AI chatbot technology review

2023-12-09 08:08
文章标签 ai technology review chatbot

本文主要是介绍AI chatbot technology review,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Meta is a hotspot in last year and lots of companines keen on building a super Meta world to replace real world. More and more product can be created based on this concept. 【1】introduce a virtual human 陈水若 that can make a virtual conversition with human being by Microsoft 小冰 research group. In last year, CNN introduce that Microsoft patented a chatbot that would let you talk to dead people. It was too disturbing for production【2】。 

The function of virtual human are as following "Conversing in the personality of a specific person may include determining and/or using conversational attributes of the specific person, such as style, diction, tone, voice, intent, sentence/dialogue length and complexity, topic and consistency," as well as using behavioral attributes such as interests and opinions and demographic information such as age, gender and profession, the patent states.

The technologies include : "In some cases, the tool could even be used to apply voice and facial recognition algorithms to recordings, images and videos to create a voice and 2D or 3D model of the person to enhance the chatbot". also there is a paper methoned in [1] like "《Nature》刊登了来自MIT 研究团队的论文——机器学习的技术进展,让文本、图像、音频和视频数据的超现实合成成为可能", which is "AI-generated characters for supporting personalized learning and well-being"【3】【4】【5】the code link GitHub - mitmedialab/AI-generated-characters: AI-generated-character


路过人间遇见你!三次元虚拟小姐姐翻唱《华夏》除夕贺新春 - 知乎,路过人间遇见你!三次元虚拟小姐姐翻唱《华夏》除夕贺新春 - 知乎编辑:桃子 好困 【新智元导读】虎年的钟声即将敲响,一场突如其来的雪让大地银装素裹,而一觉醒来又消失得无影无踪。在这冬天的尽头,两位美丽的虚拟小姐姐带着她们的歌声路过人间,遇见你。闭眼倾听,你感受到了…

【2】Microsoft patented a chatbot that would let you talk to dead people. It was too disturbing for production,Microsoft patented a chatbot that would let you talk to dead people. It was too disturbing for production - CNN【3】AI-generated characters for supporting personalized learning and well-being

AI-generated characters for supporting personalized learning and well-being | Nature Machine Intelligence

【4】Nature子刊NMI2021_AI-generated characters for supporting personalized learning and well-being_阅读笔记 - 知乎

【5】Overview ‹ AI-generated Characters for Learning and Wellbeing — MIT Media Lab

AI-generated characters for supporting personalized learning and well-being | Nature Machine IntelligenceAdvancements in machine learning have recently enabled the hyper-realistic synthesis of prose, images, audio and video data, in what is referred to as artificial intelligence (AI)-generated media. These techniques offer novel opportunities for creating interactions with digital portrayals of individuals that can inspire and intrigue us. AI-generated portrayals of characters can feature synthesized faces, bodies and voices of anyone, from a fictional character to a historical figure, or even a deceased family member. Although negative use cases of this technology have dominated the conversation so far, in this Perspective we highlight emerging positive use cases of AI-generated characters, specifically in supporting learning and well-being. We demonstrate an easy-to-use AI character generation pipeline to enable such outcomes and discuss ethical implications as well as the need for including traceability to help maintain trust in the generated media. As we look towards the future, we foresee generative media as a crucial part of the ever growing landscape of human–AI interaction. Digitally recreating the likeness of a person used to be a costly and complex process. Through the use of generative models, AI-generated characters can now be made with relative ease. Pataranutaporn et al. discuss in this Perspective how this technology can be used for positive applications in education and well-being.

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