iphone 图标切图_如何在iPhone上增加文本和图标的大小

2023-12-26 07:20

本文主要是介绍iphone 图标切图_如何在iPhone上增加文本和图标的大小,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

iphone 图标切图

iphone 图标切图


You can make text larger and more readable on your iPhone or iPad, but you can also increase the size of the app icons, text labels, and user interface elements on your iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6S, or 6S Plus so it’s easier to use.

您可以在iPhone或iPad上增加文本的大小和可读性 ,但是也可以在iPhone 6、6 Plus,6S或6S Plus上增加应用程序图标,文本标签和用户界面元素的大小,因此更容易用。

By default, your iPhone’s display resolution is in “Standard” mode. However, you can set it to “Zoomed” mode, which essentially makes your iPhone show the same size user interface as the next smallest iPhone model. For example, an iPhone 6S Plus in Zoomed mode will look like an iPhone 6S in Standard mode. Instead of seeing more content on the screen, the content will be larger, which is very useful if you have trouble seeing the items on your iPhone’s screen. The image above shows the Standard mode of an iPhone 6S Plus on the left, and the Zoomed mode of the same iPhone on the right.

默认情况下,iPhone的显示分辨率为“标准”模式。 但是,您可以将其设置为“缩放”模式,这实际上使您的iPhone显示的用户界面与尺寸最小的iPhone相同。 例如,缩放模式下的iPhone 6S Plus看起来像标准模式下的iPhone 6S。 内容将变大,而不是在屏幕上看到更多内容,如果您在iPhone屏幕上看不到项目,这将非常有用。 上图左侧是iPhone 6S Plus的标准模式,右侧是同一iPhone的Zoomed模式。

It doesn’t just affect the home screen, either–the entire OS will show slightly bigger elements so they’re easier to see.


To put your iPhone into Zoomed mode, tap the “Settings” icon on your Home screen.



On the Settings screen, tap “Display & Brightness”.



Then, tap “View” on the Display & Brightness screen.



On the Display Zoom screen, tap “Zoomed”.



The icons on the sample screen are enlarged to show what the zoomed display resolution will look like. To set this resolution, tap “Set”.

样本屏幕上的图标被放大以显示缩放后的显示分辨率。 要设置此分辨率,请点击“设置”。


A confirmation popup displays with the message that changing the display zoom will restart your iPhone. Tap “Use Zoomed” at the bottom of the screen to use the zoomed display.

屏幕上将显示一条确认弹出窗口,提示您更改显示缩放比例将重新启动iPhone。 点击屏幕底部的“使用缩放”以使用缩放显示。


Don’t be alarmed at this point. The screen will go black for a bit and then return to the Display Zoom screen. The message claimed that your phone will restart, but you don’t have to sign in to your phone again.

此时请勿惊慌。 屏幕将变黑一会儿,然后返回到“显示缩放”屏幕。 该消息表明您的手机将重新启动,但您无需再次登录手机。


When you return to your Home screen, the icons and text labels will be larger, as will other text and elements on your phone.



One final catch: if you have an iPhone 6 Plus or 6S Plus, the Home screen will not change to landscape mode while you’re in zoomed mode. You must go back to the standard display zoom to allow your phone’s Home screen to automatically change to landscape mode when you rotate it.

最后一点:如果您使用的是iPhone 6 Plus或6S Plus,则在缩放模式下,主屏幕不会更改为横向模式。 您必须返回到标准显示缩放比例,以允许手机的主屏幕在旋转时自动更改为横向模式。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/260899/how-to-increase-the-size-of-text-and-icons-on-an-iphone/

iphone 图标切图

这篇关于iphone 图标切图_如何在iPhone上增加文本和图标的大小的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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针对一张图片,有时候上传的图片有大小限制,那么在这种情况下如何修改其大小呢,在不裁剪尺寸的情况下 步骤如下: 1.选定一张图片,右击->打开方式->画图,如下: 第二步:打开图片后,我们可以看到图片的大小为82.1kb,点击上面工具栏的“重设大小和倾斜”进行调整,如下: 第三步:修改水平和垂直的数字,此处我修改为分别都修改为50,然后保存,可以看到大小变成63.5kb,如下:


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