
2024-02-06 11:52



      • 题目来源
      • 我的题解
        • 方法一 使用dfs对每一组查询都求最近公共祖先(会超时,通不过)
        • 方法二 不需要构建图,直接在原始数组上进行求最大公共祖先的操作。




方法一 使用dfs对每一组查询都求最近公共祖先(会超时,通不过)


时间复杂度:O( n 2 n^2 n2)
空间复杂度:O( m × n m\times n m×n)

 List<Integer> list;public int[] minOperationsQueries(int n, int[][] edges, int[][] queries) {Map<Integer,Integer>[] graph=createGraph(n,edges);int qn=queries.length;int[] res=new int[qn];for(int i=0;i<qn;i++){int from=queries[i][0];int to=queries[i][1];if(from==to)continue;list=new ArrayList<>();boolean[] visited=new boolean[n];dfs(graph,from,to,visited,new ArrayList<>());res[i]=needChange(list);}return res;}public int needChange(List<Integer> l){TreeMap<Integer, Long> frequencyMap = new TreeMap<>(l.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())));TreeMap<Integer, Long> frequencySortMap=new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparing(frequencyMap::get));frequencySortMap.putAll(frequencyMap);return l.size()-Integer.parseInt(frequencySortMap.get(frequencySortMap.lastKey()).toString());}public Map<Integer,Integer>[] createGraph(int n,int[][] edges){Map<Integer,Integer>[] graph=new HashMap[n];for(int i=0;i<n;i++)graph[i]=new HashMap<>();for(int[] e:edges){int from =e[0];int to=e[1];int val=e[2];graph[from].put(to,val);graph[to].put(from,val);}return graph;}public void dfs(Map<Integer,Integer>[] graph,int from,int to,boolean[] visited,List<Integer> path){if(from==to){list=new ArrayList(path);return ;}visited[from]=true;for(int next:graph[from].keySet()){if(!visited[next]){path.add(graph[from].get(next));dfs(graph,next,to,visited,path);path.remove(path.size()-1);}}visited[from]=false;}
方法二 不需要构建图,直接在原始数组上进行求最大公共祖先的操作。


以节点 0 为根节点,使用数组 count[i]记录节点 i到根节点 0 的路径上边权重的数量,即 count[i][j] 表示节点 i到根节点 0 的路径上权重为 j的边数量。对于查询 queries[i]=[ a i a_i ai, b i b_i bi],记节点 l c a i lca_i lcai为节点 a i a_i ai b i b_i bi的最近公共祖先,那么从节点 a i a_i ai到节点 b i b_i bi的路径上,权重为 j 的边数量 t j t_j tj的计算如下:

t j = count [ a i ] [ j ] + count [ b i ] [ j ] − 2 × count [ lca i ] [ j ] t_j = \textit{count}[a_i][j] + \textit{count}[b_i][j] - 2 \times \textit{count}[\textit{lca}_i][j] tj=count[ai][j]+count[bi][j]2×count[lcai][j]
为了让节点 a i a_i ai到节点 b i b_i bi路径上每条边的权重都相等,贪心地将路径上所有的边都更改为边数量最多的权重即可,即从节点 a i a_i ai到节点 b i b_i bi路径上每条边的权重都相等所需的最小操作次数 r e s i ​ res_i​ resi的计算如下: res i = ∑ j = 1 W t j − max ⁡ 1 ≤ j ≤ W t j \textit{res}_i = \sum_{j=1}^{W}t_j - \max_{1 \le j \le W}t_j resi=j=1Wtjmax1jWtj
其中 W=26W = 26W=26 表示权重的最大值。

时间复杂度:O((m+n)×W+m×logn),其中 n 是节点数目,m 是查询数目,W 是权重的可能取值数目。

class Solution {static final int W = 26;public int[] minOperationsQueries(int n, int[][] edges, int[][] queries) {int m = queries.length;Map<Integer, Integer>[] neighbors = new Map[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {neighbors[i] = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();}for (int[] edge : edges) {neighbors[edge[0]].put(edge[1], edge[2]);neighbors[edge[1]].put(edge[0], edge[2]);}List<int[]>[] queryArr = new List[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {queryArr[i] = new ArrayList<int[]>();}for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {queryArr[queries[i][0]].add(new int[]{queries[i][1], i});queryArr[queries[i][1]].add(new int[]{queries[i][0], i});}int[][] count = new int[n][W + 1];boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];int[] uf = new int[n];int[] lca = new int[m];tarjan(0, -1, neighbors, queryArr, count, visited, uf, lca);int[] res = new int[m];for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {int totalCount = 0, maxCount = 0;for (int j = 1; j <= W; j++) {int t = count[queries[i][0]][j] + count[queries[i][1]][j] - 2 * count[lca[i]][j];maxCount = Math.max(maxCount, t);totalCount += t;}res[i] = totalCount - maxCount;}return res;}public void tarjan(int node, int parent, Map<Integer, Integer>[] neighbors, List<int[]>[] queryArr, int[][] count, boolean[] visited, int[] uf, int[] lca) {if (parent != -1) {System.arraycopy(count[parent], 0, count[node], 0, W + 1);count[node][neighbors[node].get(parent)]++;}uf[node] = node;for (int child : neighbors[node].keySet()) {if (child == parent) {continue;}tarjan(child, node, neighbors, queryArr, count, visited, uf, lca);uf[child] = node;}for (int[] pair : queryArr[node]) {int node1 = pair[0], index = pair[1];if (node != node1 && !visited[node1]) {continue;}lca[index] = find(uf, node1);}visited[node] = true;}public int find(int[] uf, int i) {if (uf[i] == i) {return i;}uf[i] = find(uf, uf[i]);return uf[i];}







当你问AI助手比如豆包,如何用python禁止掉xpresso标签时候,它会提示到 这时候要用到两个东西。https://developers.maxon.net/论坛搜索和开发文档 比如这里我就在官方找到正确的id描述 然后我就把参数标签换过来

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