
2023-12-23 13:38



欢迎访问我的个人博客:Talk is cheap. Show me the code!。我相信会有所收获的。


1.Inception: clarify the details of the problem:

  • a. What will a jumper do if the location in front of it is empty, but the location two cells in front contains a flower or a rock?
    The jumper will move one step to the empty cell in front of it and then jump over a flower or a rock when the jumper goes on moving.
  • b. What will a jumper do if the location two cells in front of the jumper is out of the grid?
    The jumper will only move one step in front of it and then turn 90 degrees to right to avoid letting itself out of the grid.
  • c. What will a jumper do if it is facing an edge of the grid?
    The jumper will turn 90 degrees to right to avoid letting itself out of the grid when facing an edge of the grid.
  • d. What will a jumper do if another actor (not a flower or a rock) is in the cell that is two cells in front of the jumper?
    In my design, I let the one jumper which is in front of the other one go first.
    It moves two cells at first and then the other one moves to the location of the privious one.
  • e. What will a jumper do if it encounters another jumper in its path?
    In my design:
    If the two jumpers is two cells away each other, I let one of them moves one cell just like the other one is considered as a rock or a flower.
    And then, I let the other one jumps over the privious one. That is to say, the other one moves itself to the location of the privious one.
    If the two jumpers is adjacent with each other, they can move two cells to jump over each other regularly.
  • f. Are there any other tests the jumper needs to make?
    What will a jumper do if the two cells in front of it are both a flower or a rock or a jumper?
    In my design, it can turn 45 degrees and move two cells if there is empty.





三、瀑布模型  四、几种软件开发模型的主要特点 题目 判断题 选择题 小结


说长不长说短不短的一个月,从最开始的激动到期间,要中期要兼顾找实习准备笔试面试的焦虑,再到最后一周的加班加点和总结,收获和感触还是蛮多的。 首先,这一个月让我更加全面的认知了完成一个从无到有项目的过程,激发了我对自己工程师职业生涯的向往和对自己有了更广的除了编码以外的要求。 我一直是一个结果导向和追求效率的人,所以在团队合作过程中我们也经历了最开始的不知所措,到争执,再到主动配合和贡献,这个过

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目录 一、做题心得 二、题目与题解 题目一:卡码网 103. 水流问题 题目链接 题解:DFS 题目二:卡码网 104. 建造最大岛屿 题目链接 题解:DFS  三、小结 一、做题心得 也是成功补上昨天的打卡了。 这里继续图论章节,还是选择使用 DFS 来解决这类搜索问题(单纯因为我更熟悉 DFS 一点),今天补卡的是水流问题和岛屿问题。个人感觉这一章节题对于刚


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青岛实训 8月22号 day34

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