
2024-01-25 21:20


文件名:CASS格式地形文件点抽稀(Excel).rar Excel下的VBA程序,在WPS下也可以使用,打开此表格后点击表中按钮,选择CASS格式测量地形点文件,指定抽稀间距即可按距离进行点抽稀过滤。表格见下载中心。

Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As LongFunction Distance(Sx As Double, Sy As Double, Ex As Double, Ey As Double, Precision As Integer) As Double
Dim DltX As Double, DltY As Double
DltX = Ex - Sx
DltY = Ey - Sy
Distance = Round(Sqr(DltX * DltX + DltY * DltY), Precision)
End FunctionSub filter()Dim Dia1 As Object, Strr As String, PPath As StringDim filterDist As Integer '抽稀距离Dim Datums As VariantDim RowIndex As LongDim rIndex As Long, rIndex2 As Long, xa As Double, ya As Double, xb As Double, yb As DoubleRowIndex = 1filterDist = Sheet1.Cells(1, 6) '抽稀距离If filterDist = 0 Then filterDist = 2'Sheet1.Cells(1, 7) = "←F1单元格设置抽稀距离"'Sheet1.Cells(2, 7) = "(C)中国电建一二·五联合体测量队"'Sheet1.Cells(3, 7) = "雅砻江两河口水电站大坝工程"'Sheet1.Cells(4, 7) = "覃东 cehui@139.com"Sheet1.Range("A1:E10000").ClearContentsSet Dia1 = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)Dia1.Title = "版权所有(C) 中国电建一二·五联合体  覃东 QQ:61902475 Email:cehui@139.com V20160225"With Dia1.AllowMultiSelect = False '限制只能同时选择一个文件.Filters.Clear.Filters.Add "南方CASS格式", "*.dat", 1 '限制显示的文件类型.ShowFor Each vrtSelectedItem In .SelectedItemsPPath = vrtSelectedItemNextEnd WithIf Trim(PPath) <> "" ThenOpen PPath For Input As #1Do While Not EOF(1)Line Input #1, StrrIf Trim(Strr) <> "" ThenDatums = Split(Strr, ",")If UBound(Datums) = 4 ThenSheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 1) = RowIndexSheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 2) = ""Sheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 3) = Datums(2)Sheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 4) = Datums(3)Sheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 5) = Datums(4)End IfEnd IfRowIndex = RowIndex + 1LoopClose #1End If'点抽稀rIndex = 1rIndex2 = rIndex + 1
Do While Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 1).Text <> ""If Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 2)) = "" Thenxa = Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 3)ya = Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 4)rIndex2 = rIndex + 1Do While Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 1).Text <> ""If (Abs(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 3).Text - xa) < filterDist And Abs(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 4).Text - ya) < filterDist) ThenIf Distance(xa, ya, Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 3).Text, Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 4).Text, 3) < filterDist And Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 2)) = "" And Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 2)) = "" ThenSheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 2) = "T"End IfEnd IfrIndex2 = rIndex2 + 1LoopEnd IfrIndex = rIndex + 1
LoopIf Trim(PPath) <> "" ThenrIndex = 1RowIndex = 1Open Left(PPath, InStr(UCase(PPath), ".DAT") - 1) & "-抽稀(" & filterDist & "m)-" & Replace(Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd"), "-", "") & "-" & Replace(Time, ":", "") & ".dat" For Output As #2Do While Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 1)) <> ""'Sheet1.Cells(5, 7) = rIndex & ":" & RowIndexIf Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 2)) = "" ThenPrint #2, RowIndex & ",," & Format(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 3), "0.000") & "," & Format(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 4), "0.000") & "," & Format(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 5), "0.000")RowIndex = RowIndex + 1End IfrIndex = rIndex + 1LoopClose #2End IfSheet1.Range("B1:B10000").ClearContentsEnd Sub







文章目录 前言一、协同过滤1. 基于用户的协同过滤(UserCF)2. 基于物品的协同过滤(ItemCF)3. 相似度计算方法 二、相似度计算方法1. 欧氏距离2. 皮尔逊相关系数3. 杰卡德相似系数4. 余弦相似度 三、推荐模块案例1.基于文章的协同过滤推荐功能2.基于用户的协同过滤推荐功能 前言     在信息过载的时代,推荐系统成为连接用户与内容的桥梁。本文聚焦于


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需求 项目中需要提供一个动态表单,如图: 当我点击添加时,便添加一行;点击右边的删除时,便删除这一行。 至少要有一行数据,但是没有上限。 思路 这种每一行的数据固定,但是不定行数的,很容易想到使用el-table来实现,它可以循环读取:data所绑定的数组,来生成行数据,不同的是: 1、table里面的每一个cell,需要放置一个input来支持用户编辑。 2、最后一列放置两个b


你是否曾在面对满屏的英文Excel表格时感到头疼?项目报告、数据分析、财务报表... 当这些重要的信息被语言壁垒阻挡时,效率和理解度都会大打折扣。别担心,只需3分钟,我将带你轻松解锁excel翻译成中文的秘籍。 无论是职场新人还是老手,这一技巧都将是你的得力助手,让你在信息的海洋中畅游无阻。 方法一:使用同声传译王软件 同声传译王是一款专业的翻译软件,它支持多种语言翻译,可以excel


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