Basic knowledge of pressure sensor selection

2023-12-16 20:18

本文主要是介绍Basic knowledge of pressure sensor selection,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Q: what is the accuracy of the sensor?

A: the sensor depends on the model. Normally, it is about one thousandth.

Q: what is the accuracy of one thousandth and 100N error?

A: one thousandth accuracy, 100N * 0.001 = 0.1N, and the maximum error of the sensor is 0.1N. (10N = 1kg, standard is 9.8N = 1kg).

Q: which sensor has the smallest resolution?

A: the minimum resolution of the sensor is 0.1N. You can set the parameter of 0.01N to you, but the last number is inaccurate. The minimum resolution is the linear ratio of the range, and we calculate the absolute error value. Is not a relative error value.

Q: is there a higher precision sensor?

A: Yes, it depends on your actual application scenario. The shape of the sensor is different, and the accuracy of the sensor is different.

Q: what is the deformation (displacement) of the sensor?

Answer: when the sensor is stressed at full scale, the maximum deformation (displacement) is 0.02mm (mm).

Q: what signal is the sensor output?

A: the output of the sensor itself is a weak current signal, which is about 0 ~ 2 mV at the millivolt level. Under normal circumstances, the signal or communication you want can be obtained only after AD conversion of the transmitter or display. (digital quantity difference: RS232, RS485 and other signals; analog quantity difference: 0 ~ 5V, ± 5V, 0 ~ 10V, ± 10V, 0 ~ 20mA, 4 ~ 20mA and other signals).

Q: is there a link to the transmitter or display?

A: how many channels do you need? And what signal output? Or just show the force value?

(the transmitter can only output signals, and the transmitter is built in the display, which can output signals or display real-time force values)

Q: what is the power of the sparto sensor? What is the transmitter power and display power?

A: the power of sparto sensor is less than 1W (W), the power of transmitter is less than 5W, and the power of display is less than 10W.

Q: if I choose the range of 100N, sometimes it may be pressed by 130n. Will it break?

A: we don’t recommend overload. The overload sensor is easy to break. If the overload is broken, our company doesn’t have warranty service. Normally, we recommend customers to select models that are 30% - 50% higher than the maximum pressure value actually used. Therefore, it is recommended that you use a range of 200N. This also ensures good stability and long service life.

Q: where do I choose 200N? What is the minimum resolution?

A: the error of the sensor is range * accuracy = maximum error value. For example: 200N (range) * 0.1% (accuracy per thousand) = the maximum allowable error is 0.2N (n). The larger the range, the greater the error.

Q: I looked at the sparto sensor. What is the difference between sparto and sensor? What are the main differences? With such a big price difference, what is the difference between monitors?

A: the main differences between sparto sensors are different sizes, threaded holes, accuracy, materials and accuracy. The monitor is the same.

Q: what is the other end of the sparto sensor? What is the definition of wiring?

A: our sparto sensor outputs five wires, which needs to be confirmed by other plugs. Red exc + (positive excitation), black exc - (negative excitation), green sig + (positive signal), white sig - (negative signal), yellow SHD (shielded wire).

Q: how to power the monitor and sensor?

A: the sparto sensor is powered by the display, which is normally 5V. Our display is industrial grade, and the normal power supply is 12 ~ 30V. It is recommended to use 24V. (except sbt960 and sbt950c, the power supply is 220V).

Q: does the monitor require current?

A: the display does not require much current, and 1A can also be used.

Q: can I return the goods if they are not suitable?

A: the goods can be returned without affecting the secondary sales within seven days from the signing date.

Q: can I issue an invoice?

A: we include tax and transportation. The additional ticket is a paper invoice (special ticket 13%), and the ordinary ticket is an electronic invoice.

For more information, please contact our customer service!!

For more information, please contact our customer service!!

For more information, please contact our customer service!!

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