【Pytorch】Visualization of Feature Maps(4)——Saliency Maps

2023-11-30 11:45

本文主要是介绍【Pytorch】Visualization of Feature Maps(4)——Saliency Maps,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



  • Saliency Maps的原理与简单实现(使用Pytorch实现)
  • https://github.com/wmn7/ML_Practice/tree/master/2019_07_08/Saliency%20Maps

Saliency Maps 原理

《Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualising Image Classification Models and Saliency Maps》(arXiv-2013)


A saliency map tells us the degree to which each pixel in the image affects the classification score for that image.
To compute it, we compute the gradient of the unnormalized score corresponding to the correct class (which is a scalar)
with respect to the pixels of the image. If the image has shape (3, H, W) then this gradient will also have shape (3, H, W);
for each pixel in the image, this gradient tells us the amount by which the classification score will change if the pixel
changes by a small amount. To compute the saliency map, we take the absolute value of this gradient, then take the maximum value over the 3 input channels; the final saliency map thus has shape (H, W) and all entries are non-negative.

Saliency Maps相当于是计算图像的每一个pixel是如何影响一个分类器的, 或者说分类器对图像中每一个pixel哪些认为是重要的.

会计算图像每一个像素点的梯度。如果图像的形状是(3, H, W),这个梯度的形状也是(3, H, W);对于图像中的每个像素点,

计算 saliency map 的时候,需要计算出梯度的绝对值,然后再取三个颜色通道的最大值;

因此最后的 saliency map的形状是(H, W)为一个通道的灰度图。

直接来代码,先载入些数据,用的是 cs231n 作业里面的 imagenet_val_25.npz,含有 imagenet 数据中验证集的 25 张图片

import torch
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as T
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
from PIL import ImageSQUEEZENET_MEAN = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], dtype=np.float32)
SQUEEZENET_STD = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225], dtype=np.float32)def load_imagenet_val(num=None):"""Load a handful of validation images from ImageNet.Inputs:- num: Number of images to load (max of 25)Returns:- X: numpy array with shape [num, 224, 224, 3]- y: numpy array of integer image labels, shape [num]- class_names: dict mapping integer label to class name"""imagenet_fn = 'imagenet_val_25.npz'if not os.path.isfile(imagenet_fn):print('file %s not found' % imagenet_fn)print('Run the following:')print('cd cs231n/datasets')print('bash get_imagenet_val.sh')assert False, 'Need to download imagenet_val_25.npz'f = np.load(imagenet_fn, allow_pickle=True)X = f['X']  # (25, 224, 224, 3)y = f['y']  # (25, )class_names = f['label_map'].item()  # 999if num is not None:X = X[:num]y = y[:num]return X, y, class_names


# 辅助函数
def preprocess(img, size=224):transform = T.Compose([T.Resize(size),T.ToTensor(),T.Normalize(mean=SQUEEZENET_MEAN.tolist(),std=SQUEEZENET_STD.tolist()),T.Lambda(lambda x: x[None]),])return transform(img)




核心代码,计算 saliency maps

def compute_saliency_maps(X, y, model):"""X表示图片, y表示分类结果, model表示使用的分类模型Input : - X : Input images : Tensor of shape (N, 3, H, W)- y : Label for X : LongTensor of shape (N,)- model : A pretrained CNN that will be used to computer the saliency mapReturn :- saliency : A Tensor of shape (N, H, W) giving the saliency maps for the input images"""# 确保model是test模式model.eval()# 确保X是需要gradientX.requires_grad_() # 仅开启了输入图片的梯度saliency = Nonelogits = model.forward(X)  # torch.Size([5, 1000]), 前向获取 logitslogits = logits.gather(1, y.view(-1, 1)).squeeze()  # torch.Size([5]) 得到正确分类 logits (5张图片标签相应类别的 logits)logits.backward(torch.FloatTensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]))  # 只计算正确分类部分的loss(正确类别梯度为 1 回传)saliency = abs(X.grad.data)  # 返回X的梯度绝对值大小, torch.Size([5, 3, 224, 224])saliency, _ = torch.max(saliency, dim=1)  # torch.Size([5, 224, 224]),取 rgb 3通道的最大值return saliency.squeeze()

显示 saliency maps

def show_saliency_maps(X, y):# Convert X and y from numpy arrays to Torch TensorsX_tensor = torch.cat([preprocess(Image.fromarray(x)) for x in X], dim=0) # torch.Size([5, 3, 224, 224])y_tensor = torch.LongTensor(y)# Compute saliency maps for images in Xsaliency = compute_saliency_maps(X_tensor, y_tensor, model)# Convert the saliency map from Torch Tensor to numpy array and show images# and saliency maps together.saliency = saliency.numpy()N = X.shape[0]  # 5for i in range(N):plt.subplot(2, N, i + 1)plt.imshow(X[i])plt.axis('off')plt.title(class_names[y[i]])plt.subplot(2, N, N + i + 1)plt.imshow(saliency[i], cmap=plt.cm.hot)plt.axis('off')plt.gcf().set_size_inches(12, 5)plt.show()

下面开始调用,首先载入模型,使其梯度冻结,仅打开输入图片的梯度,这样反向传播的时候会更新图片,得到我们想要的 saliency maps

# Download and load the pretrained SqueezeNet model.
model = torchvision.models.squeezenet1_1(pretrained=True)# We don't want to train the model, so tell PyTorch not to compute gradients
# with respect to model parameters.
for param in model.parameters():param.requires_grad = False

加载一些图片看看,25 张中抽出来 5 张

X, y, class_names = load_imagenet_val(num=5)  # X: (5, 224, 224, 3) | y: (5,) | class_names: 999"show images"plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
for i in range(5):plt.subplot(1, 5, i + 1)plt.imshow(X[i])plt.title(class_names[y[i]])plt.axis('off')

把五张图片的 saliency maps 画出来

show_saliency_maps(X, y)

我把 25 张都画出来了




核心代码中涉及到了 gather 函数,下面来个简单的例子就明白了

# Example of using gather to select one entry from each row in PyTorch
# 用来返回matrix指定行某个位置的值
import torchdef gather_example():N, C = 4, 5s = torch.randn(N, C) # 随机生成 4 行 5 列的 tensory = torch.LongTensor([1, 2, 1, 3])print(s)print(y)print(torch.LongTensor(y).view(-1, 1))print(s.gather(1, y.view(-1, 1)).squeeze()) # 抽取每行相应的列数位置上的数值gather_example()"""
tensor([[ 0.8119,  0.2664, -1.4168, -0.1490, -0.0675],[ 0.5335,  0.6304, -0.7200, -0.0974, -0.9934],[-0.8305,  0.5189,  0.7359,  1.5875,  0.0505],[ 0.4335, -1.1389, -0.7771,  0.5779,  0.3515]])
tensor([1, 2, 1, 3])
tensor([ 0.2664, -0.7200,  0.5189,  0.5779])

这篇关于【Pytorch】Visualization of Feature Maps(4)——Saliency Maps的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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Nn criterions don’t compute the gradient w.r.t. targets error「pytorch」 (debug笔记)

Nn criterions don’t compute the gradient w.r.t. targets error「pytorch」 ##一、 缘由及解决方法 把这个pytorch-ddpg|github搬到jupyter notebook上运行时,出现错误Nn criterions don’t compute the gradient w.r.t. targets error。注:我用


3、cnn基础 卷积神经网络 输入层 —输入图片矩阵 输入层一般是 RGB 图像或单通道的灰度图像,图片像素值在[0,255],可以用矩阵表示图片 卷积层 —特征提取 人通过特征进行图像识别,根据左图直的笔画判断X,右图曲的笔画判断圆 卷积操作 激活层 —加强特征 池化层 —压缩数据 全连接层 —进行分类 输出层 —输出分类概率 4、基于LeNet

pytorch torch.nn.functional.one_hot函数介绍

torch.nn.functional.one_hot 是 PyTorch 中用于生成独热编码(one-hot encoding)张量的函数。独热编码是一种常用的编码方式,特别适用于分类任务或对离散的类别标签进行处理。该函数将整数张量的每个元素转换为一个独热向量。 函数签名 torch.nn.functional.one_hot(tensor, num_classes=-1) 参数 t


from torchsummary import summarysummary(net, input_size=(3, 256, 256), batch_size=-1) 输出的参数是除以一百万(/1000000)M, from fvcore.nn import FlopCountAnalysisinputs = torch.randn(1, 3, 256, 256).cuda()fl


🎯要点 🎯受激发射损耗显微镜算法模型:🖊恢复嘈杂二维和三维图像 | 🖊模型架构:恢复上下文信息和超分辨率图像 | 🖊使用嘈杂和高信噪比的图像训练模型 | 🖊准备半合成训练集 | 🖊优化沙邦尼尔损失和边缘损失 | 🖊使用峰值信噪比、归一化均方误差和多尺度结构相似性指数量化结果 | 🎯训练荧光显微镜模型和对抗网络图形转换模型 🍪语言内容分比 🍇Python图像归一化


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