研究生英语期末考试复习--作文(主题:love,marriage,GM food, computer, work)

本文主要是介绍研究生英语期末考试复习--作文(主题:love,marriage,GM food, computer, work),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


1.Love can be romantic while marriage has to be pratical.
2.My View on Genetically Modified Food
3.The real danger is not that the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer
4.My View on Work
In our fleeting yet significant lifetime, work plays a central role in the lives of ordinary individuals, influencing our sense of self-worth, financial well-being, personal fulfillment, and social interactions. However, diverse perspectives on work exist among people. Some perceive work as a burdensome and stifling means of making a living, while others relish their work, seeking pleasure and embracing challenges.
From my standpoint, work has the potential to emanate happiness and a sense of self-worth when one strives to view a job as a terrific way to challenge oneself and find enjoyment in it. Simultaneously, the job environment, appreciation from superiors, and effective communication among colleagues are crucial and decisive factors for people’s happiness. Furthermore, individuals can immerse themselves in the gratification derived from their work. Although facing challenges and adversity may seem daunting, people can take the initiative to overcome obstacles and pave the way for success.
In summary, the positive state of one’s mind and their perspective on work determine job satisfaction, indirectly affecting overall happiness and personal life.

In our fleeting yet significant lives, love plays a central role in the lives of ordinary individuals, influencing well-being, happiness, and marriage. However, diverse perspectives exist regarding the relationship between love and marriage, with some believing that love can be romantic, but marriage has to be practical.
From my standpoint, love serves as the basic foundation of marriage. Practical marriage has the potential to emanate happiness and romantic love when couples actively seek bits and pieces of joy in their daily lives. Taking the initiative to overcome practical issues together, couples can pave their way to lasting happiness and love in marriage. Sustaining love in marriage requires joint effort, navigating obstacles and conflicts that may arise.
In summary, practical marriage and romantic love are not mutually exclusive. A romantic marriage means cherishing the every small joys along the way and providing mutual support when facing adversities in daily life.

In our ephemeral yet meaningful lives, love assumes a central role for ordinary individuals, profoundly influencing their well-being, happiness, and marriage. However, diverse perspectives abound regarding the interplay between love and marriage, with some contending that love can be romantic, while marriage necessitates practicality.
From my vantage point, love stands as the fundamental bedrock of marriage. A practical marriage possesses the potential to radiate happiness and romantic love when couples actively seek fragments of joy in their daily lives. By proactively addressing practical challenges together, couples can pave the way for enduring happiness and love in marriage. Sustaining love in marriage demands collaborative efforts, adeptly navigating the obstacles and conflicts that may surface.
In summary, practical marriage and romantic love are not mutually exclusive. A romantic marriage entails cherishing the small joys along the journey and offering mutual support when confronting adversities in daily life.

In our rapidly evolving world, computers play a central role in the daily lives of most ordinary individuals, significantly influencing the way we think and study. However, diverse perspectives exist regarding computers, with doubts and worries arising due to their widespread usage. Some people express concerns, believing that “The real danger is not that the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer.”
From my standpoint, as the saying goes, “every coin has two sides,” and computers have become indispensable tools for people. However, we must avoid relying solely on computers to the extent that we abandon independent thinking. Computers are conveniences for problem-solving, but critical thinking is crucial to prevent being replaced by machines. The rapid advancement of technology has led to significant changes in computers over the last few decades. Artificial intelligence, simulating human thinking, has become increasingly sophisticated and capable, even outperforming humans in areas like chess and writing. While many worry about computers thinking like humans and potentially replacing them in various fields, the real concern should be that humans might begin to think like computers.
It is undeniable that people have become deeply dependent on computers, both emotionally and intellectually. Unfortunately, many individuals are becoming immersed in the online world and are less inclined to think independently.
In conclusion, computers are a double-edged sword. As ordinary individuals, we should maximize the benefits of computers while simultaneously engaging in critical thinking.

In our rapidly evolving world, technology assumes a central role in the daily lives of almost everyone, influencing various aspects such as food production. Genetically modified (GM) food, an outcome of cutting-edge and advanced technology, involves tinkering with genes through insertion. However, diverse perspectives exist regarding genetically modified food, with some viewing it as a fantastic solution to food scarcity, while others express persistent fears and concerns about its safety.
From my standpoint, as the saying goes, “every coin has two sides,” GM food presents both benefits and risks. On the positive side, GM food can address hunger issues and offer enhanced nutritional content. Additionally, the use of fewer insecticides on GM crops is a notable advantage. However, the latent risks associated with genetic modification technology demand careful attention and further exploration. It is crucial to label GM foods so that consumers can make informed choices based on their preferences.
In summary, GM food holds substantial benefits, provided we scrutinize the technology thoroughly and mitigate associated risks. Increased research efforts and funding should be dedicated to GM projects, fostering a collective endeavor to establish a safe GM food industry in our ever-expanding world with a growing population.

In our long but fleeting life time, work assumes a central roles in our daily life for ordinary individuals, which influence our sense of self-worth, financail well-being, personal fulfillment, and social interactions.However, people hold dramastic different perspective on work. Some view work as a taxing and stifled method to make a living while some relish their work and endeavor to derive pleasure from challenges.
In my perspective, work is able to emanate happiness and the sense of self-worth by endeavoring to view job as a terrific way to challenge yourself and enjoy it. At the same time, job environment, appreciation of the boss, effective communication between coworkers, are also extremely crucial and decisive to people’s happiness.What’s more, people can try to immerse themselves in gratification of their work.Althought it seems duanting to face all the challenge and adversity, people can take a crack to trail a blaze.
In a nutshell, the positive state of your mind and your own view of work determinate the job-satisfaction, which indirectly effect your happiness in general and your personal life.

Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on your view of the statement “Love can be romantic while marriage has to be pratical.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Rouse the crowd
Hybrid creatures
In a sombre mood/looked sombre and pensive/
The competition get keener and the required standards of work get higher
Plough on and hope the commission back down/Plough through the book/plough through mud
A gleam of hope一线希望/ be gleamed with moisture
Conscious of a queer feeling of pity for him
Fluttering from side to side
Have a zest for life and a quick intellect
Provided a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigor , he is likely to have more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find.
Meagre income,meagre opportunities.
State-of-the-art 最先进的
Derive enjoyment from helping others
Primarily 主要的

Cascading failure级联故障
Provoke a cascade of bankruptcies一连串的破产
Temporal 世俗的
Fraud 诈骗
Collide 冲突
Regularly collide over policy decisions经常与政治决定有冲突
Memory is constitutive of identity记忆是身份的一个重要构成部分。
Inflict 遭受,inflict on使承担 inflict punishment处以惩罚
Inflict damages on others 对别人造成伤害
The bursting of the bubbles will inflict broad damage
Impersonate 模仿
Impersonate an officer
Older people comprise a large population of those living in poverty
Format 使格式化,格式
Rectify the market order
Improve and rectify
Interpretability 可解释性interpretability

REALISE model:
1.utilizes multiple encoders to obtain the semantic ,phonetic , and graphic information to distinguish the similarities of Chinese characters and correct the spelling errors.
2.And then, develop a selective modality fusion module to obtain the context-aware multimodal representations.
3.Finally ,the output layer predict the probabilities of error corrections.

Semantic encoder: BERT, which provides rich contextual word representation with the unsupervised pretraining on large corpora.

Directiond:For this part, you are asked to write a short essay entitled “My View on Work”. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

  1. 不同的人对工作有不同的理解
  2. 有人认为工作是谋生之计,而有人则认为工作是快乐之源
  3. 我的观点

My View on Work
Individuals hold varying perspectives on work.
Someone think work as method to make a living and even some people disaffected their work and feel stifled,taxing,menial,unbearable ,miserable,daunting in their work .However, someone think work as a source of happiness, which
I think when work atmosphere is great and boss is great and coworkers are nice ,then you can find your happiness in work. But if you are not lucky enough to conquer good environment , work can be just a tool to survive.
Clever person, who understanding that happiness from themselves, endeavor to treasure every challenge and elevate every small success to the sublime so that they can immerse themselves in the pleasure of work.
If you are sadly falling into an inextricable position, work maybe a
There is an inextricable link between happiness and work ,so only clever and lucky enough, to find their fitting position. Supportive boss and friendly coworkers are what the job entail and really matters.
With a holistic point of view, work is so important that most of your life gonna spend on it .
If your boss not appreciate your endeavor and unvalued your work and not supportive , your career will ground to a halt and retard your abilities.
Looking over the fields that
Take a crack
Is a decisive factor
Relish the challenges and pleasure your experience
Rather than seeing the unknown as a threat, relish it as a challenge.

Happiness originates from within, and it’s a wellspring that can be tapped into repeatedly, tirelessly, and without hesitation. Time and time again, we must be resolute in rescuing ourselves from the trials and tribulations of this world, just like a relentless and unwavering river, carving its own path through the toughest terrain. It’s in our hands to create our joy, drawing from an eternal reservoir deep within our souls, refusing to be extinguished by the challenges we encounter.

In our short life, work is indispensable for most of us, which is closely to our living standard,individual satisfaction, social circle. In addition, we will spend an immense amount of time in work.
However, individuals hold varying perspectives on work.Some people think work sheer a means of living, and even some people disaffect their work and feel stifled,daunted for many sophisticated reasons. On the contrary, there are plenty of people really relish their work and pleasure their challenging yet wonderful experience in work.
From my perspective, clever people,who know that “happiness originates from within, and it’s a wellspring that can be tapped into repeatedly, tirelessly, and without hesitation”, endeavor to treasure every challenge and elevate every small success to the sublime so that they can immerse themselves in the pleasure of work.
There is an inextricable link between work and happiness, because supportive boss and friendly coworkers are the decisive factor that whether you are happy in work. So we are entailed to carve our own path full of thorns by changing our position or communicating with boss, because we must be resolute in rescuing ourselves from the trails and tribulations of this world, refuse to be extinguished by the challenges we encounter, struggle relentlessly to find our happiness in life.

In our fast-paced and often demanding lives, work assumes a central role for the majority of individuals. It significantly influences our financial well-being, personal fulfillment, and social interactions. Furthermore, it consumes a substantial portion of our time.
However, people hold a myriad of perspectives regarding work. Some view it solely as a means of survival, while others find themselves disheartened and overwhelmed due to various complex reasons. On the other hand, there are those who genuinely relish their work, deriving pleasure from the challenges it presents.
From my perspective, those who understand that “happiness originates from within, and it’s a wellspring that can be tapped into repeatedly, tirelessly, and without hesitation” make a conscious effort to value every challenge and elevate each small achievement to a higher level. This allows them to immerse themselves in the gratification of their work.
The connection between work and happiness is indisputable. Supportive supervisors and congenial colleagues can significantly impact one’s happiness at work. Therefore, it becomes crucial for us to navigate our own path, even when faced with adversity. Whether through changing our job roles or improving communication with our superiors, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to overcome challenges and relentlessly strive to discover happiness in our lives.

In our long but fleeting life, work is indispensable for most of ordinary people, which is closely related to our living standards, individual satisfactions, and social circles. In addition, we have to spend an immense amount of time at work. Nevertheless, individuals hold varying perspectives on work. Some people think work is sheer means of living, and even some people disaffected their work and feel stifled, daunted for various sophisticated reasons. On the contrary, there are plenty of people really relish their work and pleasure their challenging yet wonderful experience in work. From my perspective, clever people, who know that “happiness originates from within, and it’s a wellspring that can be tapped into repeatedly, tirelessly, and without hesitation”, endeavor to treasure every challenge and elevate every small success to the sublime so that they can immerse themselves in the pleasure of work. There is an inextricable link between work and happiness, because supportive bosses and friendly coworkers are both the decisive factor that whether you are happy in work. So we entail to carve our own path full of thorns by changing our position or communicating with boss, for the reason that we must be resolute in rescuing ourselves from the trails and tribulations of this world, refuse to be extinguished by the challenge we encounter, struggle relentlessly to find our happiness in life.

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on the saying, “The real danger is not that the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer. '” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.在这部分,你有30分钟的时间写一篇文章,题目是“人与计算机”。文章的题目是:“真正的危险不是计算机开始像人一样思考,而是人开始像计算机一样思考。”’”你应该写至少150字但不超过200字。
When technology becomes increasingly advanced and cutting-edge, the computer has been changing dramatically for the last decades. Artificial intelligence, which simulates human beings’ way of thinking, is more and more smart and impressive so that they can beat humans in different fields such as chest, writing and so on. Whereas, a lot of people are getting worried about computers will begin to think like men, and it’s getting harder to discern men and computers so that computers will replace humans at work.
However, the real danger that should be concerned is that man will begin to think like the computer. There is no denying that people are dependent on computers with heart and soul. It goes without saying that people are getting indulged in network and are not willing to think independently.
In a nutshell, the computer is a double-edged sword. As regular people, we should make the most of computers, and think critically on our own at the same time.


Lamented to me
Grieve with sb for sth
Rest on laurels不思进取;固步自封
Bang on windows
Sacred time
Diagnosis with verdict
Infatuation is gorgeous
With the premise that
Emanate from loving
Powerful healing energy emanate from loving
Energy spring from conflicts
Grieve for /distressed for
Collide with sb over sth/conflict with sb over sth
A subtle influence emanates from the teacher upon his students
Display their infatuation/passion for their favorite movie starts
Be gorgeous with sth
Infantile/childish argument
Comprehensive diagnosis of the city’s problem
Lament the fact that
Attention spring from concern
Proponent of sth
Tamper with nature at our peril
Feed a warming ,increasingly populous world
Sag into his desk
Gesture at the air
Despair at the relentless need
Confront bogus fear over
A stream of exonerating evidence
Have the opposite complaint
Raise sharp questions
Slip through
A tiny minority of
The focus of vicious attacks on their credibility
Overwhelming evidence
Debate over
Continue to rage
Be bundled with
Shut down
A stream of
Nothing short of

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