《PCL点云库学习VS2010(X64)》Part 23 快速双边滤波算法之三线插值

本文主要是介绍《PCL点云库学习VS2010(X64)》Part 23 快速双边滤波算法之三线插值,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

《PCL点云库学习&VS2010(X64)》Part 23 快速双边滤波算法之三线插值




#define PCL_FILTERS_IMPL_FAST_BILATERAL_HPP_#include <pcl/common/io.h>//
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::FastBilateralFilter<PointT>::applyFilter (PointCloud &output)
{if (!input_->isOrganized ()){PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::FastBilateralFilter] Input cloud needs to be organized.\n");return;}copyPointCloud (*input_, output);float base_max = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max (),base_min = std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();bool found_finite = false;for (size_t x = 0; x < output.width; ++x){for (size_t y = 0; y < output.height; ++y){if (pcl_isfinite (output (x, y).z)){if (base_max < output (x, y).z)base_max = output (x, y).z;if (base_min > output (x, y).z)base_min = output (x, y).z;found_finite = true;}}}if (!found_finite){PCL_WARN ("[pcl::FastBilateralFilter] Given an empty cloud. Doing nothing.\n");return;}for (size_t x = 0; x < output.width; ++x)for (size_t y = 0; y < output.height; ++y)if (!pcl_isfinite (output (x, y).z))output (x, y).z = base_max;const float base_delta = base_max - base_min;const size_t padding_xy = 2;const size_t padding_z  = 2;const size_t small_width  = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (input_->width  - 1) / sigma_s_) + 1 + 2 * padding_xy;const size_t small_height = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (input_->height - 1) / sigma_s_) + 1 + 2 * padding_xy;const size_t small_depth  = static_cast<size_t> (base_delta / sigma_r_)   + 1 + 2 * padding_z;Array3D data (small_width, small_height, small_depth);for (size_t x = 0; x < input_->width; ++x){const size_t small_x = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (x) / sigma_s_ + 0.5f) + padding_xy;for (size_t y = 0; y < input_->height; ++y){const float z = output (x,y).z - base_min;const size_t small_y = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (y) / sigma_s_ + 0.5f) + padding_xy;const size_t small_z = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (z) / sigma_r_ + 0.5f) + padding_z;Eigen::Vector2f& d = data (small_x, small_y, small_z);d[0] += output (x,y).z;d[1] += 1.0f;}}std::vector<long int> offset (3);offset[0] = &(data (1,0,0)) - &(data (0,0,0));offset[1] = &(data (0,1,0)) - &(data (0,0,0));offset[2] = &(data (0,0,1)) - &(data (0,0,0));Array3D buffer (small_width, small_height, small_depth);for (size_t dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim){const long int off = offset[dim];for (size_t n_iter = 0; n_iter < 2; ++n_iter){std::swap (buffer, data);for(size_t x = 1; x < small_width - 1; ++x)for(size_t y = 1; y < small_height - 1; ++y){Eigen::Vector2f* d_ptr = &(data (x,y,1));Eigen::Vector2f* b_ptr = &(buffer (x,y,1));for(size_t z = 1; z < small_depth - 1; ++z, ++d_ptr, ++b_ptr)*d_ptr = (*(b_ptr - off) + *(b_ptr + off) + 2.0 * (*b_ptr)) / 4.0;}}}if (early_division_){for (std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f >::iterator d = data.begin (); d != data.end (); ++d)*d /= ((*d)[0] != 0) ? (*d)[1] : 1;for (size_t x = 0; x < input_->width; x++)for (size_t y = 0; y < input_->height; y++){const float z = output (x,y).z - base_min;const Eigen::Vector2f D = data.trilinear_interpolation (static_cast<float> (x) / sigma_s_ + padding_xy,static_cast<float> (y) / sigma_s_ + padding_xy,z / sigma_r_ + padding_z);output(x,y).z = D[0];}}else{for (size_t x = 0; x < input_->width; ++x)for (size_t y = 0; y < input_->height; ++y){const float z = output (x,y).z - base_min;const Eigen::Vector2f D = data.trilinear_interpolation (static_cast<float> (x) / sigma_s_ + padding_xy,static_cast<float> (y) / sigma_s_ + padding_xy,z / sigma_r_ + padding_z);output (x,y).z = D[0] / D[1];}}
template <typename PointT> size_t
pcl::FastBilateralFilter<PointT>::Array3D::clamp (const size_t min_value,const size_t max_value,const size_t x)
{if (x >= min_value && x <= max_value){return x;}else if (x < min_value){return (min_value);}else{return (max_value);}
template <typename PointT> Eigen::Vector2f
pcl::FastBilateralFilter<PointT>::Array3D::trilinear_interpolation (const float x,const float y,const float z)
{const size_t x_index  = clamp (0, x_dim_ - 1, static_cast<size_t> (x));const size_t xx_index = clamp (0, x_dim_ - 1, x_index + 1);const size_t y_index  = clamp (0, y_dim_ - 1, static_cast<size_t> (y));const size_t yy_index = clamp (0, y_dim_ - 1, y_index + 1);const size_t z_index  = clamp (0, z_dim_ - 1, static_cast<size_t> (z));const size_t zz_index = clamp (0, z_dim_ - 1, z_index + 1);const float x_alpha = x - static_cast<float> (x_index);const float y_alpha = y - static_cast<float> (y_index);const float z_alpha = z - static_cast<float> (z_index);return(1.0f-x_alpha) * (1.0f-y_alpha) * (1.0f-z_alpha) * (*this)(x_index, y_index, z_index) +x_alpha        * (1.0f-y_alpha) * (1.0f-z_alpha) * (*this)(xx_index, y_index, z_index) +(1.0f-x_alpha) * y_alpha        * (1.0f-z_alpha) * (*this)(x_index, yy_index, z_index) +x_alpha        * y_alpha        * (1.0f-z_alpha) * (*this)(xx_index, yy_index, z_index) +(1.0f-x_alpha) * (1.0f-y_alpha) * z_alpha        * (*this)(x_index, y_index, zz_index) +x_alpha        * (1.0f-y_alpha) * z_alpha        * (*this)(xx_index, y_index, zz_index) +(1.0f-x_alpha) * y_alpha        * z_alpha        * (*this)(x_index, yy_index, zz_index) +x_alpha        * y_alpha        * z_alpha        * (*this)(xx_index, yy_index, zz_index);




template <typename PointT> void
pcl::FastBilateralFilter<PointT>::applyFilter (PointCloud &output)

template <typename PointT> size_t
pcl::FastBilateralFilter<PointT>::Array3D::clamp (const size_t min_value,const size_t max_value,const size_t x)

template <typename PointT> Eigen::Vector2f
pcl::FastBilateralFilter<PointT>::Array3D::trilinear_interpolation (const float x,const float y,const float z)



 for (size_t x = 0; x < output.width; ++x)for (size_t y = 0; y < output.height; ++y)if (!pcl_isfinite (output (x, y).z))output (x, y).z = base_max;const float base_delta = base_max - base_min;const size_t padding_xy = 2;const size_t padding_z  = 2;const size_t small_width  = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (input_->width  - 1) / sigma_s_) + 1 + 2 * padding_xy;const size_t small_height = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (input_->height - 1) / sigma_s_) + 1 + 2 * padding_xy;const size_t small_depth  = static_cast<size_t> (base_delta / sigma_r_)   + 1 + 2 * padding_z;


 Array3D data (small_width, small_height, small_depth);for (size_t x = 0; x < input_->width; ++x){const size_t small_x = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (x) / sigma_s_ + 0.5f) + padding_xy;for (size_t y = 0; y < input_->height; ++y){const float z = output (x,y).z - base_min;const size_t small_y = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (y) / sigma_s_ + 0.5f) + padding_xy;const size_t small_z = static_cast<size_t> (static_cast<float> (z) / sigma_r_ + 0.5f) + padding_z;Eigen::Vector2f& d = data (small_x, small_y, small_z);d[0] += output (x,y).z;d[1] += 1.0f;}}


  std::vector<long int> offset (3);offset[0] = &(data (1,0,0)) - &(data (0,0,0));offset[1] = &(data (0,1,0)) - &(data (0,0,0));offset[2] = &(data (0,0,1)) - &(data (0,0,0));Array3D buffer (small_width, small_height, small_depth);for (size_t dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim){const long int off = offset[dim];for (size_t n_iter = 0; n_iter < 2; ++n_iter){std::swap (buffer, data);for(size_t x = 1; x < small_width - 1; ++x)for(size_t y = 1; y < small_height - 1; ++y){Eigen::Vector2f* d_ptr = &(data (x,y,1));Eigen::Vector2f* b_ptr = &(buffer (x,y,1));for(size_t z = 1; z < small_depth - 1; ++z, ++d_ptr, ++b_ptr)*d_ptr = (*(b_ptr - off) + *(b_ptr + off) + 2.0 * (*b_ptr)) / 4.0;}}}


template <typename PointT> size_t
pcl::FastBilateralFilter<PointT>::Array3D::clamp (const size_t min_value,const size_t max_value,const size_t x)
{if (x >= min_value && x <= max_value){return x;}else if (x < min_value){return (min_value);}else{return (max_value);}


      三线插值要先给出六面体的八个顶点;各个顶点的数值分别是:V000, V100, V010, ....V111

Vxyz = V000 (1 - x) (1 - y) (1 - z) +
            V100 x (1 - y) (1 - z) +
            V010 (1 - x) y (1 - z) +
            V001 (1 - x) (1 - y) z +
            V101 x (1 - y) z +
            V011 (1 - x) y z +
            V110 x y (1 - z) +
            V111 x y z



template <typename PointT> Eigen::Vector2f
pcl::FastBilateralFilter<PointT>::Array3D::trilinear_interpolation (const float x,const float y,const float z)
{const size_t x_index  = clamp (0, x_dim_ - 1, static_cast<size_t> (x));const size_t xx_index = clamp (0, x_dim_ - 1, x_index + 1);const size_t y_index  = clamp (0, y_dim_ - 1, static_cast<size_t> (y));const size_t yy_index = clamp (0, y_dim_ - 1, y_index + 1);const size_t z_index  = clamp (0, z_dim_ - 1, static_cast<size_t> (z));const size_t zz_index = clamp (0, z_dim_ - 1, z_index + 1);const float x_alpha = x - static_cast<float> (x_index);const float y_alpha = y - static_cast<float> (y_index);const float z_alpha = z - static_cast<float> (z_index);return(1.0f-x_alpha) * (1.0f-y_alpha) * (1.0f-z_alpha) * (*this)(x_index, y_index, z_index) +x_alpha        * (1.0f-y_alpha) * (1.0f-z_alpha) * (*this)(xx_index, y_index, z_index) +(1.0f-x_alpha) * y_alpha        * (1.0f-z_alpha) * (*this)(x_index, yy_index, z_index) +x_alpha        * y_alpha        * (1.0f-z_alpha) * (*this)(xx_index, yy_index, z_index) +(1.0f-x_alpha) * (1.0f-y_alpha) * z_alpha        * (*this)(x_index, y_index, zz_index) +x_alpha        * (1.0f-y_alpha) * z_alpha        * (*this)(xx_index, y_index, zz_index) +(1.0f-x_alpha) * y_alpha        * z_alpha        * (*this)(x_index, yy_index, zz_index) +x_alpha        * y_alpha        * z_alpha        * (*this)(xx_index, yy_index, zz_index);


The Three-Dimensional Normal-Distributions Transform




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