new ProximitySensorEventListener(sensorManager, proximitySensor, listener);}}/*** Enables the proximity manager.* <p>* The listener will start getting notifications of events.* <p>* This method is idempotent.*/public void enable() {if (mProximitySensorListener != null && !mManagerEnabled) {mProximitySensorListener.register();mManagerEnabled = true;}}/*** Disables the proximity manager.* <p>* The listener will stop receiving notifications of events, possibly after receiving a last* {@link Listener#onFar()} callback.* <p>* If {@code waitForFarState} is true, if the sensor is not currently in the {@link State#FAR}* state, the listener will receive a {@link Listener#onFar()} callback the next time the sensor* actually reaches the {@link State#FAR} state.* <p>* If {@code waitForFarState} is false, the listener will receive a {@link Listener#onFar()}* callback immediately if the sensor is currently not in the {@link State#FAR} state.* <p>* This method is idempotent.*/public void disable(boolean waitForFarState) {if (mProximitySensorListener != null && mManagerEnabled) {if (waitForFarState) {mProximitySensorListener.unregisterWhenFar();} else {mProximitySensorListener.unregister();}mManagerEnabled = false;}}