ID3算法 决策树学习 Python实现

2024-01-30 14:36

本文主要是介绍ID3算法 决策树学习 Python实现,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




设样本需分为 K K K 类,当前节点待分类样本中每类样本的个数分别为 n 1 , n 2 , … , n K n_1, n_2, …, n_K n1,n2,,nK,则该节点信息熵为
I ( n 1 , n 2 , … , n K ) = − ∑ i = 1 K n i ∑ j = 1 K n j log ⁡ 2 n i ∑ j = 1 K n j I(n_1, n_2, …, n_K) = -\sum_{i=1}^K \frac{n_i}{\sum_{j=1}^K n_j} \log_2 \frac{n_i}{\sum_{j=1}^K n_j} I(n1,n2,,nK)=i=1Kj=1Knjnilog2j=1Knjni
设属性 A A A v v v 种取值,当前节点样本按属性 A A A 决策分类为 v v v 个子节点,第 i i i 个子节点待分类样本中每类样本的个数分别为 n i 1 , n i 2 , … , n i K n_{i1}, n_{i2}, …, n_{iK} ni1,ni2,,niK,则父节点按属性 A A A 决策分类的类信息熵为
E ( A ) = ∑ i = 1 v ∑ j = 1 K n i j ∑ j = 1 K n j I ( n i 1 , n i 2 , … , n i K ) E(A) = \sum_{i=1}^v \frac{\sum_{j=1}^K n_{ij}}{\sum_{j=1}^K n_j} I(n_{i1}, n_{i2}, …, n_{iK}) E(A)=i=1vj=1Knjj=1KnijI(ni1,ni2,,niK)
由此计算当前节点在属性 A 上的信息增益为
G a i n ( A ) = I ( n 1 , n 2 , … , n K ) − E ( A ) Gain(A) = I(n_1, n_2, …, n_K) - E(A) Gain(A)=I(n1,n2,,nK)E(A)


不相关属性(irrelevant attribute),属性与类分布相独立。此情况下信息增益过小,可以终止决策,将当前节点标签设为最高频类。
不充足属性(inadequate attribute),不同类的样本有完全相同特征。此情况下信息增益为 0 0 0,可以终止决策,将当前节点标签设为最高频类。
未知属性值(unknown value),数据集中某些属性值不确定。可以通过预处理剔除含有未知属性值的样本或属性。
空分支(empty branch),学习过程中某节点样本数为 0 0 0 v ≥ 3 v≥3 v3 才会发生。可以将当前节点标签设为父节点的最高频类。


import numpy as np
class ID3:def __init__(self, max_depth = 0, min_samples_split = 0):self.max_depth, self.min_samples_split = max_depth, min_samples_splitdef __EI(self, *n):n = np.array([i for i in n if i > 0])if n.shape[0] <= 1:return 0p = n / np.sum(n)return, np.log2(p))def __Gain(self, A: np.ndarray):return self.__EI(*np.sum(A, axis = 0)) - np.average(np.frompyfunc(self.__EI, A.shape[1], 1)(*A.T), weights = np.sum(A, axis = 1))def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y):self.DX, (self.Dy, yn) = [np.unique(X[:, i]) for i in range(X.shape[1])], np.unique(y, return_inverse = True)self.Dy: np.ndarrayself.value = []def fitcur(n, h, p = 0):self.value.append(np.bincount(yn[n], minlength = self.Dy.shape[0]))r: np.ndarray = np.unique(y[n])if r.shape[0] == 0: # Empty Branchreturn pelif r.shape[0] == 1:return yn[n[0]]elif self.max_depth > 0 and h >= self.max_depth or n.shape[0] <= self.min_samples_split: # Overfittingreturn np.argmax(np.bincount(yn[n]))else:P = [[n[np.where(X[n, i] == j)[0]] for j in self.DX[i]] for i in range(X.shape[1])]G = [self.__Gain(A) for A in [np.array([[np.where(y[i] == j)[0].shape[0] for j in self.Dy] for i in p]) for p in P]]m = np.argmax(G)if(G[m] < 1e-9): # Inadequate attributereturn np.argmax(np.bincount(yn[n]))return (m,) + tuple(fitcur(i, h + 1, np.argmax(np.bincount(yn[n]))) for i in P[m])self.tree = fitcur(np.arange(X.shape[0]), 0)def predict(self, X):def precur(n, x):return precur(n[1 + np.where(self.DX[n[0]] == x[n[0]])[0][0]], x) if isinstance(n, tuple) else self.Dy[n]return np.array([precur(self.tree, x) for x in X])def visualize(self, header):i = iter(self.value)def visval():v = next(i)print(' (entropy = {}, samples = {}, value = {})'.format(self.__EI(*v), np.sum(v), v), end = '')def viscur(n, h, c):for i in h[:-1]:print('%c   ' % ('│' if i else ' '), end = '')if len(h) > 0:print('%c── ' % ('├' if h[-1] else '└'), end = '')print('[%s] ' % c, end = '')if isinstance(n, tuple):print(header[n[0]], end = '')visval()print()for i in range(len(n) - 1):viscur(n[i + 1], h + [i < len(n) - 2], str(self.DX[n[0]][i]))else:print(self.Dy[n], end = '')visval()print()viscur(self.tree, [], '')


对于某个连续属性,取训练集中所有属性值的相邻两点中点生成界点集,按每个界点将当前节点样本分为 2 2 2 类,算出界点集中最大信息增益的界点。


import numpy as np
class ID3:def __init__(self, max_depth = 0, min_samples_split = 0):self.max_depth, self.min_samples_split = max_depth, min_samples_splitdef __EI(self, *n):n = np.array([i for i in n if i > 0])if n.shape[0] <= 1:return 0p = n / np.sum(n)return, np.log2(p))def __Gain(self, A: np.ndarray):return self.__EI(*np.sum(A, axis = 0)) - np.average([self.__EI(*a) for a in A], weights = np.sum(A, axis = 1))def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y):self.c = np.array([(np.all([isinstance(j, (int, float)) for j in i])) for i in X.T])self.DX, (self.Dy, yn) = [np.unique(X[:, i]) if not self.c[i] else None for i in range(X.shape[1])], np.unique(y, return_inverse = True)self.Dy: np.ndarrayself.value = []def Part(n, a):if self.c[a]:u = np.sort(np.unique(X[n, a]))if(u.shape[0] < 2):return Nonev = np.array([(u[i - 1] + u[i]) / 2 for i in range(1, u.shape[0])])P = [[n[np.where(X[n, a] < i)[0]], n[np.where(X[n, a] >= i)[0]]] for i in v]m = np.argmax([self.__Gain([[np.where(y[i] == j)[0].shape[0] for j in self.Dy] for i in p]) for p in P])return v[m], P[m]else:return None, [n[np.where(X[n, a] == i)[0]] for i in self.DX[a]]def fitcur(n: np.ndarray, h, p = 0):self.value.append(np.bincount(yn[n], minlength = self.Dy.shape[0]))r: np.ndarray = np.unique(y[n])if r.shape[0] == 0: # Empty Branchreturn pelif r.shape[0] == 1:return yn[n[0]]elif self.max_depth > 0 and h >= self.max_depth or n.shape[0] <= self.min_samples_split: # Overfittingreturn np.argmax(np.bincount(yn[n]))else:P = [Part(n, i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]G = [self.__Gain([[np.where(y[i] == j)[0].shape[0] for j in self.Dy] for i in p[1]]) if p != None else 0 for p in P]m = np.argmax(G)if(G[m] < 1e-9): # Inadequate attributereturn np.argmax(np.bincount(yn[n]))return ((m, P[m][0]) if self.c[m] else (m,)) + tuple(fitcur(i, h + 1, np.argmax(np.bincount(yn[n]))) for i in P[m][1])self.tree = fitcur(np.arange(X.shape[0]), 0)def predict(self, X):def precur(n, x):return precur(n[(2 if x[n[0]] < n[1] else 3) if self.c[n[0]] else (1 + np.where(self.DX[n[0]] == x[n[0]])[0][0])], x) if isinstance(n, tuple) else self.Dy[n]return np.array([precur(self.tree, x) for x in X])def visualize(self, header):i = iter(self.value)def visval():v = next(i)print(' (entropy = {}, samples = {}, value = {})'.format(self.__EI(*v), np.sum(v), v), end = '')def viscur(n, h, c):for i in h[:-1]:print('%c   ' % ('│' if i else ' '), end = '')if len(h) > 0:print('%c── ' % ('├' if h[-1] else '└'), end = '')print('[%s] ' % c, end = '')if isinstance(n, tuple):print(header[n[0]], end = '')visval()print()if self.c[n[0]]:for i in range(2):viscur(n[2 + i], h + [i < 1], ('< ', '>= ')[i] + str(n[1]))else:for i in range(len(n) - 1):viscur(n[1 + i], h + [i < len(n) - 2], str(self.DX[n[0]][i]))else:print(self.Dy[n], end = '')visval()print()viscur(self.tree, [], '')


Play tennis 数据集(来源:kaggle):离散属性
Mushroom classification 数据集(来源:kaggle):离散属性
Carsdata 数据集(来源:kaggle):连续属性
Iris 数据集(来源:sklearn.datasets):连续属性

其中 play_tennis.csv 内容如下:


Play tennis 数据集上的测试


import pandas as pd
class Datasets:def __init__(self, fn):self.df = pd.read_csv('Datasets\\%s' % fn).map(lambda x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x)self.df.rename(columns = lambda x: x.strip(), inplace = True)def getData(self, DX, Dy, drop = False):dfn = self.df.loc[~self.df.eq('').any(axis = 1)].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors = 'ignore') if drop else self.dfreturn dfn[DX].to_numpy(dtype = np.object_), dfn[Dy].to_numpy(dtype = np.object_)# play_tennis.csv
a = ['outlook', 'temp', 'humidity', 'wind']
X, y = Datasets('play_tennis.csv').getData(a, 'play')
dt11 = ID3(), y)


outlook (entropy = 0.9402859586706311, samples = 14, value = [5 9])
├── [Overcast] Yes (entropy = 0, samples = 4, value = [0 4])
├── [Rain] wind (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [2 3])
│   ├── [Strong] No (entropy = 0, samples = 2, value = [2 0])
│   └── [Weak] Yes (entropy = 0, samples = 3, value = [0 3])
└── [Sunny] humidity (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [3 2])├── [High] No (entropy = 0, samples = 3, value = [3 0])└── [Normal] Yes (entropy = 0, samples = 2, value = [0 2])



# play_tennis.csv for inadequate attribute test and class > 2
a = ['temp', 'humidity', 'wind', 'play']
X, y = Datasets('play_tennis.csv').getData(a, 'outlook')
dt12 = ID3(10), y)
print(dt12.predict([['Cool', 'Normal', 'Weak', 'Yes']]))


play (entropy = 1.5774062828523454, samples = 14, value = [4 5 5])
├── [No] temp (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [0 2 3])
│   ├── [Cool] Rain (entropy = 0, samples = 1, value = [0 1 0])
│   ├── [Hot] Sunny (entropy = 0, samples = 2, value = [0 0 2])
│   └── [Mild] wind (entropy = 1.0, samples = 2, value = [0 1 1])
│       ├── [Strong] Rain (entropy = 0, samples = 1, value = [0 1 0])
│       └── [Weak] Sunny (entropy = 0, samples = 1, value = [0 0 1])
└── [Yes] temp (entropy = 1.5304930567574826, samples = 9, value = [4 3 2])├── [Cool] wind (entropy = 1.584962500721156, samples = 3, value = [1 1 1])│   ├── [Strong] Overcast (entropy = 0, samples = 1, value = [1 0 0])│   └── [Weak] Rain (entropy = 1.0, samples = 2, value = [0 1 1])├── [Hot] Overcast (entropy = 0, samples = 2, value = [2 0 0])└── [Mild] wind (entropy = 1.5, samples = 4, value = [1 2 1])├── [Strong] humidity (entropy = 1.0, samples = 2, value = [1 0 1])│   ├── [High] Overcast (entropy = 0, samples = 1, value = [1 0 0])│   └── [Normal] Sunny (entropy = 0, samples = 1, value = [0 0 1])└── [Weak] Rain (entropy = 0, samples = 2, value = [0 2 0])



# play_tennis.csv modified to generate empty branch
a = ['outlook', 'temp', 'humidity', 'wind']
X, y = Datasets('play_tennis.csv').getData(a, 'play')
X[2, 2], X[13, 2] = 'Low', 'Low'
dt13 = ID3(), y)
print(dt13.predict([['Sunny', 'Hot', 'Low', 'Weak']]))


outlook (entropy = 0.9402859586706311, samples = 14, value = [5 9])
├── [Overcast] Yes (entropy = 0, samples = 4, value = [0 4])
├── [Rain] wind (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [2 3])
│   ├── [Strong] No (entropy = 0, samples = 2, value = [2 0])
│   └── [Weak] Yes (entropy = 0, samples = 3, value = [0 3])
└── [Sunny] humidity (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [3 2])├── [High] No (entropy = 0, samples = 3, value = [3 0])├── [Low] No (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])└── [Normal] Yes (entropy = 0, samples = 2, value = [0 2])

Mushroom classification 数据集上的测试


# mushrooms.csv ignoring attribute 'stalk-root' with unknown value
a = ['cap-shape', 'cap-surface', 'cap-color', 'bruises', 'odor', 'gill-attachment', 'gill-spacing', 'gill-size','gill-color', 'stalk-shape', 'stalk-surface-above-ring', 'stalk-surface-below-ring', 'stalk-color-above-ring', 'stalk-color-below-ring', 'veil-type','veil-color', 'ring-number', 'ring-type', 'spore-print-color', 'population', 'habitat']
X, y = Datasets('mushrooms.csv').getData(a, 'class')
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state = 20231218)
dt21 = ID3(), y_train)
y_pred = dt21.predict(X_test)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))


odor (entropy = 0.9990161113058208, samples = 6093, value = [3159 2934])
├── [a] e (entropy = 0, samples = 298, value = [298   0])
├── [c] p (entropy = 0, samples = 138, value = [  0 138])
├── [f] p (entropy = 0, samples = 1636, value = [   0 1636])
├── [l] e (entropy = 0, samples = 297, value = [297   0])
├── [m] p (entropy = 0, samples = 26, value = [ 0 26])
├── [n] spore-print-color (entropy = 0.19751069442516636, samples = 2645, value = [2564   81])
│   ├── [b] e (entropy = 0, samples = 32, value = [32  0])
│   ├── [h] e (entropy = 0, samples = 35, value = [35  0])
│   ├── [k] e (entropy = 0, samples = 974, value = [974   0])
│   ├── [n] e (entropy = 0, samples = 1013, value = [1013    0])
│   ├── [o] e (entropy = 0, samples = 33, value = [33  0])
│   ├── [r] p (entropy = 0, samples = 50, value = [ 0 50])
│   ├── [u] e (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])
│   ├── [w] habitat (entropy = 0.34905151737109524, samples = 473, value = [442  31])
│   │   ├── [d] gill-size (entropy = 0.7062740891876007, samples = 26, value = [ 5 21])
│   │   │   ├── [b] e (entropy = 0, samples = 5, value = [5 0])
│   │   │   └── [n] p (entropy = 0, samples = 21, value = [ 0 21])
│   │   ├── [g] e (entropy = 0, samples = 222, value = [222   0])
│   │   ├── [l] cap-color (entropy = 0.7553754125614287, samples = 46, value = [36 10])
│   │   │   ├── [b] e (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])
│   │   │   ├── [c] e (entropy = 0, samples = 20, value = [20  0])
│   │   │   ├── [e] e (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])
│   │   │   ├── [g] e (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])
│   │   │   ├── [n] e (entropy = 0, samples = 16, value = [16  0])
│   │   │   ├── [p] e (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])
│   │   │   ├── [r] e (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])
│   │   │   ├── [u] e (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])
│   │   │   ├── [w] p (entropy = 0, samples = 7, value = [0 7])
│   │   │   └── [y] p (entropy = 0, samples = 3, value = [0 3])
│   │   ├── [m] e (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])
│   │   ├── [p] e (entropy = 0, samples = 35, value = [35  0])
│   │   ├── [u] e (entropy = 0, samples = 0, value = [0 0])
│   │   └── [w] e (entropy = 0, samples = 144, value = [144   0])
│   └── [y] e (entropy = 0, samples = 35, value = [35  0])
├── [p] p (entropy = 0, samples = 187, value = [  0 187])
├── [s] p (entropy = 0, samples = 433, value = [  0 433])
└── [y] p (entropy = 0, samples = 433, value = [  0 433])precision    recall  f1-score   supporte       1.00      1.00      1.00      1049p       1.00      1.00      1.00       982accuracy                           1.00      2031macro avg       1.00      1.00      1.00      2031
weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00      2031

Carsdata 数据集上的测试

默认属性三分类,忽略有未知值的样本,划分训练集和测试集,约束决策树生长最大深度为 5,节点最小样本数为 3,代码如下:

# cars.csv ignoring samples with unknown value
a = ['mpg', 'cylinders', 'cubicinches', 'hp', 'weightlbs', 'time-to-60', 'year']
X, y = Datasets('cars.csv').getData(a, 'brand', True)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state = 20231218)
dt31 = ID3(5, 3), y_train)
y_pred = dt31.predict(X_test)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))


cubicinches (entropy = 1.3101461692119258, samples = 192, value = [ 37  33 122])
├── [< 191.0] year (entropy = 1.5833913647120852, samples = 105, value = [37 33 35])
│   ├── [< 1981.5] cubicinches (entropy = 1.5558899087683136, samples = 87, value = [37 27 23])
│   │   ├── [< 121.5] cubicinches (entropy = 1.4119058166561587, samples = 62, value = [31 23  8])
│   │   │   ├── [< 114.0] cubicinches (entropy = 1.4844331941390079, samples = 47, value = [18 21  8])
│   │   │   │   ├── [< 87.0] Japan. (entropy = 0.5435644431995964, samples = 8, value = [1 7 0])
│   │   │   │   └── [>= 87.0] Europe. (entropy = 1.521560239117063, samples = 39, value = [17 14  8])
│   │   │   └── [>= 114.0] weightlbs (entropy = 0.5665095065529053, samples = 15, value = [13  2  0])
│   │   │       ├── [< 2571.0] Europe. (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [3 2 0])
│   │   │       └── [>= 2571.0] Europe. (entropy = 0, samples = 10, value = [10  0  0])
│   │   └── [>= 121.5] weightlbs (entropy = 1.3593308322365363, samples = 25, value = [ 6  4 15])
│   │       ├── [< 3076.5] hp (entropy = 0.9917601481809735, samples = 20, value = [ 1  4 15])
│   │       │   ├── [< 92.5] US. (entropy = 0, samples = 11, value = [ 0  0 11])
│   │       │   └── [>= 92.5] Japan. (entropy = 1.3921472236645345, samples = 9, value = [1 4 4])
│   │       └── [>= 3076.5] Europe. (entropy = 0, samples = 5, value = [5 0 0])
│   └── [>= 1981.5] mpg (entropy = 0.9182958340544896, samples = 18, value = [ 0  6 12])
│       ├── [< 31.3] US. (entropy = 0, samples = 9, value = [0 0 9])
│       └── [>= 31.3] mpg (entropy = 0.9182958340544896, samples = 9, value = [0 6 3])
│           ├── [< 33.2] Japan. (entropy = 0, samples = 4, value = [0 4 0])
│           └── [>= 33.2] time-to-60 (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [0 2 3])
│               ├── [< 16.5] US. (entropy = 0, samples = 2, value = [0 0 2])
│               └── [>= 16.5] Japan. (entropy = 0.9182958340544896, samples = 3, value = [0 2 1])
└── [>= 191.0] US. (entropy = 0, samples = 87, value = [ 0  0 87])precision    recall  f1-score   supportEurope.       0.50      0.80      0.62        10Japan.       0.83      0.56      0.67        18US.       0.94      0.94      0.94        36accuracy                           0.81        64macro avg       0.76      0.77      0.74        64
weighted avg       0.84      0.81      0.81        64



# cars.csv with attribute 'cubicinches' discretized 
def find(a, n):def findcur(r):return findcur(r + 1) if r < len(a) and a[r] < n else rreturn findcur(0)
X[:, 2] = np.array([('a', 'b', 'c')[find([121.5, 191.0], i)] for i in X[:, 2]])
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state = 20231218)
dt32 = ID3(5, 3), y_train)
y_pred = dt32.predict(X_test)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))


cubicinches (entropy = 1.3101461692119258, samples = 192, value = [ 37  33 122])
├── [a] year (entropy = 1.5231103605784926, samples = 74, value = [31 28 15])
│   ├── [< 1981.5] weightlbs (entropy = 1.4119058166561587, samples = 62, value = [31 23  8])
│   │   ├── [< 2571.0] weightlbs (entropy = 1.4729350396193688, samples = 50, value = [20 22  8])
│   │   │   ├── [< 2271.5] mpg (entropy = 1.5038892873131435, samples = 42, value = [19 15  8])
│   │   │   │   ├── [< 30.25] Europe. (entropy = 1.2640886121123147, samples = 23, value = [15  5  3])
│   │   │   │   └── [>= 30.25] Japan. (entropy = 1.4674579648482995, samples = 19, value = [ 4 10  5])
│   │   │   └── [>= 2271.5] mpg (entropy = 0.5435644431995964, samples = 8, value = [1 7 0])
│   │   │       ├── [< 37.9] Japan. (entropy = 0, samples = 7, value = [0 7 0])
│   │   │       └── [>= 37.9] Europe. (entropy = 0, samples = 1, value = [1 0 0])
│   │   └── [>= 2571.0] cylinders (entropy = 0.41381685030363374, samples = 12, value = [11  1  0])
│   │       ├── [< 3.5] Japan. (entropy = 0, samples = 1, value = [0 1 0])
│   │       └── [>= 3.5] Europe. (entropy = 0, samples = 11, value = [11  0  0])
│   └── [>= 1981.5] mpg (entropy = 0.9798687566511528, samples = 12, value = [0 5 7])
│       ├── [< 31.3] US. (entropy = 0, samples = 4, value = [0 0 4])
│       └── [>= 31.3] mpg (entropy = 0.954434002924965, samples = 8, value = [0 5 3])
│           ├── [< 33.2] Japan. (entropy = 0, samples = 3, value = [0 3 0])
│           └── [>= 33.2] time-to-60 (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [0 2 3])
│               ├── [< 16.5] US. (entropy = 0, samples = 2, value = [0 0 2])
│               └── [>= 16.5] Japan. (entropy = 0.9182958340544896, samples = 3, value = [0 2 1])
├── [b] weightlbs (entropy = 1.2910357498542626, samples = 31, value = [ 6  5 20])
│   ├── [< 3076.5] hp (entropy = 0.9293550115186283, samples = 26, value = [ 1  5 20])
│   │   ├── [< 93.5] US. (entropy = 0, samples = 16, value = [ 0  0 16])
│   │   └── [>= 93.5] time-to-60 (entropy = 1.360964047443681, samples = 10, value = [1 5 4])
│   │       ├── [< 15.5] cylinders (entropy = 0.954434002924965, samples = 8, value = [0 5 3])
│   │       │   ├── [< 5.0] Japan. (entropy = 0, samples = 3, value = [0 3 0])
│   │       │   └── [>= 5.0] US. (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [0 2 3])
│   │       └── [>= 15.5] Europe. (entropy = 1.0, samples = 2, value = [1 0 1])
│   └── [>= 3076.5] Europe. (entropy = 0, samples = 5, value = [5 0 0])
└── [c] US. (entropy = 0, samples = 87, value = [ 0  0 87])precision    recall  f1-score   supportEurope.       0.57      0.40      0.47        10Japan.       0.65      0.72      0.68        18US.       0.92      0.94      0.93        36accuracy                           0.80        64macro avg       0.71      0.69      0.70        64
weighted avg       0.79      0.80      0.79        64

Iris 数据集上的测试

默认属性三分类,划分训练集和测试集,限制决策树生长最大深度为 3,代码如下:

# iris dataset
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
iris = load_iris()
X, y =,
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state = 20231218)
dt41 = ID3(3), y_train)
y_pred = dt41.predict(X_test)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))


petal length (cm) (entropy = 1.5807197138422102, samples = 112, value = [34 41 37])
├── [< 2.45] 0 (entropy = 0, samples = 34, value = [34  0  0])
└── [>= 2.45] petal width (cm) (entropy = 0.9981021327390103, samples = 78, value = [ 0 41 37])├── [< 1.75] petal length (cm) (entropy = 0.4394969869215134, samples = 44, value = [ 0 40  4])│   ├── [< 4.95] 1 (entropy = 0.17203694935311378, samples = 39, value = [ 0 38  1])│   └── [>= 4.95] 2 (entropy = 0.9709505944546686, samples = 5, value = [0 2 3])└── [>= 1.75] petal length (cm) (entropy = 0.19143325481419343, samples = 34, value = [ 0  1 33])├── [< 4.85] 2 (entropy = 0.9182958340544896, samples = 3, value = [0 1 2])└── [>= 4.85] 2 (entropy = 0, samples = 31, value = [ 0  0 31])precision    recall  f1-score   support0       1.00      1.00      1.00        161       1.00      1.00      1.00         92       1.00      1.00      1.00        13accuracy                           1.00        38macro avg       1.00      1.00      1.00        38
weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00        38

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