本文为美国杜克大学(作者:Sohae Oh)的硕士论文,共48页。
Financial stock market data, for variousreasons, frequently contain missing values. One reason for this is that,because the markets close for holidays, daily stock prices are not alwaysobserved. This creates gaps in information, making it difficult to predict thefollowing day’s stock prices. In this situation, information during the holidaycan be “borrowed” from other countries’ stock market, since global stock pricestend to show similar movements and are in fact highly correlated. The main goalof this study is to combine stock index data from various markets around theworld and develop an algorithm to impute the missing values in individual stockindex using “information sharing” between different time series. To developimputation algorithm that accommodate time series-specific features, we takemultiple imputation approach using dynamic linear model for time-series andpanel data. This algorithm assumes ignorable missing data mechanism, as which missingnessdue to holiday. The posterior distributions of parameters, including missingvalues, is simulated using Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods andestimates from sets of draws are then combined using Rubin’s combination rule,rendering final inference of the data set. Specifically, we use the Gibbssampler and Forward Filtering and Backward Sampling (FFBS) to simulate jointposterior distribution and posterior predictive distribution of latentvariables and other parameters. A simulation study is conducted to check thevalidity and the performance of the algorithm using two error-basedmeasurements: Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Normalized Root Mean SquareError (NRMSE). We compared the overall trend of imputed time series withcomplete data set, and inspected the insample predictability of the algorithmusing Last Value Carried Forward (LVCF) method as a bench mark. The algorithmis applied to real stock price index data from US, Japan, Hong Kong, UK andGermany. From both of the simulation and the application, we concluded that theimputation algorithm performs well enough to achieve our original goal,predicting the stock price for the opening price after a holiday, outperformingthe benchmark method. We believe this multiple imputation algorithm can be usedin many applications that deal with time series with missing values such asfinancial and economic data and biomedical data.
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