本文主要是介绍xilinx A7 (artix 7)serdes GTP 生成的example例程注释解析,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
XILINX的 serdes GT IP真的是够复杂的,生成的例子也是复杂,而且为了适配各种情况,代码里很多冗余的东西,发送部分比较简单 ,接收部分有点繁琐,我做了点注释,这里的只做的GTP的,GTX的自己看吧。
// ____ ____
// / /\/ /
// /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx
// \ \ \/ Version : 3.6
// \ \ Application : 7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard
// / / Filename : gtwizard_0_gt_frame_check.v
// /___/ /\
// \ \ / \
// \___\/\___\
// Module gtwizard_0_GT_FRAME_CHECK
// Generated by Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard
// (c) Copyright 2010-2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This file contains confidential and proprietary information
// of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and
// international copyright and other intellectual property
// laws.
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// Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-
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// PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. `timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define DLY #1//***********************************Entity Declaration************************
(* DowngradeIPIdentifiedWarnings="yes" *)
module gtwizard_0_GT_FRAME_CHECK #
(// parameter to set the number of words in the BRAMparameter RX_DATA_WIDTH = 64,parameter RXCTRL_WIDTH = 2,parameter WORDS_IN_BRAM = 512,parameter CHANBOND_SEQ_LEN = 1,parameter COMMA_DOUBLE = 16'hf628,parameter START_OF_PACKET_CHAR = 64'h00000000000000fb
(// User Interfaceinput wire [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] RX_DATA_IN,input wire [(RXCTRL_WIDTH-1):0] RXCTRL_IN,output reg RXENPCOMMADET_OUT, // 未用,高电平有效信号,可实现字节边界对齐检测到plus COMMA模式时进行处理。output reg RXENMCOMMADET_OUT, // 未用,高电平有效信号,可实现字节边界对齐检测到minus COMMA模式时进行处理。 output reg RX_ENCHAN_SYNC_OUT, // 未用,驱动mgt的enchansync端口进行通道绑定input wire RX_CHANBOND_SEQ_IN, // 输入通道绑定序列,不绑定时为0// Control Interfaceinput wire INC_IN, // 未用output wire INC_OUT, // 非独立的收发测试时输出已开始进行COMMA检测,指示发送端地址递增output wire PATTERN_MATCHB_OUT, // COMMA不匹配input wire RESET_ON_ERROR_IN, // 通过将PATTERN_MATCHB_OUT输出给外部,由此产生出错后的复位// Error Monitoringoutput wire [7:0] ERROR_COUNT_OUT, // 错误数// Track Dataoutput wire TRACK_DATA_OUT, // 指示接收到的数据是否符合预期output wire RX_SLIDE, // 在对齐时要求GT滑动// System Interfaceinput wire USER_CLK,input wire SYSTEM_RESET
);//***************************Internal Register Declarations******************** reg reset_on_error_in_r;
reg reset_on_error_in_r2;
(* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE" *) (* keep = "true" *)reg system_reset_r;
(* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE" *) (* keep = "true" *)reg system_reset_r2;reg begin_r;
reg data_error_detected_r;
reg [8:0] error_count_r;
reg error_detected_r;
reg [9:0] read_counter_i; reg [79:0] rom [0:511]; reg [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] rx_data_r;reg [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] rx_data_r_track;reg start_of_packet_detected_r;
reg track_data_r;
reg track_data_r2;
reg track_data_r3;
reg [79:0] rx_data_ram_r;reg [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] rx_data_r2;reg [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] rx_data_r3;reg [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] rx_data_r4;reg [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] rx_data_r5;reg [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] rx_data_r6;reg [(RXCTRL_WIDTH-1):0] rxctrl_r;reg [(RXCTRL_WIDTH-1):0] rxctrl_r2;reg [(RXCTRL_WIDTH-1):0] rxctrl_r3;reg rx_chanbond_seq_r;
reg rx_chanbond_seq_r2;
reg rx_chanbond_seq_r3; reg idle_slip_r;reg slip_assert_r;reg wait_state_r;reg bit_align_r;reg [6:0] wait_before_slip_r;reg [6:0] wait_before_init_r; reg [1:0] sel;
//*********************************Wire Declarations***************************wire [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] bram_data_r;
wire error_detected_c;
wire next_begin_c;
wire next_data_error_detected_c;
wire next_track_data_c;
wire start_of_packet_detected_c;
wire chanbondseq_in_data;
wire input_to_chanbond_data_i;
wire input_to_chanbond_reg_i;
wire [(CHANBOND_SEQ_LEN-1):0] rx_chanbond_reg;
wire rxdata_or;
wire count_slip_complete_c;
wire next_idle_slip_c;
wire next_slip_assert_c;
wire wait_state_c;wire [(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] rx_data_aligned;
wire rx_data_has_start_char_c;
wire tied_to_ground_i;
wire [31:0] tied_to_ground_vec_i;
wire tied_to_vcc_i;//*********************************Main Body of Code***************************//_______________________ Static signal Assigments _______________________ assign tied_to_ground_i = 1'b0;assign tied_to_ground_vec_i = 32'h0000;assign tied_to_vcc_i = 1'b1;//___________ synchronizing the async reset for ease of timing simulation ________always@(posedge USER_CLK)beginsystem_reset_r <= `DLY SYSTEM_RESET; system_reset_r2 <= `DLY system_reset_r; end always@(posedge USER_CLK)beginreset_on_error_in_r <= `DLY RESET_ON_ERROR_IN; reset_on_error_in_r2 <= `DLY reset_on_error_in_r; end //______________________ Register RXDATA once to ease timing ______________ always @(posedge USER_CLK)beginrx_data_r <= `DLY RX_DATA_IN;rx_data_r2 <= `DLY rx_data_r;end always @(posedge USER_CLK)beginrxctrl_r <= `DLY RXCTRL_IN;end//________________________________ State machine __________________________ // State registersalways @(posedge USER_CLK)if(system_reset_r2){begin_r,track_data_r,data_error_detected_r} <= `DLY 3'b100;elsebeginbegin_r <= `DLY next_begin_c;track_data_r <= `DLY next_track_data_c;data_error_detected_r <= `DLY next_data_error_detected_c;end// Next state logicassign next_begin_c = (begin_r && !start_of_packet_detected_r) // 产生启动请求信号,在该信号复位为高后且未收到已开始数据检测的指示时保持为高,或数据出错时|| data_error_detected_r ;assign next_track_data_c = (begin_r && start_of_packet_detected_r) // 产生检测数据跟踪请求,在启动为高后且收到开始检测到有效数据的指示时保持为高,或者已启动数据跟踪且未出错时|| (track_data_r && !error_detected_r);assign next_data_error_detected_c = (track_data_r && error_detected_r); // 已启动跟踪,且检测到了错误 assign start_of_packet_detected_c = rx_data_has_start_char_c; // 已开始检测到有效数据always @(posedge USER_CLK) start_of_packet_detected_r <= `DLY start_of_packet_detected_c; // Registering for timingalways @(posedge USER_CLK) track_data_r2 <= `DLY track_data_r; always @(posedge USER_CLK) track_data_r3 <= `DLY track_data_r2; //______________________________ Capture incoming data ____________________ // 根据COMMA出现的位置将32b重新对齐always @(posedge USER_CLK)beginif(system_reset_r2) rx_data_r3 <= 'h0;else beginif(sel == 2'b01)beginrx_data_r3 <= `DLY {rx_data_r[(RX_DATA_WIDTH/4-1):0],rx_data_r2[(RX_DATA_WIDTH - 1):RX_DATA_WIDTH/4]}; endelse if(sel == 2'b10)beginrx_data_r3 <= `DLY {rx_data_r[(2*RX_DATA_WIDTH/4-1):0],rx_data_r2[(RX_DATA_WIDTH - 1):2*RX_DATA_WIDTH/4]}; endelse if(sel == 2'b11)beginrx_data_r3 <= `DLY {rx_data_r[(3*RX_DATA_WIDTH/4 - 1):0],rx_data_r2[(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):3*RX_DATA_WIDTH/4]}; endelse rx_data_r3 <= `DLY rx_data_r2;endendalways @(posedge USER_CLK)beginif(system_reset_r2) beginrx_data_r4 <= `DLY 'h0;rx_data_r5 <= `DLY 'h0;rx_data_r6 <= `DLY 'h0;rx_data_r_track <= `DLY 'h0;endelsebeginrx_data_r4 <= `DLY rx_data_r3;rx_data_r5 <= `DLY rx_data_r4;rx_data_r6 <= `DLY rx_data_r5;rx_data_r_track <= `DLY rx_data_r6;endendalways @(posedge USER_CLK)beginif(system_reset_r2) beginrxctrl_r2 <= `DLY 'h0;rxctrl_r3 <= `DLY 'h0;endelsebeginrxctrl_r2 <= `DLY rxctrl_r;rxctrl_r3 <= `DLY rxctrl_r2;endendassign rx_data_aligned = rx_data_r3;//___________________________ Code for Channel bonding ____________________ // code to prevent checking of clock correction sequences for the start of packet charalways @(posedge USER_CLK)beginrx_chanbond_seq_r <= `DLY RX_CHANBOND_SEQ_IN;rx_chanbond_seq_r2 <= `DLY rx_chanbond_seq_r;rx_chanbond_seq_r3 <= `DLY rx_chanbond_seq_r2;endassign input_to_chanbond_reg_i = rx_chanbond_seq_r2; //一直为0assign input_to_chanbond_data_i = tied_to_ground_i;//______________ Code for Bit Slipping Logic______________assign rxdata_or = |(rx_data_r|rx_data_r2|rx_data_r3); // 通道有收到数据// State registersalways @(posedge USER_CLK)if( (system_reset_r2 == 1'b1) | (wait_before_init_r[6] == 1'b0) | (rxdata_or == 1'b0) ){idle_slip_r,slip_assert_r,wait_state_r} <= `DLY 3'b100;elsebeginidle_slip_r <= `DLY next_idle_slip_c;slip_assert_r <= `DLY next_slip_assert_c;wait_state_r <= `DLY wait_state_c;end// Next state logicassign next_idle_slip_c = (idle_slip_r & bit_align_r) | (wait_state_r & count_slip_complete_c); // slip操作空闲信号,当复为后且bit已对齐时,或者已完成执行滑窗后的等待assign next_slip_assert_c = (idle_slip_r & !bit_align_r); // 继续执行slip,上一slip操作已完成,但bit仍未对齐assign wait_state_c = (slip_assert_r) | (wait_state_r & !count_slip_complete_c); // slip请求已产生,但是等待操作还未完成,则持续等待//_______ Counter for waiting clock cycles after RXSLIDE________always @(posedge USER_CLK)beginif (!wait_state_r)wait_before_slip_r <= `DLY 7'b000000;elsewait_before_slip_r <= `DLY wait_before_slip_r + 1'b1; // slip操作等待计时器end//_______ Counter for waiting clock cycles before starting RXSLIDE operation________//_______ Wait for 64 clock cycles to see if the RXDATA is already byte aligned. If not, start RXSLIDE operationalways @(posedge USER_CLK)begin if( (system_reset_r2 == 1'b1) | (rxdata_or == 1'b0) )wait_before_init_r <= `DLY 7'b0000000;else if (wait_before_init_r[6] == 1'b0) // 在启动接收前等待64clkwait_before_init_r <= `DLY wait_before_init_r + 1'b1;endassign count_slip_complete_c = wait_before_slip_r[6];always @(posedge USER_CLK)beginif( (system_reset_r2 == 1'b1) | (rxdata_or == 1'b0) ) beginbit_align_r <= 1'b0;end else beginif( ({rx_data_r[23:0],rx_data_r2[31:24]} == START_OF_PACKET_CHAR) || ({rx_data_r[15:0],rx_data_r2[31:16]} == START_OF_PACKET_CHAR) || ({rx_data_r[7:0],rx_data_r2[31:8]} == START_OF_PACKET_CHAR) || (rx_data_r[31:0]== START_OF_PACKET_CHAR) )beginbit_align_r <= 1'b1; // 比较COMMA所有可能存在的4种情况以确定bit对齐endendend// Comma realignment logic might be needed. 4 levels of registering for RXDATA to meet timing// In 4 Byte scenario, when align_comma_word=1, Comma can appear on any of the four bytes.// { BYTE3 | BYTE2 | BYTE1 | BYTE0 } - Comma can appear on BYTE0/1/2/3// If Comma appears on BYTE1/2/3, RX_DATA is realigned so that Comma appears on BYTE0 in rx_data_r_trackalways @(posedge USER_CLK)beginif(reset_on_error_in_r2 || system_reset_r2) sel <= 2'b00;else if (begin_r && !rx_chanbond_seq_r)begin// if Comma appears on BYTE3 ..if((rx_data_r[(RX_DATA_WIDTH - 1) : 3*RX_DATA_WIDTH/4] == START_OF_PACKET_CHAR[7:0]) && rxctrl_r[3]) // rxctrl_r 指示COMMA出现的位置,并比较收的包头是否匹配sel <= 2'b11; // if Comma appears on BYTE2 ..else if((rx_data_r[(3*RX_DATA_WIDTH/4 - 1):2*RX_DATA_WIDTH/4] == START_OF_PACKET_CHAR[7:0]) && rxctrl_r[2])beginsel <= 2'b10;end// if Comma appears on BYTE1 ..else if((rx_data_r[(2*RX_DATA_WIDTH/4 - 1):RX_DATA_WIDTH/4] == START_OF_PACKET_CHAR[7:0]) && rxctrl_r[1])beginsel <= 2'b01;end// if Comma appears on BYTE0 ..else if((rx_data_r[(RX_DATA_WIDTH/4 - 1):0] == START_OF_PACKET_CHAR[7:0]) && rxctrl_r[0])beginsel <= 2'b00;endend end//___________________________ Code for Channel bonding ____________________ // code to prevent checking of clock correction sequences for the start of packet chargenvar i; generatefor (i=0;i<CHANBOND_SEQ_LEN ;i=i+1)begin:register_chan_seqif(i==0)FD rx_chanbond_reg_0 ( .Q (rx_chanbond_reg[i]), .D (input_to_chanbond_reg_i), .C(USER_CLK));elseFD rx_chanbond_reg_i ( .Q (rx_chanbond_reg[i]), .D (rx_chanbond_reg[i-1]), .C(USER_CLK));endendgenerateassign chanbondseq_in_data = |rx_chanbond_reg || input_to_chanbond_data_i; // 未绑定始终为0assign rx_data_has_start_char_c = (rx_data_aligned[7:0] == START_OF_PACKET_CHAR[7:0]) && !chanbondseq_in_data && (|rxctrl_r3); // 只要对齐后的数据有一byte匹配//_____________________________ Assign output ports _______________________ //assign TRACK_DATA_OUT = track_data_r;assign RX_SLIDE = slip_assert_r; // 输出slip信号// Drive the enpcommaalign port of the gt for alignment// Active-High signal that enables the byte boundary alignment process when the plus comma pattern is detected.always @(posedge USER_CLK)if(system_reset_r2) RXENPCOMMADET_OUT <= `DLY 1'b0;else RXENPCOMMADET_OUT <= `DLY 1'b1;// Drive the enmcommaalign port of the gt for alignment// Active-High signal that enables the byte boundary alignment process when the minus comma pattern is detected.always @(posedge USER_CLK)if(system_reset_r2) RXENMCOMMADET_OUT <= `DLY 1'b0;else RXENMCOMMADET_OUT <= `DLY 1'b1;assign INC_OUT = start_of_packet_detected_c; assign PATTERN_MATCHB_OUT = data_error_detected_r;// Drive the enchansync port of the mgt for channel bondingalways @(posedge USER_CLK)if(system_reset_r2) RX_ENCHAN_SYNC_OUT <= `DLY 1'b0;else RX_ENCHAN_SYNC_OUT <= `DLY 1'b1;//___________________________ Check incoming data for errors ______________//An error is detected when data read for the BRAM does not match the incoming dataassign error_detected_c = track_data_r3 && (rx_data_r_track != bram_data_r); // 数据与ROM中不匹配//We register the error_detected signal for use with the error counter logicalways @(posedge USER_CLK)if(!track_data_r) error_detected_r <= `DLY 1'b0;elseerror_detected_r <= `DLY error_detected_c; //We count the total number of errors we detect. By keeping a count we make it less likely that we will miss//errors we did not directly observe. always @(posedge USER_CLK)if(system_reset_r2)error_count_r <= `DLY 9'd0;else if(error_detected_r)error_count_r <= `DLY error_count_r + 1; //Here we connect the lower 8 bits of the count (the MSbit is used only to check when the counter reaches//max value) to the module outputassign ERROR_COUNT_OUT = error_count_r[7:0];localparam ST_LINK_DOWN = 1'b0;localparam ST_LINK_UP = 1'b1;reg sm_link = ST_LINK_DOWN;reg [6:0] link_ctr = 7'd0;always @(posedge USER_CLK) beginif(!track_data_r) sm_link <= ST_LINK_DOWN;else case (sm_link)// The link is considered to be down when the link counter initially has a value less than 67. When the link is// down, the counter is incremented on each cycle where all PRBS bits match, but reset whenever any PRBS mismatch// occurs. When the link counter reaches 67, transition to the link up state.ST_LINK_DOWN: beginif (error_detected_r !== 1'b0) beginlink_ctr <= 7'd0;endelse beginif (link_ctr < 7'd67)link_ctr <= link_ctr + 7'd1;elsesm_link <= ST_LINK_UP;endend// When the link is up, the link counter is decreased by 34 whenever any PRBS mismatch occurs, but is increased by// only 1 on each cycle where all PRBS bits match, up to its saturation point of 67. If the link counter reaches// 0 (including rollover protection), transition to the link down state.ST_LINK_UP: beginif (error_detected_r !== 1'b0) beginif (link_ctr > 7'd33) beginlink_ctr <= link_ctr - 7'd34;if (link_ctr == 7'd34)sm_link <= ST_LINK_DOWN;endelse beginlink_ctr <= 7'd0;sm_link <= ST_LINK_DOWN;endendelse beginif (link_ctr < 7'd67)link_ctr <= link_ctr + 7'd1;endendendcaseendassign TRACK_DATA_OUT = sm_link;//____________________________ Counter to read from BRAM __________________________ always @(posedge USER_CLK)if(system_reset_r2 || (read_counter_i == (WORDS_IN_BRAM-1)))beginread_counter_i <= `DLY 10'd0;endelse if (start_of_packet_detected_r && !track_data_r)beginread_counter_i <= `DLY 10'd0;endelsebeginread_counter_i <= `DLY read_counter_i + 10'd1;end//________________________________ BRAM Inference Logic _____________________________ //Array slice from dat file to compare against receive data
begin : datapath_80assign bram_data_r = rx_data_ram_r[(RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):0];
begin : datapath_16_20_32_40_64assign bram_data_r = rx_data_ram_r[(16+RX_DATA_WIDTH-1):16];
endgenerate`ifdef SIMinitialbegin$readmemh("gt_rom_init_rx.dat",rom,0,511);endalways @(posedge USER_CLK)rx_data_ram_r <= `DLY rom[read_counter_i];
`elsealways @(posedge USER_CLK)rx_data_ram_r <= 'haa5555aa;//`DLY rom[read_counter_i];
`endif endmodule
这篇关于xilinx A7 (artix 7)serdes GTP 生成的example例程注释解析的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!