Intro-to-algo (counting sort, radix sort, decis...

2023-12-12 07:10

本文主要是介绍Intro-to-algo (counting sort, radix sort, decis...,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Lecture 5

How fast can we sort?
comparison sorts
e.g. quicksort, insertion sort, merge sort, heapsort

No comparison sorting algorithm could run better than nlgn.

Decision-tree modal (binary tree)
A decision tree can model the execution of any comparison sort:
=> One tree for each input size n
=> View the algorith as splitting whenever it compares two elements
=> tree lists comparsions along all possible instruction traces
=> running time (# comparsisons) = length of path
   worst case running time = the height of the tree (the longest path)

Lower bounder on decision tree sorting:
Any decision tree sorting n elements must have height omaga(nlgn)

Sorting in linear time
Counting sort
input: A[1:n], each A[i] belongs to {1, 2, 3, ..., k}
output: B[1:n] = sorting of A
Auxiliary storage c[1 ... k]
for i <- 1 to k
    do c[i] <- 0
for j <- 1 to n
    do c[a[j]] <- c[a[j]] + 1 //c[i] is the total number of elements whose value equal to i
for j <- 2 to n
    do c[j] = c[j-1] + c[j] //c[j] is the total number of elements whose value <= j
for j <- n downto 1
    do B[c[a[j]]] <- A[j] //where A[j] should go in B
       c[a[j]] <- c[a[j]] - 1

running time = zita(k) + zita(n) + zita(k) + zita(n) = zita(n+k)
if k = zita(n) ==> linear time sorting algorithm

if k is relatively small -> good sorting algorithm

stable sort perserve the relative order of equal elements
counting sort is a stable sort

Radix sort
digit by digit sort
least sig -> most sig (must be stable sort)
use counting sort as a subroutine

---- use counting sort for each digit (k+n)
---- say n integer, each b bits
---- split each integer b/r digits, each r bits long


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目录 1. 前言 2. 正文 2.1 问题 2.2 解决办法 2.2.1 思路 2.2.2 代码实现 2.2.3 测试结果 3. 备注 1. 前言 大家在学习C语言的时候,是不是经常被排序算法折磨的很难那首,其实都是但是在C++中有专门的,排序函数,而且支持自定义排序算法。下面我就带大家看看,sort函数简单的数组排序中的应用。 2. 正文 2.1 问题 题目描述

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