why copy constructor don't need to check 3 things

2024-01-23 05:58

本文主要是介绍why copy constructor don't need to check 3 things,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

2008-04-21 14:19

Copy constructor is

  • a constructor function with the same name as the class
  • used to make deep copy of objects.

There are 3 important places where a copy constructor is called.
  • When an object is created from another object of the same type
  • When an object is passed by value as a parameter to a function
  • When an object is returned from a function
  • 当从另一个同类型的对象中创建对象时

Person q("Mickey"); // constructor is used to build q. no copy constructor
Person r(p); // copy constructor is used to build r.
Person p = q; // copy constructor is used to initialize in declaration.
p = q; // Assignment operator, no constructor or copy constructor
  • 当对象作为一个函数的参数用值传递的方式传递时。

f(p); // copy constructor initializes formal value parameter.

  • 当对象被函数用作返回值返回时。
If a copy constructor is not defined in a class, the compiler itself defines one. This will ensure a shallow copy. If the class does not have pointer variables with dynamically allocated memory, then one need not worry about defining a copy constructor. It can be left to the compiler's discretion.
But if the class has pointer variables and has some dynamic memory allocations, then it is a must to have a copy constructor.
如果不在类中定义拷贝构造函数,编译器会自动定义一个,完成浅拷贝。如果类中没有指针变量指向动态分配的内存, 浅拷贝就OK,那么就没有必要自定义拷贝构造函数
如果有, 必须进行深拷贝的话,则必须定义拷贝构造函数

If you need a copy constructor, you also need a destructor and operator=

class A //Without copy constructor
int x;
A() {x = 10;}
~A() {}
class B //With copy constructor
char *name;
name = new char[20];
delete name[];
//Copy constructor
B(const B &b)
name = new char[20];
strcpy(name, b.name);

Let us Imagine if you don't have a copy constructor for the class B. At the first place, if an object is created from some existing object, we cannot be sure that the memory is allocated. Also, if the memory is deleted in destructor, the delete operator might be called twice for the same memory location.
Difference between copy constructor and assignment
A copy constructor is used to initialize a newly declared variable from an existing variable. This makes a deep copy like assignment, but it is somewhat simpler:
  • There is no need to test to see if it is being initialized from itself.
  • There is no need to clean up (eg, delete) an existing value (there is none).
  • A reference to itself is not returned.

The following steps are a typical for the assignment operator.
  1. No self-assignment. Test to make sure you aren't assigning an object to itself, eg x = x. Of course no one would write that statement, but in can happen when one side of the assignment is not so obviously the same object. Self assignment fails because the memory associated with the current value of the left-hand-side is deallocated before the assignment, which would invalidate using it from the right-hand-side.
  2. Delete the associated memory. Same as copy constructor.
  3. Copy all the members. Same as copy constructor.
  4. Return *this. This is necessary to allow multiple assignment, eg x = y = z;

//--- file Person.h
. . .
class Person {
char* _name;
int _id;
Person& Person::operator=(const Person& p);
. . .
//--- file Person.cpp
. . .
//=================================================== operator=
Person& Person::operator=(const Person& p) {
if (this != &p) { // make sure not same object
delete [] _name; // Delete old name's memory.
_name = new char[strlen(p._name)+1]; // Get new space
strcpy(_name, p._name); // Copy new name
_id = p._id; // Copy id
return *this; // Return ref for multiple assignment
}//end operator=

//--- file Parent.h
class Parent {...}; // declaration of base class
//--- file Child.h
#include "Parent.h"
class Child : public Parent { // declaration of derived class
Child& Child::operator=(const Child& source);
};//end class Child
//--- file Child.cpp
#include "Child.h"
Child& Child::operator=(const Child& source) {
if (this != &source) {
. . . // copy all our own fields here.
return *this;
}//end operator=

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